If the other person ever meant anything to you, you always will feel something for them. Even if it ended bitterly, there will be a residue of feelings. That's just how love works.
Just keep wallowing in your own chaotic insecure delusions.
No, I dont thinks so.. I think with time, it hurts less and the love is not as intense but I dont think that the person you were in love with will always have a part of you.. I still have a level of love for my first boyfriend of 16. It is now 20 years after that fact.
No, I dont thinks so.. I think with time, it hurts less and the love is not as intense but I dont think that the person you were in love with will always have a part of you.. I still have a level of love for my first boyfriend of 16. It is now 20 years after that fact.
Whatever made you love them before will always be there, resonating through you like the ripples on a lake. Whatever happened afterwards may eclipse all that, but it's still there.
I believe you can. I have been In Love with 3 people in my life. I have loved others but was NOT In Love. One was when I was very young and while I sometimes wonder where she is and what she is doing, I am not in love anymore. One was my ex-husband and while I would never wish for harm to come to anybody, no matter how bad the person is, if I heard he got run over by a bus I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. And the 3rd is my current SO.
Maybe I never actually was In Love with the first 2, who really knows. But I do know I DO NOT love them now.
that is a really good question as guess the main thing is how did the past relationship end. if you parted on good terms than if you broke up under bad circumstances
If you really love someone, the love never dies. Love is an energy that transforms itself in many cases.
Let’s face it. Many relationship break-ups occur because one or both of the people involved refuse to give. Now the reasons behind the refusals are dynamic. But the principle of “refusing to give” is static. When you love someone and that person is not meeting your wants and needs, then the love may show up as hurt, hate, or anger. You hurt. Therefore, you have to return the hurt. So, you participate in activities like flirting, cheating, or leaving for the purposes of undermining and potentially destroying the relationship.
Do you ever look back on past relationships and say, “It really didn’t have to end that way,” or “If he or she would only do this or that (you fill in the blank), then I would have stayed”?
Hmm, it’s likely that someone refused to give.
Remembering the times when the person met your wants and needs stirs memories of the love.
No, love doesn’t go anywhere…not true love.
Yes, some love just takes longer to fade away, but some will always be there,,those are the ones that hurt the most,, but also bring back smiles.
But then again I am not one to let myself fall in love often,,, the hurt, is just too great, when the love is lost.
In my case after a long long marriage...I am still in love with who I THOUGHT he was...not who he is now. Do I want him back? No I don't...I believe once you love someone you will always be in love with them in some way.
My parents divorced when I was 12 for very good reasons. Thirty-four years later, my father was dying and even though my mom was married to another...you could still see that love...and his love for her as they held hands and she bent over and kissed him. The way they were looking at each other...it was so beautiful! I will never forget that moment!
I'll be honest, I didn't think you could. Before the relationship I'm in now started I had broken up with a serious boyfriend and it hurt, a lot. We got back together three times before we finally called it quits and ended it. I think if we ended it the first time there'd of been no love lost and it would of been easier but the fact we went back to each other after it didn't work numerous times made the fact that it didn't work out hurt all the more, giving the impression I still loved them. Now if I fast forward a few months I met my current partner (who is now my fiancé) and I just can't even begin to describe the difference in feeling, it's on a completely different level. Someone on here mentioned it before, but it's most definitely the memory I loved, rather than the person so yes, I fully believe you can stop loving someone.
If love is true it cannot be ever forgotten
I think you can still love parts of a person, I would never want to get back together with my ex boyfriends, but I lack ones sense of adventure, and the others cheesy personality. I don't love them enough to forgive their flaws though. I've reached a point where I can appreciate the ups of our relationships, without being dragged down by all the bad.
But the feelings I had for them pale in comparison to how I feel about my husband. We had such a deep connection, from the moment we first kissed we knew we would be together forever. If I lost him I don't think I would ever get over it.
I think you could but my ex I still have some love for. Not in some hung-up, I want back kind of way. It's more of a brother-sister bond you know?
I think it all depends on the person.... I don't know if I'll ever stop loving parts of my ex boyfriend.... He made me feel special and loved
Yes and no this question is very complicated. I was in love with my very first girlfriend we lost our virginity to each other when we were both *removed by mod*. Eventualy after a couple years the relationship did come to an end, there was no fight there no one person upset with the other, we both just decidedwe were done. We went through a period where we didn't talk or see each other for about 2 years. I guess we just needed some time apart or maybe this is where we stop "loving" each other but we did start talking once again and then going out as friends. Now we she is my best friend she is married with 3 children but her and I share a connection very deep we do meet to have sex 3-4 times a week becaues she can only have an orgasm with me. So I do love her as a friend but I know I could never be marryed to her.
I don't think so, for me once you loved someone...there will always be a special place for them in your heart...
Yes, When a person causes your so much heart ache and distrust. She was caught in so many lies.
I have loved pretty deeply in past relationships, I no longer love them like I did. But each person I have dated still is in my heart, I think they always will. Even the ones who have hurt me badly. I simply can't turn off or no longer feel for someone. It just lessens, to where it is a little easier each day to move on and not need or love them like I used to. Some take longer than others, but I always eventually do.
However, I don't think everyone is the same. I'm sure some can stop loving all together. Everyone is different.
I certainly can. It may take a little while and then I go through a very angry stage and then I'm totally over it.
For a little while I'm miserable but then reality sinks in and then I get pissed and then I move on.
This was when I was single. I'm married now. Lol
People can change so much. You can always love a memory of someone the way they were, but you can also come to despise the person they've become.
Wow, great question...If there was abuse involved, it would certainly be easier to let go of any feelings for the other person. Likely, those feelings were being bruised and battered while the relationship was still on. If there was no abuse and there was wonderful intimacy and sex, I think it would be very hard to let go of all the love. Even with the wound/pain of tearing the relationship bonded in sex, the memories of the good times, would make it really tough. A piece of each lover's heart has been left with the other. And, maybe I just have a soft heart, but what attracted me to someone would still be there even when the relationship has ended.