My name is Liz and I’m a super nice girl from the UK.

I have been a member of Lush for a little over three years now and think it is a wonderful place for people to share glimmers of the dirty side of their imagination.
More often than not you will find me scribbling away little phrases and similes that pop into my head throughout the day. I’m a big softy at heart and enjoy writing romantic poetry in the classical style. My main influences are English poets from the Romantic movement such as John Keats, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and William Blake.
The elements of love and passion that dominate that work tend to bleed into my prose. Most of my stories have happy endings and generally shy away from the raw, edgy erotica noir that some other Lush authors are famous for. That being said, I’m always up for a challenge and try to push myself with each new piece.
I have been fortunate enough to be declared the winner of four story competitions, a runner-up on a couple more, and the recipient of twelve Editor’s Pick awards. I also have a piece or two published in LP anthology titles as well as a poem in actual print.
My most widely read story recently achieved Legendary status and is currently the most popular lesbian publication on the site. Everybody loves boobies!
One thing I have yet to try is writing a story with a co-author. I think it would be an interesting exercise but would hate to be responsible for anyone going insane and ending up in an asylum. Maybe one day...
Below is a selection of my most recent works. I hope you enjoy reading them and I look forward to your comments.

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