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What is love or What do you think love is about

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by menarealwaysignorged

Just because you're in the 00.5% of a successful relationship doesn't mean it's the same for everyone else

Just because your bitter and cynical doesn't mean everyone thinks the same as you do.
There is someone just as bitter and cynical as you are and they're waiting for you to "sweep" them... under the rug. Or off their feet. The question is will you recognize it while wallowing in your self-induced pity party? Or will you ignore them?

A successful relationship isn't love btw. If it were, then me and Hershey's Peanut Butter Cups have been going "steady" for over two decades. It's successful because it's there when I need it and it tastes DAMN good.
I, in turn, make their stocks go up with every chocolate I buy. Win-Win situation.

I say this because I, too, am a bitter, cynical, jaded and hateful bitch when the need arises. (It's a failing I'm working on)
Quit blaming everyone else and take a long look at yourself. Self-pity isn't attractive. Nor is bitterness.

Love is what you make of it. If you only put half the effort into it then you'll only get a 50% return. And the same goes for the partner you're with.

And here's a misquote from an Alestorm song (which is called Rum, just replace Love with Rum and you'll get the original lyrics): Love is the power, love is the key, love is the thing that will set us free. OK, I'm obviously taking the piss a wee bit, but love is, quite simply, indefinable, indescribable and just freaking great. And, yes, you can have love without sex.
Active Ink Slinger
i agree with dude... its the same for me...the man i am IN LOVE.....i can go to any extent to see him happy and smiling... well said dude

one needs to let the past go...if its bad, its like a gangrene keep it and it will spread and eat up all the remaining parts as well.... so try to get rid of it asap...
lol it's soo funny that all I did was answer a question and now everyone wants to attack me for it lol
Rookie Scribe
I'D say if you can'T explain how you feel then it's

Love is very tricky because it has to be pure or it wouldn't work. It's a feeling that you can not describe because it's a feeling that you feel.
Real love is rare and worth every bit of work, but it is love if you want to try. It just grabs you and holds on.
Active Ink Slinger
when all the girl thinks about is him, and not if he's looking at other girls or what he says when he's out with his friends.
When all the guy thinks about is her, not fucking her but truly loving her enough to not look at other girls or talk bad about her when with his friends.

Guys know they are in love when they don't think about fucking her.
Girls know they are in live when all they do is think about fucking him.
Active Ink Slinger
there are so many kinds of love. the love of friends family and your children to name a few. The love between two people can manifest itself in many ways, the uncontrollable need or desire to be with a person, the degrading of your ability to speak stomach in knots or any of a million other things. Love to me is the connection between two people that has risen to such a deepness and such a level of knowledge of not only that person but of yourself as well.
It's the recognition of something in someone else which resonates within you. Due to this, their happiness is as important or more important than your own.
Advanced Wordsmith
Love is a state of mind. It's much easier to understand it in how it is expressed. What are you willing to do for your partner? How far would you go? The problem is finding that point where lust, passion, and love differ. Lust will fade, passion might, but love should last for life.
Love is commitment plain and simple...If you make a commitment to someone you stand by that commitment no matter what comes. That is what marriage is all about. I was married for 9 years and for 6 of those years my husband was sick with heart disease. He died in April of 2011 and I was right by his side when he took his last breath. Those 6 years were not easy and some people told me I should leave but I loved him and I had committed for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. Love and commitment are not just for the good times but are needed even more in the bad times. If more people would understand that then our divorce rate would decrease. Now that does not mean you stay in abusive situations or if someone has not been faithful to you. I believe that divorce is allowable for abuse or infedility. But if neither one of those situations has occured then people should stick with their commitments. Because love is commitment!
Active Ink Slinger
Love isn't something you can define with mere words.. it isn't something you have to think about or put effort into.. and trying to give it boundaries or limitations defiles what it truly is.. it is the reason you exist.. forever and always..
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by Warlock
Love isn't something you can define with mere words.. it isn't something you have to think about or put effort into.. and trying to give it boundaries or limitations defiles what it truly is.. it is the reason you exist.. forever and always..

Very well said....and its always somehow.....elusive.......
What is love?
This question is a very personal thing for each of us. Here is my take on it:

Love is giving everything you are to another. Everything you hope, everything you dream, everything you are. 100% and holding nothing back for yourself. No escape route, no what if, nothing. Give your all and then dig deep and give more.

And your partner does that same. This is love.

If you don't put all your eggs in one basket, you're going to end up with an awfully small omlet!
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think anybody will ever know what love really is.

Love can't be sex... sex is something that comes with love.
Love is what survives when lust is no longer adequate...
Considering I am divorced and my track record with relationships is pretty abysmal I quite possibly have got it all wrong but my idea of love is the desire to always make each other feel special, to be happy, put each others needs and wants before your own, to make sacrifices for each other and compromise because you want to. Its to have a need to protect the other from harm, to take away any pain they feel, always wanting the best for them. Love and lust are often mixed up, when the lust has gone but you still need and want that person like the air you breath, that is true love, You still want to spend every moment with that person, thinking about them makes you happy, makes you smile and you think about them constantly. Appearance, Race and background make no difference. To be in a relationship like that, when the feelings are shared by both parties involved, must be the most beautiful of experiences.