I'm not because she will kill me LOL and knowing her visiting sites like lush would be wrong for a married couple.
Hey, why would I, she wouldn't have a problem with me reading the stories, but having the friends? The Chat rooms? Nah, she has her puzzle books, I have Lush
I told my ex straight up that I had an account here, I wanted to be open about it. If he had an issue with it, that was his problem to deal with. Plus I knew he probably watched porn. So I introduced him to the site, he made an account and is still here. Obviously, different relationship, not as serious as marriage, but were I in a long-term, deeply committed relationship I would still tell that person. From personal experience it can really help with inspiration :P
I don't know, to be honest. I think my bf might find it amusing, but not so sure I'd want him reading my stories!!!
Might broach the subject soon.
Why make waves this is just oral sex ( I talk about it ) If she gave me more sex I wouldn't did this site.
Good question. I've been asking myself this question ever since I came onto Lush. I don't feel I'm 'cheating' on her ('cause cyber sex and sexting etc is surely several levels below outright marital indidelity); but than, again, I'd find it difficult to own up to some of the wilder moments which I've experienced and enjoyed in the chat rooms. Churlish - and probably whimpishly-English - is my present feeling that I'll just 'let sleeping dogs lie''
I don't think wife would approve. This is kind of my way to get my exhibitionist side out. I doubt she would be fine with that.
The person I live with knows that I visit sex sites and he doesn't care, and even if he did care I'd still do it...
I think anything u lie about to your spouse will lead to something bad. If you like to write and your partner wouldn't understand that is different. But if you on on here to have sex and yes I know I am a prude but sexting and masturbating to others is cheating...sorry if your spouse or partner is ok with it then awesome...but I suspect a lot are not. Anything that you cannot post on the front of a paper that your spouse can read is a no no..
Now having said that what I also feel is SUPER wrong spouses or partners who cut off sex with a switch
You cannot expect healthy people never to have sex again and still be like sure..so though I don't think cheating is the right thing I so get it.
Am I judging..no no..I mean we all have sexual needs...u cannot go without sex that is crazy..I knoe!
You don't have to advertise u are on here to your spouse but don't hide it either
And please before u play on here ...think
Would he or she leave me for this?
If the answer is no have fun enjoy
If the answer is yes..perhaps play..in a less ah pubic..forum
Because it would interfere with her facebook time.
A few in my life know I'm here. Am I 100% upfront about all the conversations I have and my photo gallery, no. If they asked would I tell them, possibly. I dealt with my significant others addiction to porn for years and now I'm getting my umm feet wet!
M'Lady not only knows I'm here, she has my sign-on and occasionally peruses the site herself. We keep nothing from each other.
Any SO in my life has always known that I've been on lush. I won't hide something like that.
I told my wife about being on this site pretty early on. I convinced her to get an account and we've been here together nearly every day since. I love that I am able to share my writing with her. I also love the way she reads my stories and makes her own little improvements.
My stories are base on fantasy. I don't think we will ever bring those fantasies to real life, but that is why they are fantasies.
I can't express how lucky I feel and how much I love my wife. Thanks LustyLynn for being so accepting of me.UkFhBvikLiJ60nOk