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Wrote this one long ago and published it elsewhere, shortly after my marriage fell apart. Luckily, I'm not so lonely now.

The treetops flame in golden light
While the red sun sinks away
Behind the houses and the trees
So ends my lonely day

So starts another lonely night
Of longing and despair
Of wishing there was someone near
Who has some warmth to share

Someone who holds me in her arms
As I hold her in mine
If only for the briefest time
A second would be fine

But as I watch the treetops fade
And loose their amber light
I know I'll be alone again
For yet another night

A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i

To hold you close, to have you near
To have my breath, against your ear.
Whispering the words I long to say
To show you my passion, in that special way

All I need is just to embrace
My babe with the pretty face
Just a sip of your pink lips

I want to wake up to
your body smothering mine
As you cover every inch of me
With the heat of your tongue

My lips meet yours with a tender caress,
Our hands now roaming to slowly undress
Your lips wonder softly down my neck
such sweet delights your touch confects

Making love slowly, thrust for thrust,
feeling the urgency, denying our lust.
  Both holding tightly, one to the other,
stoking the fire, not letting it smother

Feeling your need and squeezing it tight.
 Electricity flooding every part of our souls,
ravishing hunger no longer in controlled

Giving all that we have, with eager desire,
bursting within, with an explosion of fire.

Quote by smilewithhappiness

To hold you close, to have you near
To have my breath, against your ear.
Whispering the words I long to say
To show you my passion, in that special way

All I need is just to embrace
My babe with the pretty face
Just a sip of your pink lips

I want to wake up to
your body smothering mine
As you cover every inch of me
With the heat of your tongue

My lips meet yours with a tender caress,
Our hands now roaming to slowly undress
Your lips wonder softly down my neck
such sweet delights your touch confects

Making love slowly, thrust for thrust,
feeling the urgency, denying our lust.
  Both holding tightly, one to the other,
stoking the fire, not letting it smother

Feeling your need and squeezing it tight.
 Electricity flooding every part of our souls,
ravishing hunger no longer in controlled

Giving all that we have, with eager desire,
bursting within, with an explosion of fire.


Smiles... that was beautiful and hot! Did you write the first in the italics too?

Feel like embracing you so tight

Holding you in my arms through the night

Planting kisses 💋 on your body parts

And giving you a warm bath.

You're a ravishing beauty

You make me feel naughty

You have a sweet 😋 ebony skin

That turns men like a spin

Love to smooch and suck those boobs and nipples

Make you squirt hard by tickles

Let you play with and suck my joystick

Drilling your honeywell till you cum thick.


The naked female body can be exciting,
when its owner gives a smile so inviting
a thought to give in to the arms of pleasure,
to taste and sample the feminine treasure.

This isn't apt for Lush so I am sharing the link here from LS' sister site StoriesSpace, entitled "The Day I Said Goodbye".

The Day I Said Goodbye


The day I said goodbye
My life crashed
I felt worthless
I felt trashed.


The day I said goodbye
I prayed for the truth
You kept your mask
You hid from me the sooth.


The day I said goodbye
I lost my faith
I no longer knew you
It was like you're a wraith.


The day I said goodbye
I tried not to cry
The pain was too much
I wished I'd just die.


The day I said goodbye
I lost hope
Gone are our dreams
I might just pull the rope.


The day I said goodbye
I stopped to approach
I saw in your eyes
There was no self-reproach.


The day I said goodbye
I wanted to stay
You never said the words
I longed for you to say.


The day I said goodbye
You held my hand
I saw in your finger
Your missing wedding band.


The day I said goodbye
I thought of our promise
I can't fathom 
How it became a premise.


The day I said goodbye
I lost my love
There was no more forever
I doubted The One above.


The day I said goodbye
I thought the pain would end
It was afflictive
I must mend.


The day I said goodbye
It was hard letting you go
I wish you well
You'll never know.


The day I said goodbye
My heart turned stone-cold
It reached its limit
It's the ultimate threshold.


The day I said goodbye
I thanked the distance
Perhaps it'll help us
Find our acceptance.


Latest stories:

💙 Love Beyond the Stars

💙 Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?

💙 Okay

💙 Autolove

💙 Fuck for Gold

💙 On My Tongue

Please read, rate ❤️⭐, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!


You're going to close your eyes, and then open them.

You will see me.

Nothing will change when you close your eyes.

No spirits will stir and no dreams awake.

It's a simple action.

Open, close. Open, close.

But then you'll see me and that's all that matters, isn't it?

"A dirty book is rarely dusty"

Story deletion

It was impulsive of me.

Now, I regret it.

It was about you

Another fantasy told

It was about us.

I read it somewhere

It was written by someone

It was similar.

It was not exact

Now, I need to rewrite it

His has no ending.

It was fun to write

All the thoughts we have in mind.

The muse was so right.

Do not hold your breath

I shall give my best again

You shall read it here.

It shall be published

Not here in Poet's Corner

But in Lush Stories.

Latest stories:

💙 Love Beyond the Stars

💙 Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?

💙 Okay

💙 Autolove

💙 Fuck for Gold

💙 On My Tongue

Please read, rate ❤️⭐, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!


As the lady walks daintily along.

I feel the need to burst into song.

The cool summer breeze lifts-up my dress.

Oh my gosh, one must not stress.

The pensioners on the bench the other side.

See my frilly panties, and I must run and hide.

They must have had an eyeful of me down there.

Wondering if I am hirsute, or have no pubic hair.

One man I recognize, he is Mr. Terry.

I think he would like to take my cherry.

The other two men, I do not know.

Yet, I bet their penis will soon start to grow.

Tonight when I am snuggled up in bed.

I be thinking of them, having me lick their mushroom head.

Just Jane.

I thought I would never do it anymore.

As I walked slowly on the sandy shore.

Yet the urge to dress-up is very strong.

I scanned my eyes as I walked along.

There were people here, not just me.

I thought, if they knew I was a he.

That day, I wore a floral button-front dress.

Gosh, I wish I were a woman, I do confess.

The breeze ran through my shoulder-length blond hair.

Soon I be with my aunt, sat by the fire, in the arm chair.

Oh aunt, you said I was very pretty that Spring day.

I told aunt, I like being a girl, but I am not gay.

How am I to tell my mom, I am happier wearing a skirt.

I pray she will not turn me out, and throw my clothes in the dirt.

God, I know I must not ask you why?

Oh my Lord, you do not know how much I cry.

One time I was going to end it all.

Then the day my aunt did call.

Aunt Gloria understood my plight.

Dressing me in a nightie for bed, that night.

Now my sweet Jane, everything shall come right.

Once the morning comes, and the sun shall shine bright.

Author:~ Just Jane.

Sat on my bed, I have not much time to do it all.

When I hear my aunt Joan from floor below call.

I am just out of the warm shower, still in the nude.

If I enter the kitchen naked, she think me rude.

Yet, the need and urge for her to see me in my birthday suit.

I hope aunt will smile and call me a pretty girl, which be cute.

The number of times I have cum, calling out my aunt's name.

I must tell her this, or maybe she will say, for shame.

I am in a dilemma, to tell her that I like to wear pink.

What on earth will my sexy aunt Gloria think?

I do so want her to spank and deflower me.

Shall I tell her now, or wait a day and see?

Author:~ Just Jane.

At the end of each day, at my bedside, I kneel and pray.

Mom by my bedroom door, not a word does mom say.

Oh my Lord, God, a boy in April, please make me a girl in May.

I rise and wearing my nightdress, I climb into my bed.

Mom tucks me in, smiling and saying, "don't you worry your pretty little head."

Quote by Guest
I wrote this at Christmas:

I’m thinking of last night and this
in particular: that kiss
under thread-swinging mistletoe
just after you were the last to say you had to go.
Our lips touched and held
a second too long, I felt. Lips unpursed I could tell
this meant more. I drowned in the smell
of your mulled breath and the wet taste
of sugar-sweet on your lips. Haste
forgotten in the perfume of that embrace.

It hurts the day after. Where do we go from here
if anywhere at all? It’s less clear
if you felt the same thrill
I did when my tongue touched yours; or if you still
will soldier on as that sympathetic friend.
Too late now, in one sense. You’ve gone away, to spend
the holiday at home. But will you send
some sort of sign? Let me know
where I stand? As for last night, all I have to show
for it is the raw, primal torture of a day spent aglow.

Bumping this for Christmas (a little late). It's one of my favourite poems, and I just spent ages trying to track it down again. It's by fuzzyblue, who isn't around any more.

07 February 2025 - My latest dirty story is now online. Free Spirit on the Nudist Beach - Part 2 | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

'Ode to a High School Slut'

Short white socks round ankles gathered,
Legs akimbo, you’re hot and bothered

Am I your date or just your slut?
Someone to meet, to use and fuck

You keep me back in every class,
You say it’s work, but you want my ass

I’m kept all sweet with lots of gifts,
I’m never late with all the lifts

Ever ready, a glance at the clock,
The lunch bell rings, it’s time for cock!

Back seat of your car or in the paper store,
You know I’m always eager – I’m back for more

Whether it’s a secret shag or a blow job too,
I’m always willing, always there for you

Because I’ll do things your wife won’t consider,
I make your cock a whole lot bigger

You fuck me hard, you know what’s to follow,
Cos I’m a girl who likes to swallow

Giving you head, just a game to me,
Like the time you watched me pee

I’ll see you later, suck your cock clean,
It’s all right I guess, cos I am eighteen

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Here is one I just submitted on the "blue" site. I call it

No Comment

Danger! Danger!
Screams my brain
Like Robot
From "Lost in Space"

Grit my teeth
And steel my jaw
Words: don't escape
Stick in that craw

My ears are open
Neutral face
I will myself
Only to say

Nothing, nothing
Not a thing
Just sniffle once
And twist my ring
Grab my phone
And tap the screen

I dare not speak
I'm filled with dread
Believing thoughts inside my head
Are visible, for all to see
Loud and clear: HDTV

Slowly now
I lift my face
Suppress a sigh
I think I'm safe

Steady, cooly
Then I say
"Oh, never mind" and
"That's ok."

A naughty twist to a classic poem format:

Rose's are red,

Violet's are blue.

Now lift up your skirt

and show us yours too! 😛

Quote by HappyChappy1

A naughty twist to a classic poem format:

Rose's are red,

Violet's are blue.

Now lift up your skirt

and show us yours too! 😛

ICYMI, there's a Roses are Red thread

Latest stories:

💙 Love Beyond the Stars

💙 Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?

💙 Okay

💙 Autolove

💙 Fuck for Gold

💙 On My Tongue

Please read, rate ❤️⭐, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!


Love in The Time of Parting

You told me that you gave your heart,

You gave and didn’t count the cost,

And when your gift was torn apart,

It made you think that all was lost,

You’re wracked with grief and bathed in pain,

And feel you’ll never love again,

I know that I am just a friend,

But still, I’d help your heart to mend.

In this microstory a page turner of a novel leaves the reader gasping for more.

After seven minutes in the Fora....this is


Roses are red

I'm out from the blue

Finishing a poem

You won't have a clue.


I guess I can say

Not the cheesy kind

It's about love

Not what you have in mind.


Not broken hearts

Somewhat self-ish

Written October first

I shall finish.


I'm out from the blue

For a moment in time

Staying in the dark

Hoping I can rhyme.


Don't worry

I'm fine as wine

Don't drink me

Just because I'm fine.


Thirty-four stanzas

That's the current count

I stalled on the ninth

No blues I can't surmount.


I was only to write

Verses to the Roses

But I'm rambling again

Please accept my excuses.


To darling TonyaL

Welcome back

It's nice to meet you

You didn't see Prozac. 😂


Latest stories:

💙 Love Beyond the Stars

💙 Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?

💙 Okay

💙 Autolove

💙 Fuck for Gold

💙 On My Tongue

Please read, rate ❤️⭐, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!


Fountain of Love.

Her slender finger

Circled my nipple

Followed closely

By her tongue

Her wet lips

The electric bolts

A premature ejaculation

Coating my embarrassment

And my stomach….

Before I lay my body down to sleep,

I give you my soul to keep.

If I should pass before I wake,

My God, it’s yours to take.


Your Goddess

GODDESS 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Every second of every day. 💕💝


Can you hear it

Silent can you bear it

Long can you feel it


It courses

Through it tramples

Hard it hurts

Down it drops

Far it goes

Over and out

Until nothing it seems

Lasted for more than a moment

Still she was… again

I erased you today

Your thoughts your words

I hit the button and just like that

Your words of praise were gone

I wiped clean the slate today

The pain pushed off like leaves on a driveway

I deleted you today

The hope of a tomorrow with you, with me

I fell down today

Down down

Wondering what if

I fell back today

To the girl I promised I would never be


Her next day

Ah strong light

You filter in over my still nude form

Your rays floating

Yet I see them not

Ah hot coffee

Your aroma so deep and dark

How your depth do sink

I see them not

Ah warm water

Coursing over my fragile skin

You droplets dancing

I feel them not

Ah satin and lace

Your threads slip softly

Onto my breasts

I care for them not

Ah sorrow

You encapsulate my life

My brain my heart

I feel you so

Everyone should read this.. it’s so raw and heart breaking. Praying I can bump this so others will read it!

Quote by Myrrhhhhhh

This isn't apt for Lush so I am sharing the link here from LS' sister site StoriesSpace, entitled "The Day I Said Goodbye".

The Day I Said Goodbye


The day I said goodbye
My life crashed
I felt worthless
I felt trashed.


The day I said goodbye
I prayed for the truth
You kept your mask
You hid from me the sooth.


The day I said goodbye
I lost my faith
I no longer knew you
It was like you're a wraith.


The day I said goodbye
I tried not to cry
The pain was too much
I wished I'd just die.


The day I said goodbye
I lost hope
Gone are our dreams
I might just pull the rope.


The day I said goodbye
I stopped to approach
I saw in your eyes
There was no self-reproach.


The day I said goodbye
I wanted to stay
You never said the words
I longed for you to say.


The day I said goodbye
You held my hand
I saw in your finger
Your missing wedding band.


The day I said goodbye
I thought of our promise
I can't fathom 
How it became a premise.


The day I said goodbye
I lost my love
There was no more forever
I doubted The One above.


The day I said goodbye
I thought the pain would end
It was afflictive
I must mend.


The day I said goodbye
It was hard letting you go
I wish you well
You'll never know.


The day I said goodbye
My heart turned stone-cold
It reached its limit
It's the ultimate threshold.


The day I said goodbye
I thanked the distance
Perhaps it'll help us
Find our acceptance.


The dirty little game

Hello you

Welcome to my play

Sit down relax tell me of your day

I have a little game to try

It’s very fun I can’t lie

U lay back

You wait and see

I start the game

It starts with me

How do you like it

I ask as I sit

On top of you

We do so fit

I change the rules to suit myself

Shh I say this will help

One soft stroke

One lick

You poke

I step away

Tied up

You now have the say

So lay back my lust

This is your prize

My breast my pussy my lustful eyes

Your climax your dick the cum that arise

Play the game hot man

I’m waiting you try

As I sit in my corner and think about your lies,
I have nothing else to do but break down and cry.
You knew it would end,
You knew it would die,
You knew one day we'd have to say goodbye.
You told me you loved me,
You told me you cared,
But the rage inside has slowly flared.
The moments we shared replay in my head,
Along with all the sweet lies you said.
You thought it was a game,
You thought you'd win,
But in the end you felt nothing within.
Deep down inside there was a big empty space
That I now realize you couldn't replace.
Something about you helped me see
That without love I'm finally free.
Free from pain,
Free from lies,
Free from having tear filled eyes.
Without your love I finally see
All the horrid things you've come to be.

Not a new one , but in past, but a healing bandage was ripped again

Quote by Venus18

Before I lay my body down to sleep,

I give you my soul to keep.

If I should pass before I wake,

My God, it’s yours to take.


Your Goddess

As long as your body is still warm.