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Sleeping together

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Constant Gardener
Nah, this isn't about shacking up.

My focus here is how do you and your lover...sleep together?

Do you share a daybed, queen or king mattress? An inflatable air mattress such as you might see at the pool or lake with a sleeping bag tossed on top of it? On the floor / rug /carpeting sharing a bottle of swill?

Do you snuggle together in the comfort of one another? Or do you absolutely require no physical contact with another human you can get your mind to dreamland?

Do you find that if you do share a mattress, you need to get to sleep before your mate does - to avoid the snoring or squirming/kicking that you know is going to come soon?

I like to snuggle, preferably in spoon - either side, it does not matter to me...I can follow her preference on this small matter.

The last few women I've spent overnight time with....did not want to touch a man (either after rambunctious sexual play) or just going to bed after spending the evening cozying up on the couch watching some tube or reading a book.

Do you have a television set in the bedroom which you or your significant other must watch or have you can drift to sleep? I have one myself, but I rarely watch it anymore. I've felt the bedroom is for two things, and neither includes watching Jay Leno or David Letterman.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
well this is different smile

my husband and i only share a bed a couple times a week in fact. he works nights so i find i get to have the bed to myself a lot. and i kinda like it; so much so that sometimes im bummed when hes home. when we do sleep together he puts pillows between us because i kick...hmmm, wonder why. lol

we are not snuggly as we sleep mainly cuz i prefer a little space. the tv is on sometimes but not often. oh and i sleep on the left side.

Active Ink Slinger
I sleep on the right side of the bed.. always.. i have no idea why, but i always do if im in a double bed.
I am a very light sleeper, i cannot stand snoring or fidgiting in bed.. i will always wake the other person up if they are making too much noise I find if i sleep next to anyone i get too hot, so i tend to like my space. It's a body contact thing.. because i will always wrap myself in the covers like a little cacoon...but i do like to snuggle when i am awake

Ice cream + Candy = Yummy
The Linebacker
We share a king size bed/mattress. Occasionally she snores. I love to tease her about. She gets a little ticked at me for that. haha She does love to cuddle up. Sometimes it seems like she wants to sleep on top of me and she pulls the blankets off of me while she is asleep. She falls asleep much easier than I do. Actually she usually falls asleep in the den sitting in a chair or the lying on the sofa. I either wake her up to go to bed or toss her over my shoulder and carry her to bed.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
On the floor / rug /carpeting sharing a bottle of swill?



My husband and I are separated atm so the best way for us to sleep together is to not. lol When I do sleep with someone, I like a snuggle at bedtime then my own sleep space, but close enough to be able to touch him/her if I wake up in the night.
Active Ink Slinger
Me and my SO do not live together but when we share a bed to sleep, I always sleep on the left side of the bed. Usually we start off cuddling with her holding me from behind in a spoon position (no it is not one of us in position of control thing,just comfort. LOL) But by the time morning comes around she is usually on her side and we sleep like normal people. And we both love to sleep with a blanket even in the summer. I usually sleep naked and she either naked or in just a thong. Both are pretty quiet sleepers although I have been told I talk a little sometimes. We both have King size beds and have TV's in our bedrooms but we rarely watch when in bed together unless maybe Seinfeld reruns or some cable porn.
Advanced Wordsmith
I like to snuggle on a cold night but i'm a very warm person and i get hot soo easily, and i also am warm to touch ALWAYS so its not always comfortable. I do enjoy a cuddles though! And i sometimes fall asleep on his chest or something. Spooning is cute, i like him behind as long as he doesnt pull me too hard cos i get hot (lol!) i like being behind too but it gives me a dead arm LOL. I have a king size bed and i sleep on the right at the moment because of where the bed is in my new house. If the bed's up against a wall on one side, i can't lay next to the wall. In my old house i slept on the left again because of where the bed was
You must give up the life that you had planned, in order to live the life that is waiting for you..
In my adult life, I've never had a partner at home each evening more than 150 days out of the year. In my marriage, we had separate bed rooms.

I prefer it to be dark and quiet if I am to sleep. However, on the occasion someone shares my bed, I am often too tired to care how we sleep.
I'm single so I sleep in my bed alone lol
Active Ink Slinger
cuddling, snuggling, soft kisses and tender touches are may fav way to sleep with someone.
does not have to involve sex but mornings are time to freshen up and then get close.
THE best.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a king sized bed. I have to sleep on the left side, that is if I am on my back my left arm is to the outside. I sleep in the nude unless it's really cold. He does too. The level of cuddling depends on the pre sleep activities. If we have sex then we usually drift off holding each other. He like to spoon me from behind me and cup one of my boobs. I love the feeling of closeness sleeping with someone gives. Even if our bodies are actually touching I feel him there.
Active Ink Slinger
love to cuddle.
hate drunks who snore.
mornings when I had classes or have to work were awkward getting out of bed but it was all good.

"The Gods that smiled when you were born
are laughing now."
If I am at home I sleep on the right side of the bed. At his house I sleep on the left side. I really do not have a preference on which side I sleep on. I absolutely love to cuddle! So peaceful to fall alsleep on his chest and hear his heartbeat and feel him breathe in and out. I love the spooning also. We sleep naked when we do sleep together but at home I do not because of my living situation. He falls asleep with the tv on in the background and has always done this. I prefer total quiteness. I take a sleep aid every night so before long I am out and the tv background noise is not an issue for me. At some time during the night each of us is usually on our own perspective sides of the bed but before morning we end up in each others arms again. It just doesn't get much better than that to fall asleep in the arms of the one you love and wake up the same way!
Active Ink Slinger
I sleep on the left side of the bed... I love snuggling and cuddling, but later in the middle of the night we end up sleeping on our own sides. I usually end up falling asleep before him, but his snoring doesn't really bother me, kinda used to it & sometimes we have the tv on in the background.
Now that I've had some practice with my BF I can tell you...

Quote by WellMadeMale
Nah, this isn't about shacking up.

My focus here is how do you and your lover...sleep together?

Do you share a daybed, queen or king mattress? An inflatable air mattress such as you might see at the pool or lake with a sleeping bag tossed on top of it? On the floor / rug /carpeting sharing a bottle of swill? My bed is a Queen. I'm sure we will choose a new bed when we live together

Do you snuggle together in the comfort of one another? Or do you absolutely require no physical contact with another human you can get your mind to dreamland? We spoon with me as the little spoon, or we will lay cuddled together. Often I'm cupping his balls or penis in my hand.

Do you find that if you do share a mattress, you need to get to sleep before your mate does - to avoid the snoring or squirming/kicking that you know is going to come soon? I usually fall asleep listening to the sound of his breathing. It doesn't really matter who falls asleep first

I like to snuggle, preferably in spoon - either side, it does not matter to me...I can follow her preference on this small matter.

The last few women I've spent overnight time with....did not want to touch a man (either after rambunctious sexual play) or just going to bed after spending the evening cozying up on the couch watching some tube or reading a book.

Do you have a television set in the bedroom which you or your significant other must watch or have you can drift to sleep? I have one myself, but I rarely watch it anymore. I've felt the bedroom is for two things, and neither includes watching Jay Leno or David Letterman. I have a small TV in the corner but it's hardly ever on.
I love to cuddle and have my Marines arms wrapped around me. And he is such a sweetie even in his sleep. If I move away any his body will automatically pull me back closer to him even when he is dead asleep
Active Ink Slinger
I dont really have a preference of bed sides, in my bed i sleep on the left side on his wherever we end up being at the moment he doesnt care either.

I like to cuddle just till im about to fall asleep on that moment i like my space, is not about not liking to be touched while sleeping its more because i hate breathing warm air and if you fall asleep on his chest eventually you are gonna end up in a weird position where you are breathing almost your own air. If im cold spooning, me on the inside its good because you have your space and the comfort of his arms.
Spoon until she gets too hot. Then I want my space
Active Ink Slinger
I like to be the back spoon, on my left side. But when one of us gets too hot, or my left arm cramps, I move away a little, and just put my right hand on her hip. And, oh, yes - nude - always.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
Active Ink Slinger
I fall asleep with my head on his chest, his arm around my shoulder every night. More often than not, we wake up spooning.

For the first few years of living together he used to put a dvd on to fall asleep to as he likes some noise. The only way to stop him doing this was to put some soft music on. I dont mind noise when im trying to sleep. Ive been known to fall asleep on the grass while watching motor racing with cars screaming passed on both sides of me biggrin
I like to spoon my lady bed sharer. I can't spoon all night because I tend to get too hot but I like to spoon until she either wants me stop or she starts to fall asleep an then I will lay on my stomach for the night but maybe copping a cheap feel up throughout the night, if she lets me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yup a nice tight spoon is definatley the best way to go, especially when its after forking! (mwaha! I know, im good lolz )
I have a partner and like myself she also has big firm breasts,we have been together a while now and used to sleep side by side but for the last 10 months now we take it in turns to sleep on top of each other,it did take abit of getting used to but its cool now,it was very sexual and still is but when we first did it we didnt get to sleep for ages xx
I like to spoon my partner so that when I get too hot or fidgity I'm not trapped under someone.
I sleep on my stomach normally when I am alone

But with someone sharing a bed ... I love to have our feet mingled ... lol

And there is nothing like snuggled up on my side next to my man .... one of my leg on his leg, my arm and hand on his chest ... drifting off to sleep
Active Ink Slinger
i love a good snuggle when we go to sleep, but i always end up moving away from him in the night when i get too hot, then i wake up and want to snuggle again so i do, then i get to hot again...and well you get the idea...
Empress of the Moon
My boyfriend has a queen sized mattress. Before I moved in with him I slept on a full size bed, and when he stayed over he took up a great deal of room in it.
Active Ink Slinger
we have a queen. I can only fall asleep on my tummy facing away from him so he spoons me pretty much all night...until it gets too hot. i love the feeling of his cock between my ass cheeks as I am falling asleep.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X