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Relocating to unite or escape?

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I read a blurb in my local paper this week, citing our less mobile American society. A few factors were mentioned, but mostly the lagging economy of the last few years was blamed. It got me to wondering.

Have you ever moved cross country to be with someone else as your primary motivation for relocation?

Have you ever left a geographic area, to get the hell away from an ex?

I moved twice in my 20's. Once because it was a great opportunity, financially speaking. The second time I relocated, was a bit financially motivated, but more because I was wanting to come 'home' and the opportunity was there. I can travel anywhere I wish, but I like this area I grew up around.

Go ahead...spill.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
WMM - seeing as Canada's economy is tied to the US I hope you don't mind if I chime in here.....

In answer to your question have I moved across the country to be someone else as my primary motivation - No I moved across the country to take a job opportunity which was (much like yourself) and very lucrative, It ended up in divorce (after 10 years)

Yes I have moved out of a geographical area to get away from an ex (and thankfully she moved even further away)

It seems like we all get pretty comfortable where we are and enjoy our routine. I do not regret the move at all and only wish that I would have done it earlier to be released from a fledgling marriage.
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

I have left an area to get away from someone. I would have left the area I am in now 5 years ago for the same reason, if I felt that I could in good conscious.
My best friend back in college was going out with a great girl. He went up to Hotlanta, and stayed the week, interviewed with the AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution), and got an offer while she was post-grad at Emory. He came back to Miami, and was still in a quandary.

Simple advice I gave him, nothing about the girl, about love, about possibility. "Will you be happy?" and..."Are you doing this for you?" If anything splits you up I proposed, you will get pissed at her, and in return she will resent you. Two good people, ending up unhappy.

He stayed in Miami, met another great girl. They have two kids, picket fence (really, they have a picket fence, and yes it's white), and a dog. Don't like the dog, it's mean. But, he is happy.

Me: Before I got married, i moved to Greece. Got a job, started doing everything to become a citizen, including Army service. In Greece, you do the time no matter what until age 50, unless of course you got connections. I don't.

All set, cash flow dwindling, girl on my arm, but easier cash flow to be made back in the states. Went back, met my future ex.

Life is a journey, do it for yourself, and whoever loves you will be rewarded. Even though you may get a kick in the ass in the end. Still fun, and worth the price of admission.
always way easier to relocate for what ever reason if you don't have dependent children or aging parents .....

with out going in to it, oh yeah
Yup. Left the country to get away from an ex. Too bad the moon wasn't an option.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
I have lived in the same area all of my life.
After a chance meeting with a great guy on another internet site, we fell in love...... via fb, lush, text, email ,pictures, get the picture.
We decided to jump in head first, he is moving here to be with me....he'll be here in 4 days smile
I would have been happy to move there, but, my daughter only has 2 years left of high school.
We are both at a cross roads, career wise, so we're starting from scratch together and hoping for a family as well.
I have never moved to escape someone although I wish I did when I was married.

I moved around a lot as a kid but have been in the area I live for past 25yrs. I love it here but when my kids are out of the house, I plan to move, not sure where, but somewhere to experiene something new. Might like to live somewhere for few years then move on, see the world!! Hopefully my love will want to go too but we will see.
Even though in the UK, I had a girlfriend who moved back with her folks to where she was from (about 90 miles away)... After she moved, I made all the steps for getting my own place (where she went).. got the deposit down, making arangements to move... everything. Then she got cold feet.. we stuck it out for a few months... then she ended it.

My Primary motivation was for her.. wanted to make a good go of it... though, I can't say for the rest of you... but living in the same place. Seeing the same faces and places got despressing/frustrating...