Would you considering it cheating, if you were married and you or your spouse had an affair with someone of the same sex? Just curious how everyone would feel since traditionally cheating meant having an affair with someone of the the opposite sex.
Cheating has nothing to do with same sex, opposite sex. Cheating is doing something behind someones back, that they wouldn't want you to do.
Cheating should be defined by not following the agreed-upon rules. Every relationship has rules that are required for that relationship to exist. So yes, if having a personal relationship with you requires that your partner be not sexually involved with someone else of the same sex or not of the same sex. And said partner broke that rule (especially knowingly) that is cheating.
Sexual cheating doesn't matter. Emotional cheating--that actually can cause side effects.
Cheating for me wouldn’t be gender specific. If my partner was having sexual or emotional relationships that he was keeping from me then I would be concerned. We hide things out of guilt and guilt indicates you did something that you knew you shouldn’t have. I think it would definitely be damning regardless of gender.
Cheating means having an affair with either sex without the consent of one's partner. My husband, knowing I am a lesbian, consented to me having relationships with women.
It depends on your relationship. If your spouse doesn't know then yes it would be cheating.
If your deleting text messages, stepping outside to take the call, having to guard or lock your e-mail/phone, or are excited and nervous about being seen or heard. You are cheating.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
All perfectly reasonable answers mind you an Italian colleague of mine swore that its only cheating if you get caught.
He argued if he leaves no evidence he's been seeing other women, maybe he hasn't.
But perhaps that's wandering slightly off point.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
The definition for cheating is like melting Mozzarella cheese - it can take a lot of unexpected shapes and can burn. My bf is deployed and I am spending time here. Isn't that better than being in someone's bed?
First of all thank you b/f for his service.
You asked a great question. I think the answer depends on your definition of cheating.
Cheating is cheating no matter the gender.
But in saying that, emotional cheating is the worst form of cheating.
being emotionally or sexually unfaithful to your partner who you are in a closed relationship with....I want an opinion, is it called cheating if I am with someone emotionally but I am here on lush just to enjoy myself (not having cyber sex ...lol)
When the partner doesn't know or give consent then it's cheating. It's pretty self explanatory..