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What do you think of this? I think it's pitiful actually...

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I just posted this over on Stories Space, so I'm just doing a copy and paste here...I know there are several Lush members who post on Poetry Craze who will be affected by this...

I think I can mention Poetry Craze here, as I would not really call it a competitor of Stories's poems only, and really not a very well-designed site...though the poems get more views than any other poetry site I can think of offhand...

I happened to be over there this morning because I was looking for poems to post in a new poetry group I had just joined recently on Facebook when I noticed something which is actually a bit disturbing now that I think about it...

This is what I posted on my Facebook "wall"...the poem mentioned is right here on Stories its full, unedited glory I might add...

Oh Lordy!!! They took the piss out of my poem!!! This poem is not all it seems...while looking for poems to post in a new poetry group here on FB, I noticed that Poetry Craze has been editing my poems..."cleaning them up" shall we say...this is just one example...believe me, there are
Life Is What It Seems

There are other examples...I haven't gone through all my poems there, but I'm sure they "edited" quite a few...I have a number of poems over there that I can't post here because they fall into the "erotic" category...or, as they call them on Poetry Craze..."Passion Poems"...

What do you people think? Do you think it's right that they're "editing" people's poems in this fashion?

I'm almost tempted to write them and pull off all my poems...except I get a lot of views over there, and my poems do pretty well there actually...

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Btw...if you really want to see something what they did to my poem "Bang You Hard"...

I'm afraid to look too much farther...but, people on Lush should be aware...I know Jacquie, Pete, Don, Yasmin, and no doubt others post over there...those people just come to mind off the top of my head...

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Btw...if you really want to see something what they did to my poem "Bang You Hard"...

I'm afraid to look too much farther...but, people on Lush should be aware...I know Jacquie, Pete, Don, Yasmin, and no doubt others post over there...those people just come to mind off the top of my head...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Btw...if you really want to see something what they did to my poem "Bang You Hard"...

I'm afraid to look too much farther...but, people on Lush should be aware...I know Jacquie, Pete, Don, Yasmin, and no doubt others post over there...those people just come to mind off the top of my head...

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Hey Alan I would never post anything on a site that edited my work but then I write only for me and my guys if anyone else happens to enjoy reading it that's nice but not why I do it. To edit your work without your approval is just wrong! I'd never post anything there.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Hey Bunny...nice to hear from you, btw...I agree with you totally, and that seems to be the initial reaction of everyone I talked to this morning...

I've been posting on Poetry Craze for about as long as I've been on Lush...I joined both in October 2009, and they have never edited anything before...

This is apparently something that happened very recently...I decided I'm going to wait a week or two and see what happens...I know I'm not the only one affected...I know all of Don's poems must have got "edited" for instance...

I can't see other poets taking this quietly...quite a few poets post stuff that is not necessarily G-rated over, I can't see this situation lasting...

I can't believe they had a problem with the word "piss"...

I'm trying to maintain a sense of humor about the situation at the moment...but yeah, if they don't change stuff back, I guess I'll have to pull least the one's that were "edited"...

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Jeeeeeeeeez... they edited "breast" and "pussy"?????
Next thing you know... you're gonna get suspended for 20 days for being naughty....
Fantasy: imagination unrestrained by reality; fulfilling a need not gratified in the real world
That's wrong. There's one site i'm leaving.

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Quote by Kayte7
Jeeeeeeeeez... they edited "breast" and "pussy"?????

You don't think it's funny they removed the word "piss" from "Life Is What It Seems?"

I was just looking over some of my poems's actually a bit comical at this point, I think they are starting with the oldest ones for now...poems like " Is Best" which I posted in September 2010, have not been touched yet...

It's funny to see some of the stuff they find objectionable...the word "whore" for instance from "Be My Little Whore Tonight" is removed from the poem, but is still in the title...

And notice the word "ass" is removed, and "pussy" in one instance, but not the other...

Yeah, by the time to get to stuff like " Is Best" the poem is just going to be a bunch of far it's intact...

Right now I'm spreading the word to people I know here and on SS...and I e-mailed Jim Sularz, who is a contest winner over there to spread the word around that this is happening...

If it doesn't stop, I will have no choice but to remove my stuff...shame really...

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It's unfortunately the time we are living in now - everybody is getting, it seems, more thin-skinned and leery of "What if somebody takes offence to....?" Used to be called "Covering My Ass"
so ridiculous...really upsetting.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." Thank goodness!
OMG Alan! They are a bunch of morons. They have no idea... Geezuz mate, don't get me started. I feel your anger. They have the hide to ***** you and yet they let a huge gramma slip in line 2, through!

I never laughed so hard.... At least now we know why your pants are so tight... you've been sporting 'two' cocks in there all this time ;) hee hee hee. heart ya work Alan. Don't let the a******s get you down. We all support you!
Geez Man I'd be pretty pissed myself if they did that. I think personally I'd be the type to pull all my stuff from the site. I mean seriously they let the word slut through yet not whore? Go figure but the editing by them would seriously piss me off. It is one thing to have a story or poem rejected and them to say why it was but to do that without asking that ain't right. Loved the poem btw
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
You guys have got it good here, don't forget it!
Quote by nicola
You guys have got it good here, don't forget it!

How can we forget? You keep reminding us...

I happen to post my poems on a few poetry sites, and I have to say that my poems get more views both here and on Stories Space than any of the poetry sites except Poetry Craze, which is why I'm not in a hurry to pull my stuff from there...

Poetry sites in general don't get a lot of views...if you get a couple hundred views on a poem on a poetry site it's good...

Got Poetry, for instance, gives a badge "Pop" next to a poem if it gets 500 views...sort of like a "famous story" the only poems that seem to cross the 500 mark are the sex poems...go figure...

Poetry Craze is sort of a crappy little site...but, it's the only poetry site I know of where the poems get thousands of views....

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Quote by DirtyMartini
I just posted this over on Stories Space, so I'm just doing a copy and paste here...I know there are several Lush members who post on Poetry Craze who will be affected by this...

I'm almost tempted to write them and pull off all my poems...except I get a lot of views over there, and my poems do pretty well there actually...

Actually, I think you should write them and pull your poems off their site. To allow them to continue, allows your value as a writer to be compromised. Yes, they get a lot of views but is it really worth it?
Quote by Shinzon
To allow them to continue, allows your value as a writer to be compromised. Yes, they get a lot of views but is it really worth it?

No...I agree with you totally, if they continue I will have no choice but to pull them...

I was hoping to make people here aware who are probably also affected so that we can all voice our objection and hopefully get things changed back to the way they were...

But yes...if this continues like this, I'll have no choice but to pull them...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
It certainly appears quite pitiful, perhaps the letter asking for some kind of explanation may prove revelatory.
I think Dirty deserves a spanky for not publishing his poetry here. 5 nani nani booboo's and an all hail lush is in order. Now here's the chalk...

I will not express myself in front of those that don't care.

I will not express myself in front of those that don't care.

Keep going.

I'm sure the nani booboo's will follow.
Quote by eviotis
I think Dirty deserves a spanky for not publishing his poetry here.

I think it's pretty safe to say that any poem I have in the erotic or love poem category is on Lush...and anything else is on Stories Space...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
That's awful for them to edit your poems like that. I think you have it much better posting it here!
Quote by darkcherry
That's awful for them to edit your poems like that. I think you have it much better posting it here!

Thanks D-Cherry...actually, I'm not going to be posting poems anywhere on the net for a latest goal is to try to get a poem "in print" and once you publish a poem on the net your chances of getting it in any legitimate journal are pretty much "shot to shit" as they say in the industry...

Btw...I just posted this over in the forum on Stories Space, under the "Random Blurt" thread...


The next few weeks will be a record for the number of submissions I'm waiting to hear back on...and some are potentially lucrative from a financial standpoint...

1. August 5, will be the results of this contest on Stories Space...$100 potential...

2. August 15 will be the results for the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest...I submitted "The Facebook Poem"...first prize is $1500 btw...I have my fingers and toes crossed on that one...

3. I sent in a poem titled "If I Should Forget" to Poetry Magazine on June is supposed to take 6 to 8 weeks to hear, I should be hearing back about that soon...$300 potential there...

4. I sent three erotic stories to Rachel Kramer Bussel for an erotic romance short story compilation..."Dance Class" Editor Pick on the sister site, btw..."Is She Happier Without Me" and "Carnival Knowledge"...that's a potential $150 in the unlikely event she picks up all far, she has rejected everything I've sent her...and I've sent her several stories since I started submitting stuff to paying gigs on September 7, 2010...

5. I sent in "The Birthday Party" to Short Story America for their Story Of The Week...I think that pays $100...should be hearing soon...

6. I have a total of nine stories that I sent to the erotic e-Zine Oysters & Chocolate that I'm waiting to hear back on...and I still haven't sent them anything this month yet, you can send three per the unlikely event they want all nine, that would be a cool $90...they pay ten bucks a pop...
They bought two of my stories this year..."Morning In The Park" and "Getting A Raise"...they rejected eight so far...

I think that's it for now...hopefully something will come they say though, "You have to be in it to win it"...


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
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