░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
Quote by Cloudfox
. What's the best way to ask her out
Quote by Cloudfox
Magical, yeah but fear has a tendency to make me think twice alot.
Quote by Magical_felix
You're 25. Probably should be over the fear of rejection by now but like everything else, practice make's perfect. Think about it this way... If you don't swing the bat, you'll never hit a home run. Your fear of striking out doesn't prevent you from swinging the bat does it? In fact, you probably aren't too scared of striking out, because it's normal. Babe Ruth in his time had the most home runs but he also had the most strikeouts. Sure, rejection hurts, but it hurts less the more you practice asking chicks out. Just swing for the fences, the home runs will come.
Quote by Cloudfox
It's not so much the fear of rejection; I've never been the most outspoken or outgoing person. I'd rather sit on the sidelines and cheer on whoever is at bat. I've always been that way, which is why I've never been good at this sort of thing
Quote by Ls63563
Man you have to grow enough of a backbone to be able to stand up and talk for yourself! The worst that can happen is this one person says no. If that should happen, you need to realize that there are at least a couple million other people in the world and you may need to give 2 or 3 of them a try also. This is just a day in your life, it ain't that big a deal. Just walk up and ask. In the month plus that we've been talking about this, I'll bet you 4 or 5 other guys have ask... You may already have missed your chance.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I'm not the best at this either but I'd strike up a conversation with her. I'd maybe ask for help. Saying something like, would you be able to help me pick out a shirt? (Or whatever) I've noticed you before, have you worked here long? Etc.
I could never be bold enough to to just ask her out abruptly.
Quote by Cloudfox![]()
Yeah I know and I agree with you. But its difficult, especially for someone like myself who's been rejected before by someone they thought would say yes.