Having no delusions of ever achieving an Omnium badge nor the ambition to enter a competition, I set myself a small personal Lush challenge to write 100 Micro stories within a year. Nearly a month early, the final one was kindly vetted and posted yesterday by the magnificent CurvyGalore. This is so pleasingly appropriate as she read and passed my very first. I offer her my deeply felt gratitude, especially since she will receive all the blame now.
Looking back, my stories are a pretty varied lot, both in tone and quality, which should be of no surprise. I tried my best to make each one more than just a sexy wink, though some certainly are. I'm actually quite proud of several and hoped at least one would provoke the magic 20 votes that gets you free donuts, but alas, that wasn't to be. My inspirations and inclinations are not to everyone's taste to be sure, to say nothing of my ability to weave words. And it's a small playground, after all, with some writers of stunning craft sporting about on the nearby swings. So it is, oatmeal for breakfast, and oh well. Maybe in the next century, right?
But enough of that. The really important thing here is the enormous thank you I owe to everyone who read and found even a whisper of pleasure in any of my efforts. And to the ever wonderful mods who guided me and tolerated my fits and fiddles with such kindness and grace. I offer bottom of my heart kisses to you all. Yes, even the gentlemen. It's what makes it all worth the while.
Now I think it's time for a nice, long nap. Who knows? I might wake up wanting to write a real story again.
aka Kistin
dba kistinspencil
PS: Whoever can provide an affidavit that they have read all one hundred will get a shiny 'Fool On The Hill' tiara. Don't wear it too long or your hair will turn green.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Bloody well done Kis my dear. 100 tales in a year is a remarkable achievement I doubt I will get that many in several years.
You're one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest, and most supportive people I know.
Your creativity is breathtaking and your unquestioned mistressry of the genre is something to behold.
Be very very proud of yourself and what you've accomplished.
Now a prize for reading them all you say.
Mmm I think I can manage reading, commenting and voting on every single one of them.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
Micros are an art form that truly impresses me because I have no idea how they're done (or done well, anyway). They're like magic tricks to me! Writing 100 of these, and keeping the level of quality so consistently high, is really impressive. It takes me over a 100 words to get someone to open a car door!
I've only read a handful (okay, two or three handfuls), but am looking forward to the others. Congrats!
Congratulations Kistin, that's amazing. I love how you can fit a 3000 word story into less than 100. it truly is an amazing talent.
You're the best ?❤️
Trust people to be themselves...
Your micros are badass, Kis. No easy feat doing 100 in a year's time! I love the genre myself as I find packing an entire story into such a short form is sorcery in itself.
Hey Kistin. I missed this post -- looks like I'm not the only one. I'll echo those who did catch it (aside from your Domme Miss Pixel) and congratulate you on reaching your goal. That's a lot of stories, sure, but more important is the range and quality of your writing from the first to the last. I know you have a band of loyal readers, including me, who comment and vote, but I'm always surprised you don't get more. Your work certainly deserves it.
I understand the break, but don't stay away too long, damn it.
And yes, I have read them all, but you can keep the prize. I don't do tiaras.