So, recently I figured out the problem I had/have. In my enlightenment of my previous problem, a new one came to light as well.
I figured out that getting a girl isnt my problem, I did a little experiment and the response was quite surprising. Instead, it's keeping a girl.
I've always questioned myself about why my relationships have failed so hard in the past. Either I was too serious too fast, not serious at all, or didnt take a hint when I should have. All of which I did completely wrong with each single girl. So I'm wondering, is there something I do wrong all the time? Or am I just that bad-lucky to have the wrong types at the wrong time?
Are you just being yourself? if you are too serious too fast, I would take that to mean you really liked the girl. Not serious at all, you probably weren't that into her.. Not taking a hint when you should have.... you're not a mindreader, if she had something to say to you she should have just come out and said it.
As they say, communication is the key. if you feel something isn't going right, talk to her and ask her. Don't look at every date as a potentional life parter, just enjoy their company and see what happens.
Changing yourself or acting differently to please someone else just to keep them around is not the answer. In the end you would probably be very unhappy.
If you are 19 I wouldn't worry too much about keeping, live in the moment, date different women and appreciate it for the journey of self-discovery it should be. Learn what it is you truly want and listen, really listen to yourself and the one you're with. Deep and meaningful relationships usually take time to develop.
Being yourself is the best advice I ever got...
at 19 you should be dating a bunch of people...i mean you are 19!!! your life thoughts hopes dreams jobs school life will all change..a ton in the next ten years!
however..make sure that you treat them how you wish to be treated...never lie well unless they ask you if they look fat and always be you
I've read all three comments above and I've got something to say. Yeah, I'm only 19, but I disagree with you guys! I shouldnt be dating any and everyone. I mean, I'm sociable and everything, but I'm extremely picky on who I like and if I want to date them. As for being too serious........ I dunno, it's just been me to be that way. And yes, I really actually did fall in love with my ex girlfriends when we were dating. I dont date cause I just want a girlfriend, or cause I'm lonely or cause not having a girlfriend isnt cool. I date someone cause I have certain feelings toward them, and I'd like to know and see if they feel the same way about me, then make decisions from there. And if I really like someone, I'd want to keep them around. If I didnt like the person, I would barely even talk to them. I think it's better to be single than to be in a wrong relationship. I've always been this way, I have no idea why.
Btw, at 19 I've got 2 jobs, full time Mechanic and part time caterer (home job)......... So, I rarely ever have time to meet new people, hang out or even go clubbing (Actually I've never went clubbing before.)
But as you guys said...... Maybe I should ease up on the seriousness in the relationship. I dont think anyone has the same views that I do, at least not at my age.
This is tough....
Treat you lady with respect and do take them seriously but a 19 yr old should not be looking for someone long term just yet your life's only just beginning. Don't blame your work long hours wont stop a good relationship happening once the time is right.
Always observe the girls mother. It's not written in stone, but there's a decent chance that your girl's gonna turn out a lot like, if not exactly like her mother.