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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
For all you Texas Hold 'em players...

Don't you just hate when this happens...

Them Poker Blues

Went to a casino the other day,
A game of hold 'em I was hopin' to play,
Entered the poker room and looked around,
Found me a seat and sat right down.

As I laid down my chips and started to play,
I hoped that luck would come my way,
For a while the cards were running cold,
Most of my moves were check and fold.

As the game continued on,
I realized half my chips were gone,
But before it could go from bad to worse,
I saw my luck was about to reverse.

For as I sat among those expressionless faces,
I was suddenly holding a pair of aces,
I knew the bank I soon would crack,
With this chance to win my money back.

As the dealer took three off the top,
And laid on down that three card flop,
My heart had suddenly started to sing,
As I saw on the table an ace and a king.

Now with aces three of a kind,
Thoughts of riches went through my mind,
With my luck now running hot,
I tossed a pile of chips in the pot.

As the dealer laid down another card,
Everybody stared real hard,
It was just me and another who called my bet,
And I didn't see him as a threat.

The final card thrown in the ring,
Happened to be another king,
Suddenly I couldn't help but gloat,
As I was holding a full boat.

With the full house I was holding,
There was no way I was folding,
With aces over I had to win,
So I decided I should go all-in.

For a moment I was in a daze,
As the other player called my raise,
But with confidence I began to stand,
And showed the full house in my hand.

The other player didn't say a word,
Sounds of silence was all that was heard,
As he exposed two kings, it really blew my mind,
My full house was beat by four of a kind.

I sat back down with a look of defeat,
After suffering such a bad beat,
And all my money having been spent,
I wondered how I'd pay the rent.

I thought of how I'd tell my wife,
And if she'd come after me with a knife,
I thought of ways to recoup my loss,
Like asking for an advance from my boss.

Lady Luck had done me wrong,
Left me singing this sad, sad song,
Some days you win, some days you lose,
Some days you sing them poker blues.


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Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
You Were Never Meant To Suffer Alone

Why is it you run and hide?
And never show the hurt inside,
Where does all that suffering go?
The wounds that you refuse to show.

Locked like a prisoner in a cell,
Alone to bear your personal Hell,
A Hell from which you can't escape,
But really, it's your chosen fate.

Pain that eats you from the inside out,
Filling up your whole life with doubt,
You just can't do it on your own,
You were never meant to suffer alone.

Because when life's too much to bear,
That's the time for your burden to share,
Open your heart and let someone in,
Only then can the healing begin.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
For want of remaining calm, i approach slowly
Each step like crystal upon the stone
a delicacy i know not how to control.
I look skyward as i touch the ground, apollo hear my call.
the blindest beggar sees clearer than i.
guide me, for in this room i have never been.

For want of keeping peace, i crawl patiently
My step cannot be heard in these chambers
no dust unsettled. no breath misplaced.
apollo, lead my hand, this chamber is so vast
like an infant, new and amazed, i stare aimless
for all these sites, i have never seen.

For want of holding face, i stand still
My hesitation shows no fear.
in awe i must take rest, for i am not alone.
Apollo meet my heart, and guide me through her home.
this temple is my innate desire
a solitary space that my eyes have rarely seen
in these new surroundings, my course is quite unknown
but i am safe within the certainty
that i am home amongst the answers.
this is love, is what i mean.

Something silly and sentimental I guess. Has no title as of yet.
My wish

Some light the menorah,
others the Christmas tree.
Some just get lit
waiting for that they've yet to see.
Whatever the belief,
no matter the lack thereof,
I am constantly reminded
it's simply about love.

The love felt as a child
waiting for a gift.
The love that is missing
due to familial rift.
There is a constant reminder,
whether you like it or not,
there is just something there
something that can't be bought.

The real gift I'd love to get
is that it would happen all year long.
I believe that we have it in us
but then again, I might be wrong.
No matter how bad it's been
for a moment it goes away.
Or at least if I was so inclined,
for that, and for all, I would pray.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This one seems to fit in with the holiday thingy, I think...

Party Favors

Party favors do not a party make,
Nor that fancy bakery cake,
It's not the table set so fine,
Nor that bottle of expensive wine,
Not china set on polished wood,
Or gourmet food that tastes so good.

What matters is the people gathered there,
Family and friends you know who care,
With whom you can share a laugh and a smile,
It's what truly makes life worthwhile,
For with time spent with loved ones you can be sure,
Of cherished memories that will always endure.


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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Flirtatiously Fluttering
Missing him so much....

I close my eyes and dream of you
Your face, your smile, your eyes so blue
My skin so tingly from your last touch
Every part of me misses you so much
I long to be in your arms, feeling warm and free
I long to hear you whisper how much you love me
My long thick dark hair awaited your skillful hands
sharp scissors and vivid imagination
It was my first time I had no expectations or demands
My virgin hair had never felt such sensation

First you ran your fingers throughout my mane
All the while driving me insane
Followed by the caressing massaging scented shampoo
And the professional treatment from you

I watched in the mirror as you sectioned piece by piece
I just wanted this pleasure to last and last
I wished the feel of your forceful hands to never cease
I anticipated more but dared not ask

As I watched my long strands of hair fall to the floor
I wondered if I had made a mistake
I was afraid of what lay in store somehow I trusted you more
Even when you sheared my nape

That first time is a special memory I will never forget
Nothing will ever compare
The first time ever I let
A man cut my hair

I hold your hand and I watch you slowly breathe
Eventually we will meet again that I believe
You have only brought me great happiness
I fought to give you nothing less
Now you are nearly gone
And I'm almost alone
I can only cry
Pray and ask why

True I knew love
Blessed from above
Treasured each day we had
And for those moments I'm glad
Now I watch your life come to an end
Losing more than my wife I'm losing a friend
Only by the grace of God I hold back my fears
It's too late its over I flood your dead body with tears
Active Ink Slinger
Who am I

Abstract and poetic, complex and centered, I am the warm light that's kindled inside me

With each morning's awaking, as the world begins to stir a sound and a shade of light at a time, I am rejuvenated

In spring showers, pulling weeds and planting new in soft soil, I am happy in my garden

Contented, I watch the new strengthened, as nurturing sprinkles wash over, before the sun's season begins

Determined and practiced, I communicate with animals and master them

Alive in assemblage, I am shown from other's points of views and learn

Calmed by aloneness, in clearness, I am selfish

Compelled, I endure as I search for a single love to share the known and unknown

By myself which is a state of mind, I am removed

Darkened, I cringe at the sight of poverty and deprivation from within and without

Saddened by despair of ones lost dreams, I age

Lucky, I am blessed to have been given life complete with possibilities

Who am I

I am myself unafraid
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
No Help At All

I sit at my computer desk trying to think,
I pick up my coffee and start to drink,
I've been up all day and into the night,
Wracking my brain for something to write.

Just sitting around all day at home,
Hoping to write the next great tome,
But my progress has been terribly slow,
The words simply don't want to flow.

I realize to reap the glory and wealth,
My novel is not going to write itself,
It's my own project, I understand,
Though I wouldn't mind a helping hand.

I look at my dog and she starts to stare,
If she has any ideas, I wish she'd share,
I'd gladly give her any credit due,
Even buy her a bone or two.

But she looks at me with nothing to say,
It's clear that she just wants to play,
She goes to the corner and fetches her ball,
I can see that she is just no help at all.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
No Help At All

I sit at my computer desk trying to think,
I pick up my coffee and start to drink,
I've been up all day and into the night,
Wracking my brain for something to write.

Just sitting around all day at home,
Hoping to write the next great tome,
But my progress has been terribly slow,
The words simply don't want to flow.

I realize to reap the glory and wealth,
My novel is not going to write itself,
It's my own project, I understand,
Though I wouldn't mind a helping hand.

I look at my dog and she starts to stare,
If she has any ideas, I wish she'd share,
I'd gladly give her any credit due,
Even buy her a bone or two.

But she looks at me with nothing to say,
It's clear that she just wants to play,
She goes to the corner and fetches her ball,
I can that she is just no help at all.


this is funny and sweet -play with the dog and if you can, get laid -this will help you write -get away from the end and start at the beginning -in other words, let the story write its self : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Wild at Heart
Quote by myself
Who am I

Abstract and poetic, complex and centered, I am the warm light that's kindled inside me

With each morning's awaking, as the world begins to stir a sound and a shade of light at a time, I am rejuvenated

In spring showers, pulling weeds and planting new in soft soil, I am happy in my garden

Contented, I watch the new strengthened, as nurturing sprinkles wash over, before the sun's season begins

Determined and practiced, I communicate with animals and master them

Alive in assemblage, I am shown from other's points of views and learn

Calmed by aloneness, in clearness, I am selfish

Compelled, I endure as I search for a single love to share the known and unknown

By myself which is a state of mind, I am removed

Darkened, I cringe at the sight of poverty and deprivation from within and without

Saddened by despair of ones lost dreams, I age

Lucky, I am blessed to have been given life complete with possibilities

Who am I

I am myself unafraid

No, there's no need for clarification this time myself. ;)

I really liked this myself. I think I have a better understanding of who you are now.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
My Love Did Sometimes Wander

My love did sometimes wander,
And my thoughts did often roam,
From the one who held them dear,
And gave my love a home.

But I was young and restless,
And my heart would long to play,
Never thinking of the one I’d hurt,
When my love would go astray.

They say if you play with fire,
You sometimes will get burned,
And though the lessons were often hard,
The lessons did get learned.

For I know my heart belongs right here,
With the one whose love is true,
And if my thoughts should wander again,
They will wander back to you.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
Another Mistake

We work, we work, we work,
We build up things that we lost before,
We make things better,
We smile and laugh,
We love and live again,
Things are better than ever before,
We create new happy memories,
Then one night you drink.

You drink, you slip and you unravel what weve done.
You drink and do something stupid,
With someone so not even worth losing me for,
Its easy as that to ruin our hard work.

So now what?
We put a lid on it,
Start again and pretend it didnt happen,
I add it to the box of other mistakes,
Try not to let it take over,
While at the sametime making a note to keep an eye on her.
I try to forget and just carry on,
Hoping there wont be yet another 'next time'
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
When Friends Betray Friends

When friends betray friends,
With words less than kind,
It tears apart the friendship,
And all the ties that bind.

When friends betray friends,
It hurts you to the core.
All the trust and love,
It all goes out the door.

Like an ice cold sword,
That tears through your heart,
When friends betray friends,
It will tear your soul apart.

All the love and friendship,
Built up from the ground,
When friends betray friends,
It all comes crashing down.

And all that peace and harmony,
Built throughout the years,
When friends betray friends,
You’re left with only tears.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
When Friends Betray Friends

When friends betray friends,
With words less than kind,
It tears apart the friendship,
And all the ties that bind.

When friends betray friends,
It hurts you to the core.
All the trust and love,
It all goes out the door.

Like an ice cold sword,
That tears through your heart,
When friends betray friends,
It will tear your soul apart.

All the love and friendship,
Built up from the ground,
When friends betray friends,
It all comes crashing down.

And all that peace and harmony,
Built throughout the years,
When friends betray friends,
You’re left with only tears.


wow -that was beautiful : )
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Active Ink Slinger
Life brings the words of a song
The pain opens a gate
A tiny smile brings flood
One's alone self takes a coarse
Touch is searched for and held
The journey continues away
Mournful pride slides by
Holding still and steadily
Day breaks and pushes
Winding forward and set
Elders amend and cease
The soul is not lost but placed
Melody melody
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Active Ink Slinger
A sort of a love type poem I wrote today not to anyone just a big battle I have been having with myself for a while now I won't let this feeling take me over again

At A fork in the road

I am at a point
In a Journey of Love and Hate
Which path I will choose
I have already made.
I will not wander down through the corridor
Of anger and hate
They hold no place inside my heart
I will not let it tear me or my loved ones apart.
Love is my strength to get me through this
long journey of life. Without love I am not the man I want to be.
I am a lover not a fighter not a person of hate.
Which path do I take as I stand at this fork in the road?
I choose the path of love and let it pull me ahead.
I will not let anger and hate win me over
I am love I need love I have been given love.
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Lil' Bro

Goodnight and goodbye my friend
to days when there was no end
to pleasures and mindful matter
drunken haze and idle chatter
gravity, without the weight
love endless, life without hate.
Seamless dialog, dogeared page,
curtain calls, a rose upon the stage.

Wonder and awe, at life's reward.
Differing tempos ending on the same chord.
Embittered and amused from the same cue's,
A shared brush, blending hue's.
Life the art we practiced well.
The mistaken stroke, a passion quelled.
Last we met, we spoke of tomorrow,
but now left, from remembrance to borrow.

I know not who the editor be,
thus my rage is all I see.
Traffic lines had set the stage.
Traffic lines now end the page.
You would say, move on with life
and so I shall, without usual strife.
I just wanted you to know,
that I'm sorry to see you go.

Goodnight Rick.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Happiness And Purpose

Is happiness something far out of reach?
Something for which we must strive.
Like some far off destination,
Where we hope someday to arrive.

Or is happiness just a commodity?
Something that can be bought,
Or is happiness something we all can learn?
Something that must be taught.

Is our happiness in short supply?
That may someday come to an end,
Or is there enough to go around?
That we can share it with a friend.

There are many things we’ll never know,
Like an envelope that’s always sealed,
And yet as we pass through life,
The answers are slowly revealed.

For we‘re all here for a reason,
As we pass from young to old,
And the longer that we live it,
The more answers will unfold.

And though we entered the world that way,
We were never meant to be alone,
And though we may often try,
We can’t do it all on our own.

For I believe happiness is our purpose,
And a purpose made to share,
To help make happy the ones we love,
And show them that we care.

And whatever our purpose in life may be,
And only time will truly tell,
My only hope is that I’ve served it,
And served my purpose well.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini
Happiness And Purpose

Is happiness something far out of reach?
Something for which we must strive.
Like some far off destination,
Where we hope someday to arrive.

Or is happiness just a commodity?
Something that can be bought,
Or is happiness something we all can learn?
Something that must be taught.

Is our happiness in short supply?
That may someday come to an end,
Or is there enough to go around?
That we can share it with a friend.

There are many things we’ll never know,
Like an envelope that’s always sealed,
And yet as we pass through life,
The answers are slowly revealed.

For we‘re all here for a reason,
As we pass from young to old,
And the longer that we live it,
The more answers will unfold.

And though we entered the world that way,
We were never meant to be alone,
And though we may often try,
We can’t do it all on our own.

For I believe happiness is our purpose,
And a purpose made to share,
To help make happy the ones we love,
And show them that we care.

And whatever our purpose in life may be,
And only time will truly tell,
My only hope is that I’ve served it,
And served my purpose well.


beautifully put !!
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
This one is dedicated to my grandfather...Walter Joseph Jankowski (1906-1989)...


An honest man who worked real hard,
And did his best throughout his life,
To clothe and feed his proud family,
His four children and his wife.

Born in the early twentieth century,
He knew that times were often tough,
But he always did whatever it took,
To ensure his family had enough.

A gentle man who spoke with kindness,
And ungraciousness was never heard,
Who still believed in God and family,
And knew the value of a man’s word.

Some would say he was old fashioned,
He rarely drank and did not smoke,
But he was always there to lend an ear,
And always the first to offer a joke.

A kinder, gentler, more honest man,
Could never be found anywhere,
And I know as sure as there’s a Heaven,
That you will find my Grandpa there.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
In a late winter eastern sky
As day bid goodbye to the Earth
A midnight blue cloud
Caught my eye

Edged in bright white
Overlaid with a deeper darkness

Rush hour traffic forced me to pause and
I lost myself in the cloud and puzzled
How the velvet blue could contain that powerful black
Without losing its essence

Minutes passed, sirens, traffic stalled and the sky darkened
The edges of the cloud shone brightly and for a long while I could still see
Its unchanged character

Blue holding black, black supported by blue
You holding me, me inside of you
Active Ink Slinger
really liked the new ones everyone -thanks : )


Forgiveness is our gift to you on this path of turmoil.

Split mercy and righteousness, for that's what you have done.

Your path of wreckage burned the innocent,
Your pain and consequence cut to the soul.

We must let go,
We have no choice.

Odds are you won't be left to far behind.

Put a foot in front of the other,
We won't be hard to find.
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Paris will never be the same...Where is Paris anyway???

Oh that's's somewhere in Texas...

Paris Will Never Be The Same

I returned to Paris as in days gone by,
Now that I’m here, I’m not sure why,
For the city that once felt like home,
Is a joyless place when you’re alone.

I can’t help but recall the older days,
Of sipping wine in corner cafes,
Romantic dinners by candle light,
That lasted well into the night.

The walks along the river Seine,
Huddled together against the rain,
Hand in hand we’d stroll the street,
Stealing kisses, so discrete.

Now as I walk along the avenue,
I think about the times with you,
But the city we both loved so dear,
Is a lonely place without you here.

And though I yearn for the times of old,
Now the city just seems so cold,
I made my return but I’m sorry I came,
For Paris will never be the same.


You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger

We chat
and then a call
plans were made for a movie that all.
It was clear, at least to me we are just friends
I brought the popcorn
you get the move
Boy their was other things on your mind

You reached for me
I stayed back
Still I was their to watch a movie
Now I know their was no chance

Finally, I came to you
Just to comfort you.
And so it begin.

That kiss
the look in your eyes
that need for a woman's touch
I knew that I could do it just right.

Like a dance
that has been rehearsed
No time that kept us apart
Why did I let you see in to
my heart

I know that she has kneed you in the balls
and done you wrong
I'm not her and that not my song.
She Cheated on you with five of your best friends
I'm sorry that one is my blood
Why did you call me
If you knew that you still had a gun

I'm not my brother
I didn't fuck you Bitch
I'm not the Bitch that got pregnant with your best friends baby
Don't blame me for what they have done

If all you wanted was a wet whole
I would have bought you a fucking ham

Don't call me
I can take care of it with my hand
Musical Interlude

Structures built between me and you,
physical, spiritual, and individual.
I didn't ask for it, and neither did you,
but here we are, so what do we do?
I ask you, without pretension.
Can I tell you without hesitation?
Pride in what you say and,
Pride with what you do,
Can I say I love you,
no matter your sex,
sorry if you're vexed,
can't I love without prescription?
And so I sit here without hesitation,
to hear you.
I see you, for what you are,
I see your sides, which I also have,
or even for what you wanna be.
There's no limit to what heart's let see.
Can I cry into space and let you catch?
Throw it out there and hope you'll fetch?
Your style and way say so much,
excuse the momentary crutch.
I hang my head upon your prose,
as tears roll down my nose.
Here I am and there you are,
two entwined without knowing the other,
why should I even bother?
I know it might be a waste of time
but I feel again, as I feel your rhyme,
when I hear you.
Active Ink Slinger
The Wind Blows

Can't make up it's mind
Which way to blow
Winds blow all around
Time to ride hard

Head winds, Cross winds, Tails winds
Which ones today seems to be all
Three of them
Can't make up it's mind
Makes me have to
Ride harder

Not knowing which way
it will blow
Keeps me on my toes
Cross winds and Headwinds
suck no mater what
the only good wind that blows my way
Is the tailwind

Time to ride hard
Fucking head wind straight on through
Not gonna stop me though
Just make me stronger
Time to tuck grab the drops
Lower the gear
Hammer the crank

Time to ride hard
The wind she blows all around
She can't seem to make up her mind today
Time to ride hard
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
Sex is his secret
His blanket his shield
(Sensual lust shatters
a young boys fragile mind.)
Shouldnt we mourn the death
Of a child now born to
A life lived in death
no celebration of manhood
His nightmare of fondling and
mind-numbing masturbation his only rite of passage.
With Broken promises and lies
You ignore me and leave me
A whisper of love
A smile? A long wave goodbye.

Tell me of love from a God
On high. Sunday school falicy
only a fool would believe.
SHOW me this love
And i'll show you mine that
Starts in the dark and ends in the dark
And never more
Will i care
Love is of shame
and secrets
and lies
Its a soft feathered touch
Never soothing the pain
Salt in a cut
Your promises burn my heart to

Can you not SEE
The pain that i FEEL? The emptiness
Of desertion, his fear of
Abandonment and betrayal
How CAN they care??

Soft tears as unnoticed
As furious rage...

Pffft. Lover of death and you
Ask me why yet how can I not
Being a bride so young?
Branded for life with the Scarlet M of molestation...
Meomory exonerates logic and truth.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Go ahead...make my day...

Steal This Poem

You probably were a bully,
Who never did well in school,
Stole other kid’s lunch money,
And thought it was really cool.

And now you’ve moved on,
To stealing other’s work and time,
All without a hint of remorse,
As if it’s not even a real crime.

I’d like to think people like you,
Deserve a special place in Hell,
For when you steal an author’s work,
You steal a piece of them as well.

So now I’m going to dare you,
To try and steal this poem,
Post it on another site,
And try to call it your own.

And if you think you can do it,
And never will get caught,
The only thing I can say to you,
Is you’re dumber than I thought.


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