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any opinions about the ideal length of time for a single sex session ?

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Unless it's a quickie, we really don't set a time limit. They can be over in 15 to 20, have lasted more than 2 hours from first kiss to cum.
If you need to set a time limit you should not be doing it. Sex for me lasts until it is no longer pleasurable or we are just worn out.
till it cums to an end
lol it's a personal thing!
Time tends to get screwy when its good. I'd had all afternoon sessions that actually were only 45 minutes, and all nighters that turned out to be just two hours. It really been a surprise to look at the clock and discover its been stopped somehow & restarted.
This really depends. I don't think there is one answer to this question. I could be looking for a quickie before I go to sleep, rather than an all night sexathon. Maybe I am looking to fuck all night, and then I want us to go for as long as possible. Maybe we're out of the house, and have limited time, or we're at an event and the longer we take the more likely we get caught. My point is that there are lots of options and lots of factors which influence them.
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We set a kitchen timer for 3 minutes, and when it dings, it's over. Too much to do to spend a lot of time on any one thing!

Seriously, it can be (and hs been) anything from a quickie, wham-bam-thank you ma'am session, which can be a lot of fun, up to something where we've spent the entire evening teasing and talking and enjoying the slow build-up. I think a single session consists of the entire thing, from the first tingles to the exhausted afterglow, however long it takes, and as my partner is wonderfully multi-orgasmic, it's often still a very enjoyable session for both of us even long after I've reached orgasm.

That makes the short answer: The ideal time is as long as it takes and as long as it's enjoyable, and it will likely be different every time.
I posted a question on this in the Ladies forum and was basically chewed out by several of them. Our sessions got incredibly long for awhile. We were swinging and I had incredible stamina. I can remember going for an hour and fifteen one night. Took my that long to cum. Took her as long. Not lying or bragging. That was the length of the intercourse, not the foreplay. I would have been ok at 40 - 45 minutes, but it took us longer. At the parties, guys couldn't get her off. Gals I was in would orgasm and I wouldn't. Was the best sex of my life!
How long is a piece of string ? It all depends on your activity. Some role plays can last for ages . As long as your both satisfied, time need not come into it.
There's something about a spontaneous quickie that has some risk to it. They should be short, and too the point, that being getting off.

There are also those times when you have no risk but just want some fun.

Mostly, I like to have time, lots of time! A weekend or a day to leisurely enjoy each other.
Until she says “Uncle”...[-o<
Until one of us tires, 2-3 hours.
I had some wonderful times which lasted ten minutes and others that last half the night. There is no "Ideal" length of time it depends upon the mood - and your partner - at the time.
There are times when more than enough sex does not satisfy me, but then there have been times when a few minutes in the back seat of a car has been wonderful, and then there are those times when if I want sex I can do myself
This is so wildly dependent on circumstance, that I can't say what's ideal in any one. A fifteen minute quickie can be a good way to relieve your tension before bed, or even a five minute quickie in the car before a concert can be amazing because it is so intense. On the other hand, I have had sex for between four and five hours at a stretch and had it also be amazing. Longer than that if you don't count rest or food breaks as starting a new session.
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Quote by She
This is so wildly dependent on circumstance, that I can't say what's ideal in any one. A fifteen minute quickie can be a good way to relieve your tension before bed, or even a five minute quickie in the car before a concert can be amazing because it is so intense. On the other hand, I have had sex for between four and five hours at a stretch and had it also be amazing. Longer than that if you don't count rest or food breaks as starting a new session.

If it's finger food you can feed each other, definitely the same session.

Not less than thirty minutes or it's a quickie, not more than six hours. Usually.

Edit: If you nap less than an hour it's also still the same session. With naps there's not telling how long a reasonable session can go on.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

My longest session lasted a little over 5 hours. My shortest, less than a minute. The ideal length is somewhere between the two.
I have never had a timer or stop watch available to time or want to time activities. They are what they are based on avability, mental status, and energy.
Who, in God's name, thinks up these inane questions. That's like asking how long the ideal shower should be? Pretty much everyone has said the same thing, it varies, and anyone who could give one definite length of time, isn't have much sex.
Quote by Sweet_Reese
... anyone who could give one definite length of time, isn't having much sex.

I hadn't thought of that, but you are absolutely right. Those of us who actually get some have given ranges from one minute to many hours. Nobody has given a fixed time.

Got it! The ideal time for a single sex session is whatever time is available.

Looks like we're in for a nasty spell of wether.

Gracie Goes To Hollywood's - True

The Night They Tried to Close RUMPLATIONS Bar (with JamesLlewellyn)

26 minutes and 14.5 seconds.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
26 minutes and 14.5 seconds.

What do I do for the first 26 minutes and 14 seconds??
Quote by sprite
26 minutes and 14.5 seconds.

I'm just getting started at 26 minutes
45 mins to an 1

20 minutes of that is mostly non-sexual massages to get everyone in the mood.
Latex Session:depends on partner but I don't keep track of time.