Okay ladies I really am at wits end and see no way to solve this issue.I am 65, nice looking, dress neatly, causally, (N0 freaking velcro for me) and people say I am hot for my age. I still love sex, able to get it up many times daily, love it all and now come the problem.
My wife of 36 years still excites me, we all age but she still gets the fires burning and I 'd do anything to please her. During our marriage I strayed and she strayed but we always came back together, our sex lives were always hot, adventurous, experimental, there never was a "NO" to anything we both suggested to try.
THEN the bottom fell out. She had per-cancerous cyst on her ovaries, her sister had just gone thru breast cancer and her OB/GYN suggested she have her ovaries removed...as well as a partial hysterectomy........ and due to her family history she shouldn't use hormones So the years pasted, no reappearances of cysts etc but her sex drive disappeared....we argued and almost split many times over the nil to none sex drive and desires she once had. I researched and researched and found the fucking doctor could have left something for her. Hormones are out of the questions, she has literally dried inside, atrophied to the extent my finger hurts her.
I thought it was me and suggested she was okay to experiment with other men, party, swinging, even bi but that isn't the case. She talks as if she wants to regain the feelings and passion again but has no idea how. she had tried lubes/gels/natural ingredients and is considering having a total hysterectomy if that would help....................
So I am begging for help, anyone that has had this issue and found a solution please help. Suggestions, advice is appreciated.
I do not want to cheat but damn it gets hard to lay in bed and want someone so badly and can't share her.