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If you like coffee...

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Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by browncoffee

Well since you asked you're not allowed to judge me or deem me pretentious though you'll probably do both but just don't tell me and it will be fine. You have to be utterly disgustingly pretentious like me and pretend you think I'm not pretentious and shower me with compliments regarding my intelligence and beauty and all that stuff to fill my empty soul, okay?


So the thing was that before I wrote this story I wrote a poem. And I didn't love it enough to post it but there were some lines in it that I was absurdly proud of and it seemed a shame for them to go to waste so in some parts of this story, I made sentences rhyme. I meant to add in more rhymes while I was editing but I got too sick of the story and abandoned it so there weren't many but I was still quite surprised that no-one seemed to notice. Since you've already read it, I'll post some of the lines referred to here:

The lights were too bright, the crowds too loud.

My hand moved faster, spurred on by the blurred displays of obscenity.

...because I always laughed too hard or said something off kilter, talking too fast to filter the words.

Sitting on the balcony, legs dangling, his cigarette angling to the sky, his laugh strangling the darkness until light overflowed and made me feel like every dream I’d ever had glowed on the brink of reality.

Winter came, Christmas bringing listless lingering in the warm glitter of department stores.

Soooo. There were more but you'd have to go back and find them and I'm sure you've better things to do such as GETTING YOUR COMP ENTRY DONE.

Laters, fam.

I'd noticed this while reading. I thought it was clever.

Check out my newest story, Penalty of Love

Penalty of Love

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by browncoffee

Well since you asked you're not allowed to judge me or deem me pretentious though you'll probably do both but just don't tell me and it will be fine. You have to be utterly disgustingly pretentious like me and pretend you think I'm not pretentious and shower me with compliments regarding my intelligence and beauty and all that stuff to fill my empty soul, okay?


So the thing was that before I wrote this story I wrote a poem. And I didn't love it enough to post it but there were some lines in it that I was absurdly proud of and it seemed a shame for them to go to waste so in some parts of this story, I made sentences rhyme. I meant to add in more rhymes while I was editing but I got too sick of the story and abandoned it so there weren't many but I was still quite surprised that no-one seemed to notice. Since you've already read it, I'll post some of the lines referred to here:

The lights were too bright, the crowds too loud.

My hand moved faster, spurred on by the blurred displays of obscenity.

...because I always laughed too hard or said something off kilter, talking too fast to filter the words.

Sitting on the balcony, legs dangling, his cigarette angling to the sky, his laugh strangling the darkness until light overflowed and made me feel like every dream I’d ever had glowed on the brink of reality.

Winter came, Christmas bringing listless lingering in the warm glitter of department stores.

Soooo. There were more but you'd have to go back and find them and I'm sure you've better things to do such as GETTING YOUR COMP ENTRY DONE.

Laters, fam.

Gucci, fam. smile You are not pretentious, that is sort of the opposite of pretentious, having these hidden layers and tics in your story but not highlighting them (unless of course asked by your loyal readers). I love hearing about stuff like this. A great story, but I totally missed this little detail.
Quote by missluv2write

I'd noticed this while reading. I thought it was clever.

I'm so glad you noticed. That just made my day. Thank you.
Quote by Verbal

Did you ever get your cake?

i missed this! i got my cake and ate it. smile
Quote by She
Damn it, now I want cake... Also those are really excellently written. smile

you are most kind! i almost always want cake lol

I WROTE A NEW STORY. It's in caps because it's an achievement. Some stories flow out of me quite naturally. No. I'm going to stop this metaphor because it's too wrong. Uh. Some stories are easy to write. Some are not. This one was not. I think I had writer's block and kind of forced myself to write this. But it's not horrific. I hope not, anyway.

Quote by browncoffee
I WROTE A NEW STORY. It's in caps because it's an achievement. Some stories flow out of me quite naturally. No. I'm going to stop this metaphor because it's too wrong. Uh. Some stories are easy to write. Some are not. This one was not. I think I had writer's block and kind of forced myself to write this. But it's not horrific. I hope not, anyway.

It's definitely not horrific
Well worth a look
Quote by Saucymh

It's definitely not horrific
Well worth a look

You = the best.

Old Bag Of Bones
Oh no, ex's are ex's because we make them ex's for excellent explanations and examples of exemplary unexcused behavior.

But I do have some cupcakes you have while writing about them.

Remember to check out a few of my stories. You can find them here.

For those who like a change and prefer something a little more PG, check out my stories on Storiespace.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by browncoffee
Good evening. My new story is about a girl who has the greatest night of her LIFE with a super awesome older guy. It features alcohol, sex, a shower, sex, a crap boyfriend, sex, a restaurant, sex and last but not least, more sex.

Yeah, but is there any sex innit?:

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

Yeah, but is there any sex innit?:

Charming as fuck
Quote by browncoffee
This is my new story. It's quite short. It's called Everything. It contains people and fantasies.

Some people think there should be a Part 2. Some people don't. I haven't decided yet. This post was written by a robot.

I'm so torn. I loved the ending, but I know you'd do an awesome part 2. Aaargh. Think I prefer the cliffhanger for this one.
Quote by Jen

I'm so torn. I loved the ending, but I know you'd do an awesome part 2. Aaargh. Think I prefer the cliffhanger for this one.

i'm replying to this to say i still haven't decided so in effect this is a cliffhanger in itself

Writius Eroticus
I know I wrote "more" in my comment, implying more to that story, but please don't take it as a request to write part deux. I meant 'more', as in more stuff in general, because I can't get enough of your amazing writing (he says, fully aware of the growing back-catalogue of your stories in my reading queue).

But of course, if you do continue the story I shan't be disappointed. 'Cos, y'know, it's you and all that.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I loved this story. Superb writing. I echo what others have said. It is stunning as a standing alone story, I'm just greedy and want more coffee
God Empress of Lush
Quote by browncoffee
If you like flowers, weddings or sex, you may or may not like my new story.

Read it. It's bloody good.

And that's swearing.

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Forum Kan-Guru
Quote by browncoffee
If you like flowers, weddings or sex, you may or may not like my new story.

Flowers - meh. Weddings - meh. Sex - okay, don't tell anyone, but I do quite like that...

I'd add, if people like entertaining, well-written stories, then they're rather likely to like this one!