Should you to talk to your partner about the lush site and what your wanting from the site. What are other thoughts or comments that are out there.
Quite a few of us are very open with the people in our lives about being here. Don't assume everyone is hiding their activities.
Also don't assume all are here for chat or other sexual reasons. some of us are here to write and post our work.
I am not assuming anything on here, just helping people out on here that has not let the cat out of the bag with the other person that does not know anything about the site. I know this might make some people uneasy on here just have to ask the question for the people who made the site what do they want this site to be best known for 1) a source of reading and educational for people who wants to expand their minds and to create stories or 2) a site who help breaks up people over not being more open about what this site is about.
I do know there are people on here that just read or write the stories, some like to do the first and chat, then there are people who is missing something at home who is seeking or wanting some type of fantasy (this is where it can lead problems in the real life).
I just want Ginger to come back and I want the slut (not Ginger) to stop hitting on my man it pisses me off
Ha Ha = actions speak louder than words. We both use Lush for the pleasure it provides us.
It can be the precursor to some wonderful times together - two girls together can be REALLY great.
The boys don't get as much from Lush talking about it. Action is their game.
haven't got a partner ... does it count if the more important members of yr family know u r on lush?
Things usually work out for the best...
Perhaps now you will be able to concentrate on the relationship, without external and imagined influences...
Best of luck to you both