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Best way to ask out someone?

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There's this woman who I see every few times I go to Target; she usually working the front end. What's the best way to ask her out or should I just forget about it?
Just say: Hey, I'd love to buy you a drink sometime!

You are old enough, right?
Yeah, I'm 25. But just come out and ask her?
Hey Cloudfox...I was wondering when I posted to this thread (haha...Ls63563 above has the same avatar!)

Personally, I think it would be slightly creepy if you just came out and asked her just like that (assuming she doesnt know you)....but maybe its common over where you are (?) smile
I'd say the situation is not as simple as your one liner above. How old is she? Have you spoken to her before? Is she married?
If you're regularly at Target and she recognizes you, maybe you can strike up a conversation first.

Hope this helps. You know you can PM me if you want. Good luck and keep us posted! :)
Hand her a note

Yeah asian I kind of feel the same way about just asking her straight up; I'm not the kind of guy to go up to a woman and just ask her out. (And thanks, I'll pm you later)

LadyAnn, I would but that feels kinda creepier in a way
Just say hi, how are you or ask about something then go back some other time and just make small talk.

then maybe you can find out if she's married or something.

Good luck.

That's what I'm starting to think I'll do, thanks BDSM
Quote by Cloudfox
That's what I'm starting to think I'll do, thanks BDSM

Good luck! You're welcome!
Just take a direct approach.

Confidence is always key, although some women do find nervousness to be charming.

Maintain good eye contact, and make sure you have specific plans in mind. Or maybe instead of asking her out, ask for her number instead.

But I'd be careful about asking her out on the job. Some employers get annoyed by this.

I hope it goes well.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Thank you Dani.

Confidence is what a few friends have said I should show more of, but I'm not the most confident. And yeah, that's why I'm not sure about asking her out while she's working; I don't want to get her in trouble.
Quote by Cloudfox
. What's the best way to ask her out

Just be casual and direct (by direct I didn't mean you shouldn't be polite).

Don't try to imagine any "Heroic way" to do it or search google for cheesy pick up lines (You'll probably have a lot of moments later to do "Heroic things" if this first date pulled off well, so have patience).

Just be yourself and be confident, if she is ever gonna like you it'll probably be for who you're and not for who you're trying to pretend to be.

Best of luck xx
May the cupids follow your way and their arrows too !!
Thanks Escape. I know someone who would google those same cheesy pick up lines; I also saw how they never worked haha.

Yeah, I'm just going to try being ypmyself when I ask her.
I suggest an airplane banner.

Well Buz that would certainly get her attention lol
Do the small talk routine but have a plan... ask her the location of a product and ask her if she would be kind enough to help you find it example insect repellant that contains deet. then explain your reason for it ... deet is the best preventive for ticks ( lime disease)
when hiking

you already done two things announced your out doors type and intelligent enough to know what you want and for what purpose. now the door is open to ask if she knows of any hiking trails and finally the most important question
( looking for an opening) what activities do you do when not working at target?

\ if she mentions hiking trails you could reply maybe our paths will cross......... if this does not fit you... just adapt to the premises set forth

good luck let us know how it works out
How about... Hey babes I soooooooooooooooooo want to buy you a half of lager and a bag of cheese and onion crisps.

Really... just be honest... I have seen you a few times here and I would like to get to know you ... would that be possible? Would you like a drink one night? .. whatever line suits but in summary let her know your interest in her ... she can only say no and then at least you know where you stand.
Confidently, clearly and with no fear of rejection. Pick the right time to do so as well. After you have made her laugh or after a pleasant exchange or sharing of interests would be ideal.
Vivien, that's a good idea. I'll definitely try it next time I'm in Target.

Simplyjohn, that would work too. I'm just not the type to go up to a woman and bluntly ask her out.

Magical, yeah but fear has a tendency to make me think twice alot.
Quote by Cloudfox

Magical, yeah but fear has a tendency to make me think twice alot.

You're 25. Probably should be over the fear of rejection by now but like everything else, practice make's perfect. Think about it this way... If you don't swing the bat, you'll never hit a home run. Your fear of striking out doesn't prevent you from swinging the bat does it? In fact, you probably aren't too scared of striking out, because it's normal. Babe Ruth in his time had the most home runs but he also had the most strikeouts. Sure, rejection hurts, but it hurts less the more you practice asking chicks out. Just swing for the fences, the home runs will come.
Quote by Magical_felix

You're 25. Probably should be over the fear of rejection by now but like everything else, practice make's perfect. Think about it this way... If you don't swing the bat, you'll never hit a home run. Your fear of striking out doesn't prevent you from swinging the bat does it? In fact, you probably aren't too scared of striking out, because it's normal. Babe Ruth in his time had the most home runs but he also had the most strikeouts. Sure, rejection hurts, but it hurts less the more you practice asking chicks out. Just swing for the fences, the home runs will come.

It's not so much the fear of rejection; I've never been the most outspoken or outgoing person. I'd rather sit on the sidelines and cheer on whoever is at bat. I've always been that way, which is why I've never been good at this sort of thing
Quote by Cloudfox

It's not so much the fear of rejection; I've never been the most outspoken or outgoing person. I'd rather sit on the sidelines and cheer on whoever is at bat. I've always been that way, which is why I've never been good at this sort of thing

Time to cheer yourself on, bud. The less you think about it the better. Just do it.
Quote by Magical_felix

Time to cheer yourself on, bud. The less you think about it the better. Just do it.

I know, my best bet is just to not think about it and, as you say, just do it. I'm giving serious thought to that now
Man you have to grow enough of a backbone to be able to stand up and talk for yourself! The worst that can happen is this one person says no. If that should happen, you need to realize that there are at least a couple million other people in the world and you may need to give 2 or 3 of them a try also. This is just a day in your life, it ain't that big a deal. Just walk up and ask. In the month plus that we've been talking about this, I'll bet you 4 or 5 other guys have ask... You may already have missed your chance.
Quote by Ls63563
Man you have to grow enough of a backbone to be able to stand up and talk for yourself! The worst that can happen is this one person says no. If that should happen, you need to realize that there are at least a couple million other people in the world and you may need to give 2 or 3 of them a try also. This is just a day in your life, it ain't that big a deal. Just walk up and ask. In the month plus that we've been talking about this, I'll bet you 4 or 5 other guys have ask... You may already have missed your chance.

Yeah I know and I agree with you. But its difficult, especially for someone like myself who's been rejected before by someone they thought would say yes.
I'm not the best at this either but I'd strike up a conversation with her. I'd maybe ask for help. Saying something like, would you be able to help me pick out a shirt? (Or whatever) I've noticed you before, have you worked here long? Etc.

I could never be bold enough to to just ask her out abruptly.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
I'm not the best at this either but I'd strike up a conversation with her. I'd maybe ask for help. Saying something like, would you be able to help me pick out a shirt? (Or whatever) I've noticed you before, have you worked here long? Etc.

I could never be bold enough to to just ask her out abruptly.

That's not a bad idea. And thanks, now I know I'm not the only one
Interesting to find this thread continuing. Thought this was already dealt with? or are you now talking about another target? smile
Quote by Cloudfox

Yeah I know and I agree with you. But its difficult, especially for someone like myself who's been rejected before by someone they thought would say yes.

Who hasn't been rejected a time or two, it shouldn't be that big a deal. Life goes on, or at least it should. I guess I don't understand people who think so little of themselves that any one persons opinion means everything. Not everyone is going to like you, accept that and move on. Do you like everyone you know the same? While the overly timid are worrying and wondering, everyone else is living their life. Life won't always go your way if you try, but it'll never go your way if you don't try.