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StarBelliedBoy's Finest Filth

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I've only been on Lush since 2009, so I thought maybe it was time to make one of these. Most of my older stories are even older than their Lush posting date, and until I treat them to a revamp I'm a little embarrassed about them, so this won't be in chronological order.

However, I will start with the oldest story that I am proud of:

Little Red-Cap

This starts off very close to an old translation of the Brothers Grimm version of the fairy tale more commonly known as Little Red Riding Hood, hence the name, but it is not the version you should read to your children. Those who know my stories will be shocked to find that it's completely straight, but also completely filthy.

It was posted in 2010, before Recommended Reads existed, but there was a user by the name of sprite, new at the time, who left a nice comment on it. I then went on to read her stories, and was so intimidated by her talent that, bar the one that followed, I posted nothing for nearly ten years, but I treasure that comment all the same. I gave the story a tidy-up last year, and still think it's a fun and filthy read.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Fucktastic story! Grimm Bros would be proud (and harder than life).

It's as filthy and fun as advertised, also damn brilliant.

Thank you!

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.

Thanks AC! You might like the next one too, as it is also a filthy fairy tale:

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

A rather greedy girl finds out what happens when you break into the house of three gruff men and break their stuff. It was also posted before RRs were a thing, and also got a nice comment from a certain favourite author of mine at the time. I gave it bit of a tidy up at the end of last year and a few more people read it, including a mod who gave it an RR, which was rather generous.

If it leaves you with an insatiable appetite for porridge, then VioletVixen wrote her own take on the tale, which left me even more jealous of Goldilocks...

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Skipping ahead, my latest story is my first foray into the world of Water Sports, a category I kept telling myself wasn't my thing despite all the stories by sprite and naughtyannie I enjoyed that featured it:

(What's The Story) Morning Glory?

Tom wakes up after a night of drinking, as so many of us do, with a hard cock and full bladder. However, he's not alone in the bed and Jessica has a rather novel way to solve both those problems. And yes, there are multiple Oasis references in a story about pee.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Since it's almost Christmas, I wrote a Christmas tale about how I wish Christmas pudding was served. It is very messy, and was awarded a Recommended Read:

Christmas Pudding With All The Trimmings

If you're still in the mood for seasonal stories after that, I wrote two amusing Micros this time last year:

Building A Better Snowman

Hail Santa!

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

It really does have all the trimmings and then some. Delicious read. 😜

Thanks Violet!

My entry in the latest competition is now live, and is my first story in the Lesbian category, revealing what happens at the new mums support group Christmas party in a remote town in northern Australia AKA the Top End. It has a Jurassic Park reference (and one to a less well-known movie), tentacles, and Aussie slang.

Ripples In The Riesling

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I felt it was time for some gay male sex, so I polished up a draft I'd abandoned for one of the recent competitions. Since I'd already used the original title for my entry in that comp ("Trouser Snakes On A Plane" but with 666 tacked on the beginning because SATAN), I had to come up with a new ridiculous, plane-sex-orientated title. So, unfasten your belt and ensure your dick is in an upright position for:

Caleb Bangs Cock On The Way To Bangkok

To reassure those who don't like horror or magic: there is no horror in this story. Just an aeroplane toilet, a hot flight attendant, and cock.

Oh yes, and it got a Recommended Read.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I have enjoyed your works so far! Thank you for posting details to the others. I'll catch up on them soon!

Thanks valucia! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying them.

As I work away on a story for the current competition, I thought I would promote my first ever competition entry, in the 2020 Masturbation Sex competition:

The Mercy of Schoolgirls

Peter persuades his friend Jack to come with him to the all girls school next door and spy on the gym showers, but they get a bit more than they bargained for.

It may not be my best, but it was the first new story I'd posted in almost ten years, and also the first I'd written to a theme, word and time limit, so I was pretty pleased with it. I still think it's pretty funny (and intentionally so, unlike some of my earlier efforts).

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

My entry in the Spring Forward competition takes its name from a song by the Kings of Leon. It is set in the witch-hunting panic of mid-17th century England, but don't expect historical accuracy. Do expect literally scorching femme-on-femme sex:

Sex On Fire

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

The competition is closed, but I forgot to post my entry in the Swing Into Summer competition on this thread, so here it is - ice cream, fairies and gay leather bear bikers, and a Black Sabbath reference:

Fairies Wear Boots

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Last week I polished up a draft I'd had hanging around for a few months and it reduced a Recommended Read. So, for those of you who enjoy the scent of chlorine, verbal degradation, gagging on cock, spit, and big, strong hairy men, I give you:

Swimming Sucks

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I wrote a poem about my best friend's vagina. She sells wonderful fuckart in which it features heavily, so, if you're interested, you should support her with a purchase: VioletVixen

Oh, here's the poem:

The Crimson Bloom

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I've begun a new blasphemous series that will hopefully be as much fun to read as it is to write. There will be at least five episodes, each intended to work as a story by itself but linked to the others, so if you read them in a different order to that in which they are published, it shouldn't matter, but together they will be a whole story. Hopefully that makes up for the fact that I have no idea how often I will write them! The first episode is split in two as it just worked better that way.

I posted the first part on the weekend, and the second will follow in a few days. Emma makes other naughty Catholic schoolgirls look like nuns - but will becoming a nun be the solution her headmaster hopes?

Emma (Part 1 Of 2)

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Just over two years ago, I published the first part of what I still consider my best work — a four part queer erotic horror story. I got me my first Recommended Read, my first Editors Pick, and, together with the following three chapters, my first (and so far only) Series Award.

There's heavy metal. There's cults. There are demons and nazis. There's lots of queer sex. And possibly Monty Python jokes. Whilst it is heavily influenced by extreme metal music, you can appreciate even if that's not your thing. If it is though, here are all four chapters with a suggested soundtrack:

Lo! Baphomet! I. Cult As Fuck

(Suggested accompaniment: raw black metal, preferably Bathory's first three albums)

Lo! Baphomet! II. Pentagram Of Pleasure

(Suggested accompaniment: psychedelic doom such as Witchcult Today by Electric Wizard or any of the first five Black Sabbath albums)

Lo! Baphomet! III. Sweet Child O' Mine

(Suggested accompaniment: something really fucked up and unsettling, like Portal, Ulcerate, or Oranssi Pazuzu)

Lo! Baphomet! IV. Sex Cult Armageddon

(Suggested accompaniment: something ominous, epic, and apocalyptic - maybe Bell Witch or Sunn 0))) )

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I started this thread with my two fairy tales, published way back in 2010. There was a ten year gap before I posted anything else, mostly because I was writing this next story. It's a true story, or as true as I could make it from my poor memory and mixed feelings about the events themselves. The mods rejected the first version because a word limit of 10 000 words had been introduced since I had last submitted anything, and I forgot to check, oops. Split into three worked better anyway, in the end.

Getting it off my chest released the floodgates of my imagination, and my writing has improved immensely since, so I recently renamed and re-edited it — it's still not how I would write it now, but it's a bit tidier. I also gave it a nice cover image. And yes, there will be more in the Memoirs Of A Boy-Slut series...

Deflowered By Dave (Part 1 Of 3)

Deflowered By Dave (Part 2 Of 3)

Deflowered By Dave (Part 3 Of 3)

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Don't be fooled by my nostalgic-looking cover image — my latest story is in the Hardcore category for a reason. Meet Will just as some of his deepest and (quite literally) filthiest sexual desires are about to be realised thanks to his older lover and two whole rugby teams. Oh, and it was awarded a Recommended Read:

November Rain

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I've been busy with family life, writing for my partner, some medical issues, and, er, let's call it very hands-on research, but I just managed to get an entry into the Anti Valentine competition. No spoilers!

Women Of Dark Desires

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Way back in 2005, before Lush even existed, I wrote my first true story. It wasn't particularly good, but I recently decided to give it a makeover. By the time I'd sent it back and forth with a friend, it was a totally different story, so I posted it as the next chapter in my Memoirs of a Boy-Slut series. Many thanks to el_henke for pointing out the parts that still needed work and also for coming up with a suitably punny title:

Crossdressing Sex Ed

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

In the 2080s, Vivian, a survivor of the banned punk scene, is still mourning the loss of her girlfriend 28 months previously to an unknown fate. To distract herself, she meets up with her only three remaining friends to see what the fugitive amongst them has brought back to London (other than a collection of century-old vinyl records).

There's sex. There's violence. There's a hopefully mildly disturbing cover pic. It's my entry in the Punked competition:

Punk’s Undead

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

The term "free love" was in use for about a century before the 1960s, and despite the more conservative times, there were still those who broke from conformity and traveled around by grabbing free rides on freight trains. So scraping in the day of the deadline, it's my entry in the Free Spirit competition, a story in the Facesitting category set in the 1920s:

The Tramp

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!