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Primus Omnium
This is my version of a villanelle.

In Winter Seek Your Passion

In Winter seek your passion long since passed,
And know that what you sow you often reap.
Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.

Though ancient hills cache secrets cruelly vast,
Inside their rock strewn oaken hollows deep,
In Winter seek your passion long since passed.

Don't worry that her leaving seemed forecast,
Just know as Winter drowsing brings on sleep,
Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.

Although the songs of joy have been surpassed.
Forget your fears and take your fervent leap.
In Winter seek your passion long since passed.

While porcine creatures forage for sweet mast,
Take comfort in a rough hewn mountain keep.
Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.

The world may freeze but she is all steadfast,
Dismissing memories of her tortured weep.
In Winter seek your passion long since passed.
Your life dreams may yet come to you at last.
In my Facebook feed I came across a poem called "Let America Be America Again". This poem touched me enough so that I figured it needed a follow up poem. The follow up poem I wrote is called "Jubilee is You and Me". They are meant to be read without pause, in other words, to be read as one poem. At the time I didn't know
who this guy was. But later I realized I had read other stuff of his. I made a video talking about how I would hope Mr. Hughes would read and like my poem. I did not realize, that the time, who this guy was and now I feel kind of dumb. *smiles* Oh well.

"Let America Be America Again"
By Langston Hughes
The land that’s mine—the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s,
Who made America,
Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,
Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain,
Must bring back our mighty dream again.

"Jubilee is You and Me"
By Vines aka Cheif
But when I look into your eyes that mighty dream is more than a dream it is the sole reality that I see. The jubilee is all most see; yours and mine, giving our thanksgivings to mines and yours. And when I see these bowed head as they pray in the name of our Thanksgiving for the dream that never was, that is when I know, history repeats. So I turned my back on that dream-machine. Surprise to me when the sensation of you clinging to my hand kept me at peace. Sparks fly and on-lookers’ll never know what made this dream ‘cause all they see is the jubilee, thinking, we got it so easily; this love never came so easily whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, whose mighty dream made this America the brave.
Active Ink Slinger
In honor of Armed Forces Day.....

For Green Beret Staff Sgt. Michael McClintock, may God always have your six... Husband, father, soldier and friend...
Alexandra and Declan, never be afraid or feel alone, you are part of our family always. Remember only real men wear the beret.

I can't believe you're really gone

You've been called home
Please tell me I am wrong
The music is still playing
Your scent still strong

People call you hero
This may be true
Husband father lover friend
Titles my heart knew

Your little boy Dec
Never meeting is sad
He has your eyes
You're his hero dad

You promised me today
Tomorrow plus one more
Always wanting the safety
Just to be sure

All that's left are images
Comforting like soft rain
Movie so life like that
It eases the pain

My mind a canvas
Shared memories of bliss
A paintbrush of emotion
Filling the empty abyss

All alone, I feel you close
Talking can you feel
Emotional voyage on edge
No timetable to heal

My eyes still water
Flowing down the cheek
Can't seem to stop
Can't fix this leak

True love defined us
So special a godsend
Dancing to our song
Never envisioned an end

You memory lives strong
Always within my heart
Promise never broken
Forever will carry on

Today: Forever died

Changing this to submit...
When the winds of war came calling at my door,

I felt it my chore to adorn a 'form

Of the Virginia dragoons,

And ride with Light Horse Harry Lee.

With the bugle horn I wore across my chest,

Giving call the cavalry charge 'larm.

In this maddening shroud called civil unrest,

As the insanity of battle mocked a quest...


There upon a harboring hill, with a quill,

Afar away distance from mortar blast.

You prosed a quibble of poetic verse,

And for my personal liberty.

In taxation on bales of tea,

As a musket ball sapped my life.

Oh give me air, give it fair,

Place a ribbon from your air

Across my box of wood.

And remember me as I rest,

The folksy reels of Kickapoo we danced.

With the bugle on my chest

And in the spirit of war-play,

My bones gone to clay,

Buried with a little lead ball...

Active Ink Slinger
One of my first poems posted.. I have 15 posted on my page come check them out....

Time is drawing closer
Will eyes stay blinded by fear
Reality means full exposure
Second thoughts may appear

Ready to remove our masks
Once caused by distance
Too much love to leave this task
Undone in the hour of coexistence

Setting sail to where tangible meets fantasy
Will dreams wake to true faces
A bold plan, is it just fallacy
Excitement abounds as a heart races

Allow your true self to show
Were we just actors on stage
allowing lingering fallacy to grow
Oceans away, so hard to gauge

Many questions left to answer
Promises to be kept
Will there be smiles or rancor
Chances come, good fortune wept

So many late night interludes
Professions of love in variation
Knowing this stage was the prelude
To a full declaration.

One question please no lies
Need to know if you're
Hiding six inches between your thighs
If yes, heading for the door.

With the Lush costumes now history
Mutual satisfaction for all
Putting an end no mystery
Bells ring to destiny's call
Mesmerise Me

The thrill of that first kiss
I've never wanted anything more
Senses scorched by buried desire
Lips that flame so bright
Blinded by sheer delight
I want to feel it again
I'm hypnotised by you
I'm so beguiled by you
I'm mesmerised by you

Just the promise of another kiss
I want to touch,
Hold and caress you
Within this moment of bliss
I want to ravish,
Enchant and thrill you
I remember the scent of you
I remember my hands helpless
I remember I cried tears of joy

I lie watching you
Life so serene
Your beautiful eyes so dark
Open windows to your naked soul
One glance
Mesmerise me
And I'm entranced
And I'm falling
And I'm captured

E xx
Advanced Wordsmith
Getting into my wife’s lovely drawers

My wife is blond as you can surely see;
An upturned nose and very pretty.
She cooks, she cleans, and she rings my bell
But it’s her drawers that I love so well.

My wife’s drawers are a sight to behold!
A tale to you that must be told
Of things so secret and forbidden;
The contents of which must be hidden.

Her love is hidden inside that place.
How in the world can there be such space?
I find things that I dare not describe;
Secret things that I should not find.

My wife’s drawers are a menagerie
Of playing cards and gold jewelry;
Gum and matches are down deep,
Buried under the Scotch tape heap.

Thin little cookbooks are shoved to the back,
Baseball score cards used to keep track.
Pictures of family and friends together;
Halloween masks (including the feather!)

Bills and pills and lottery winners
Can be found with the silver for dinner.
The garlic press sits upon dinner recipes
Next to the Ace bandages for your knees.

The secret’s out and now you know,
The hidden things found down below
The fifty-cent coupons and packing tape,
The rubber bands and hooks for drapes.

The counter and the cabinets, I fear,
Never harbor trinkets as dear
As the drawers my wife stuffs every day.
It’s her love for her family she tucks away.
A man in the house is worth two in the street- Mae West
Inspired by “Kat’s Hate Speech” from 10 Things I Hate About You

I hate the way you befriended me, and I agreed to Morrison’s Moondance,
and how I then reached out to you, with compassion’s wide expanse.

I hate the way walls were penetrable, how easy it was to reveal,
and how I succumbed to connection, how I fell head over heels.

I hate the way I came to want you, laced with like, lust and need,
and how we came to love, filling voids that called with greed.

I hate the way you worshipped me, with words that you did send,
I hate your catalyst for change, misconceptions still struggling to comprehend.

I hate that you would misconstrue, I’m crushed beyond all belief,
and how I hate that you just walk away, I hate this crying, I hate this grief.

I hate the way you eased self-hatred, and medicated injury,
and how now you are responsible for making emotions bleed.

I hate… I hate the way I too wrote this story, a poetic love spewed forth,
2,523 words for you… oh, and add these on of course.

I hate how fucking hard it is, to now just stop and let you go,
It makes me hate the way I loved you, was it even true? I was so aglow.

But most of all, I hate it… I hate the way I don’t hate you (or me, or it, or us, or any of this),
I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Active Ink Slinger
In a world full of hate, it's hard to stay positive but not impossible...

Dance Among the Waves

I walk along the shore,
Leaving impressions
Of me rooted in the sand.
Each step defines my path,
A journey to become whole.

Steps of kindness-
Steps of love-
Steps of caring-
Each one waiting
To be erased
By the strong waves
Crashing upon the shore.

But nothing can wipe out
Or a passion for life and love.
For in hard times,
Find a sense of yourself,
And don't let that go
No matter what.
Hang on to your friends,
Have close relationships,
And love those who need it most.
Smile when you want to cry,
Laugh when someone,
Wants the opposite for you.
Let go of grudges.
Embrace your talents.
Accept your failures.
For that is the only
Way you will succeed.
And simply let your heart be happy.

We can't stop the waves
From crashing all around us.
The choice is in our hands-
To dance among them
And always leave an impression
No one will forget.

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
Messed up from this sex hangover,
Your fingerprints are all over.
You really killed the pussy,
‘Down there it smells like sushi’.
Last night you ate the Cookie like
you’re Lucious,
I can’t get up my legs are so useless.
My cake is farting non-stop,
Damn you really messed it up.
My hair looks like it went through a
big battle,
Full of dry sperm and standing in
every direction.
World War III took place in our
Someone call 911 they should come
get you.
“Officer check between his legs there’s
a weapon”,
My poor pussy is the death proof.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by LaylaJune
'Tis the season . . . this one is called

Bad Fruit

Sweet taste of summer!
Juicy fruit
Beckons from the bins

The siren song of
“I’m in season!
And low-cal!
I’m what you want!
You can’t NOT win!”

Velvet curve of mounded peach
The touch gives me a rush
Yet I know
When I get home
It’s sure to taste like mush

And pre-sliced mango
(Minus hairy pit!)
Golden spears of pure delight
Just begging to be bit

But even as I buy some up
I have a nagging hunch
That when I go to take my bite
I will hear it crunch

And berries -
Do I dare?
Purple, red and pink
Fresh! Organic!
But you know what I think?

When my lips let berry in
They’ll pucker at its taste
And it will take me half an hour
To undo my face

Every year I get sucked in
Each year I am this dumb
So, next time I hit the store
It’s ice cream: here I come!

Witty and clever and charming. Though it is making me hungry.
A caw of my words ring, of a bard's composing,
as a quilt of dusk spreads dark at my pane
and with a swill of the brew, I hang a curse.

With a gift of the sass, in seduction she verse,
my mused smiled with a seductive grin,
as her talcum lay about my chin.

Of patterns, she designs on my manliness,
etching finger tips on my penis
and wrapping them about my shaft.

And with her thighs she parts in style,
to do my pecker in it's idle rise,
as her talcum lay about my chin.
Active Ink Slinger
That her God always hears
That is what she believes
And that helps her and comforts her
Because she grieves
For the loss of her loved ones
Both her husband and son
Who had died in september of 2001
They were firemen
Rescuing folks from the towers
And when they collapsed
She had waited for hours
She had prayed every minute
But too soon it was clear
That fate had made truth
Of her ultimate fear
They were heroes, her men
They both gave their life
But she wishes she still was
Mother and wife
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Active Ink Slinger

My hot fingertips gently trace
Fingerprints on your delicate skin
Reddened by my chastisement
Your cheeks aflame with passion
As your breath comes in sharp moans
And your muscles contract in time
With my ministrations, my kisses
Active Ink Slinger

Can I tell you of my pleasure
Though my words are rather crude?
Forgive me my perversions
But I love to see you nude!

When I form a mental picture,
Of my love in perfect pose
I can't stop my baser instincts,
You are naked nose to toes.

While I'm waxing sentimental
Flowery thoughts and bits of fluff
My basic sense is elemental
so I like you in the buff.

Though your dress is very stylish,
Would you decorate a rose?
So in my intimate fashion,
I prefer you without clothes.

If these words seem somewhat sordid,
and my sentiments be rude,
Please forgive me for my passions,
For I love to see you nude!
She shimmered beneath the streetlight glow
alone against the night
I sensed her beauty, intuitively
a picture drawn from her elegance alone

her hair flowed golden red
gently over bare shoulders
that begged to be kissed

my footsteps should have startled
instead she slowly turned,
smiling shyly and snatched my heart
with her simple words
that held so much promise

"I've been waiting...
for you"
Active Ink Slinger
If I could but touch that shapely neck,
the flowing shoulders, smooth straight back,
sexy young breasts tipped with soft rose-red nipples
wanting a lover's kiss,
my kiss.

Belly firm and soft, waiting for my caress,
down over hips, to soft firm buttocks,
then down long legs to ticklish toes.
Now both hands moving upwards
onto calfs and then to soft inner thighs,
stroking gently, never harshly,
feeling warmth and tender wetness
waiting for me?

For fingers or tongue to explore,
to arouse, to tease and to bring higher
until pleasure overcomes all else
and you come, arching high, rigid,
totally still with the intensity of the feeling,
and then you melt backwards into my waiting arms.
To slowly recover, then to be used again.
By me.
When I saw RR's on my tombstone
My ectoplasm came unglued
And drifted off in all directions
But I polished my marble and got off
With two EP's to my fame
And if that's not enough
I doffed my hat and spat
At the guy who gave me a four
Walking down a traurig trail

In the neroberg mountain

I came upon a damsel

Wearing shorts made of cotton

Her horse was named twiddle

We wore our giggles

I climbed on the saddle

Erect were my nipples

It started raining

We couldn't talk then

She took me where she was living

I couldn't stop when

Away she led my leftover tear

When she said come here

I kissed near her ear

Her finger on my derriere

It felt like an year

When I finished rocking

The storm didn't roar

When we finished laughing
Quote by lesbiannyc

Walking down a traurig trail
In the neroberg mountain
I came upon a damsel
Wearing shorts made of cotton

Her horse was named twiddle
We wore our giggles
I climbed on the saddle
Erect were my nipples

It started raining
We couldn't talk then
She took me where she was living
I couldn't stop when

Away she led my leftover tear
When she said come here
I kissed near her ear
Her finger on my derriere

It felt like an year
When I finished rocking
The storm didn't roar
When we finished laughing

Well...I liked your poem much. Very abstract, with such the illusion of a none poet like honesty.
Penned with the innocent smile that only a young girl, sitting alone in her secret place
under that special shady blossomed willow tree, with only her diary in hand, and her dreams.

Very very good
I know many have already read my poem. And though I know I'm not a very good writer?
Which is ok. I have enough going on in my life already.
I had to write my thoughts from this past 2 years.
Just something to express my love for my friends, and for everyone here at Lush.
My passion for

Horny Lovers of Lush.

Sitting here again, just watching, remembering the fun I've dared,
The friendships, the secrets, so many Lush lovers that I've shared.
The wonderful crying laughter, a truly euphoric orgasm,
Pillow talk the morning after, as I quietly think of them.

Wondering and not knowing why, it's so beautiful in late fall,
As I sit here and I try, to understand the excitement of it all.
Remembering the joy and the fun of my early Lush days,
The smiles, the wonderful people, my mind in a daze.
Everyone's spirit was so free, and how I was so shy,
Looking around at others like me, it was such a wonderful high.

I chatted with them all, those who feel as I do,
Some of the older Lushies, and the peeps that were new,
Trying to put aside my fear, and to comfort them too,
My list of friends growing, but really, only a few,
Those who always post on my page, while I'm black boxing you.

So many new people I've met, so many on my friends list,
So many who want me as their pet, to be my Master or Mistress.
To each of my imaginary lovers, my heart can only hope again,
To hold you tight under the covers, as our private windows remain open.
I feel your heart as it touches mine, and It always makes me sigh,
Your warm body is always so divine, cuddling until we close our eyes.

Slowly rocking my lover to sleep, holding them so very tight,
We cyber caress each other and keep, us both so warm at night.
I almost weep, when I think, how they really care,
As we sleep, I awake, to see they are still there.
Staying until morning for a warm wet kiss,
I joined Lush for the erotic times so sweet as this.

Pulling you tight, our nipples rub together,
After marking your ass cheeks with my warm oiled leather.
Looking into your sweet eyes, needing this so much,
Sucking each others tongues, as our lips softly touch.
Binding her ankles, I can't wait to get inside her,
Pulling her chains, spreading her thighs wider and wider.

Kissing between your breasts, licking around each nipple,
Squeezing your tits to my face, as I watch you squirm and wiggle.
Biting your nipples so gently, rolling each between my teeth,
As I Look up at you lovingly, and softly massage your feet.
Licking around them both again, making love to your tender nips,
Then suck each one deeply and, nurse them with my eager lips.

Kissing and licking down your warm body,
Finding your clit, hard, swollen, and pouty.
Pushing my tongue under your hood, flicking up and around,
Biting your clit hard, licking all over your hot wet mound.
My fingers rubbing between the wet lips of your kitty,
Your girl-cum is everywhere, so much, oozing and juicy.
Pushing three fingers in, 'omg, your cunt is so hot,'
Adding another and fingering, pushing past your g-spot.

Finger fucking you deeply, I see the pleasure on your face,
Plunging in, then upward, surrounding that special place.
Folding my thumb, hand twisting slowly and gently in,
Fist fucking your pussy and licking your bum, again and again.
Watching you squirm, and squirt, so much, and so wildly,
Spraying us with your girl-cum, how I lust for you madly.

At home lying comfy, dressed sexy for you,
See-through blouse, no bra, crotchless panties too.
My clit vibe, my rabbit, and my dildo in hand,
'I'm so glad to see you baby,' and kiss you again.

Raising my hips upward, and sinking all the way down,
Taking all of it I could, as I sigh with no sound.
My huge dildo is so yummy, my thighs spread so wide,
Body shaking, tits bouncing, 'Ahhhfukkk,' I cry out as I ride.
3 inches wide and 14 inches long, god it's so thick,
Singing out a lustful song, as I fuck this huge dick.
My nipples spraying milk crazily, fucking my pussy balls deep,
Loving every inch of this big black strappy, fucking myself to sleep.

Squeezing and fondling my tits, pulling at my nipples,
My lust blazes in wanton fits, as my body suddenly ripples.
My desires in a lassoed noose, my eyes rolling back in my head,
I scream, 'fukkkyesss I'm so close,' like a big tit farm girl who's corn fed.
My pussy throbbing, stretched so much, my legs feel so weak,
As I shout, 'I'm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,m,.m.....,'
in a loud shreak, then I can hardly speak.
Laying here only shaking, orgasmic ripples run deep through my soul,
Warm milk dripping, my nipples spraying, my pussy squirts a constant flow.

We kiss each other sweetly, as our tongues play and then,
Thanking your Lushie lover, for the yummy help again.
Once again we embrace, as we lick cum from our fingers,
Kissing each others face, as this wonderful feeling lingers.
Sucking each others tongue again, girl-cum running from our lips,
Dripping down our cheeks, and every where between our nips.
Caressing your warm body at night, this feeling I want to keep,
Holding you so very tight, as we fall into a cyber sleep.

I enjoy my bi-sexual life ya know, I like my Lush boy friends too,
I love to make cocks hard and grow, and get sexed up by one or two.
Gang bangs are hot and so divine, so much pussy and cock and it's all mine,
Two cocks pumping deep in my kitty, and both cumming in me all the time.

Grabbing my mans huge cock, my lips just can't resist,
It's so big and hard as a rock, so I give it a great big kiss.
Stroking down to your base, tongue fucking in your slit,
My mind in a haze, as you fondle and fuck my tits.
Squeezing my boobs around it, slowly stroking you up and down,
Fucking my boobs as I surround it, while you finger fuck me in my mound.

Thrusting your cock even deeper, grabbing behind my head,
Face fucking me with such a fever, as you bind me to my bed.
Biting the base of your cock, as my throat clamps down tight,
Throat fucking me as I gulp, swallowing cum all through the night.
Sucking you off madly, jacking your big cock faster,
You cum so much I gladly, kneel and call you Master.

Your huge cock head stretching me, trying to ease it in,
Pushing through my open cunt lips, my mind in such a spin.
Your cock going deeper, I can feel every thick inch,
I cry and weep like a whore, giving my nipples a pinch.
My thighs wrapped around you, as you grab at my hair,
Grabbing my ass too, I so love your fingers there.
Your cock starts to pulse, 'oh god, fuck me, fuck me faster,'
Pumping me so deep, I scream, 'breed me you huge cock bastard.'

Male or female Lush lovers, we both cum, and squirt together,
Whether it's his or if it's hers, so yummy, as we all get wetter and wetter.
My pussy and nipples squirting so much, and I know you want me to spank ya,
As I talk so dirty to urge you on, 'finger fuck your slutty pussy baby,'
and 'jack off your big cock good for Ivanka.'

I love you all so much, my special Lushie friends,
I so love your touch, and can't wait to see you again.
I will never walk away from you, and care for you can't you see?
Those who always post my page too, and care enough to black box me.

So many Lush loves and lovers, and so many that are to be,
Getting them all under the covers, with their hands all over me.
So much pussy and cock to love on, how wet it makes me feel,
How hard I squirt my girl-cum, as I squirm and scream and squeal.
My loves and lovers of Lush, too many Lushies that I can name,
Everyone always in such a rush, and not all can play the game.

But my friends and my lovers, they sometimes leave,
Others just take another path and grow distant you see.
Some listen to rumors and lies from the (LBAGC),
The (Lush Bitch and Gossip Club) are so mean to so many.

Sad when your friends just leave, without even a goodbye,
When you try to post their page and it's no where in sight.
You try so hard to smile, wipe the tears from your eyes,
You just stare at it for awhile, as your heart seems to die.
But the tears won't stop as you wonder, and you feel so let down,
When it that screen pops up you ponder, "404-Page Not Found."

You feel left out in the cold, just sadly looking in,
This sadness seems so old, and you not like being here again.
Trying to stay warm, and just want to find your way,
Starting over you mourn, to get through another day.

I think of them all, trying at least to stay close,
To the ones in my heart, those I care for the most.
I watch them laugh and play, wanting to stay near,
No, I'm not gonna cry today, I'm not shedding a tear,
As "Hey sexy, U wanna private?" whispers into my ear.

I see an old flame, a friend who hasn't left yet,
So I'm glad that I came, thinking how horny I get.
There are others who are new, saying hi, and hello,
Soft kisses, flashing breasts, but it's all who you know.
Looking at all who are chatting, and many others who I see,
Reading their pages, whom I would like, and who would like me.

I login to Lush almost everyday, reading stories of the Lushie erotic,
I comment and vote as if in a maze, of tales that are so hypnotic.
Meeting new friends in the forums, and playing the fun sexy games,
So many nice peeps I adore them, and I feel so glad that I came.

So I spend most of my time here, trying not to get bored,
As my mind ponders away the fear, so I don't feel so ignored.
While I write my own story poem, and sitting here once more,
I know Lush is my cyber home, and I like being it's whore.
I'll never be able to stay away, when my heart gets such a rush,
I love to play here every day, with the Horny Lovers of Lush.

Please go to the link below, Comment/Score my poem if ya liked it...warmhug...Thank
Just a Girl in the World

What happened to the little one who agreed too much?
I heard she is still around and trying to get in touch

With who she was and who she is and isn't that enough?
Won't tomorrow find its way with all of its own stuff?

She rolled it up, sucked it up and now she's back again.
But, at night she finds her way back inside her den.

It's quite a pleasant feeling as she dances across the floor,
Where she remembers anything she needs is in her core.

No matter if her path is bumpy or is smooth.
The age old wonder lies within herself to soothe.

Her silent times, her wounded soul, her feeling all alone
Is consolation that she is her rock; her own self healing
Active Ink Slinger
So many sweet outcomes
Their sweet stories showed
You thought that you were
On the Yellow Brick Road
But the promises empty
And the stories a lie
Have left your heart broken
And you're wondering why
You'd still trust anyone
In this digital place
Where so many do not
Show their actual face
But you put on your mask
And you fake a big smile
And you hide all the pain
That you feel for a while
In the hope it will fade
As the time passes by
And you hope that the next time
It won't be a lie
A little kindness can be so valuable, yet costs almost nothing

In many countries being gay is a crime, and even in modern societies, politicians try to legalise discrimination. Your voice can make a difference. Have a look at All Out to find out how.

Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
Rookie Scribe
I am a poet and I love this site ..most of what I write don't fit anywhere lol ..


Sadistic Love


I host the feel..

give me your dirty..

a wicked surreal..


a hell bent hopeful

. Up

half naked
in fantasy..


romancing my
envisions ..

my body aching..


for you to come find..


come play with me..


i want a bad boy..
with toxic toys..

now let me hear it

in your voice

my darling
of the darkest deep...

for you

I get down on my knees..

stir in echoes

missing beats..

heart in havoc..

paint me weak..

touch me

where my

thoughts explode..


you in


inhale my scent
so icy cold.

upon my throne..
Rookie Scribe
Sweet and Sassy

He looked at her lower back
Expecting it
Any second now
She was wearing low rise jeans
It was bound to happen
What was she hiding?
He was about to find out
Bam! Jackpot!
Lace pink ones
Interesting, he thought
It was his first time he’s seen hers
Sometimes he would see some only once
Sometimes he would see some daily
That would be the only time he would see them
After all, she did wear them her way

He learned some things
And passed it on saying: 
“You can always learn a little bit
From what panties she has on”

Freshman year, he’ll never forget
His first female friend he made
“She’s a slut” His friends persuaded
One day in Algebra, her black thong displayed

Three years later, same thing
They were both in the choir
She made his heart sing
He saw a blue g-string, he blinked
Because he thought he saw a wink

He saw a cute polka dotted pair
On a curvy girl he liked with long hair
His eyes said Hello to a certain Kitty
To a friend of his with big titties

He even got up skirted... A few times
The first time the girl lifted her skirt
And showed the whole class
That her panties are as green as Spring grass

The second time was funny really
The girl was known as kind of a freak back then
When she did it, she probably didn’t mean it
But the boys’ thirsts needed to be quenched

Whenever history class got boring
A certain girl got him stirring
He daydreamed about her ass going in a circle
And one day he learned about a sexy secret that happened to be purple

He saw a pair through yoga pants
After all, they were translucent
She was a dancer
He could see it all, it was magnificent

And one chick was in the band
And the choir
She actually showed it to them on a dare
Hmm, red, good choice of attire.

Through it all
He learned these things
After observation
This can cause an altercation
These panties hide the sweetness
That is consummation
Some girls are sweet
Most are sassy
But that was the fun part
What were they hiding?
Primus Omnium
This one was written at the request of a good friend who rather enjoys naughty things. She is a joy to write for and to write with.


As she rises and falls
On his cock and his balls
She has finally learned
What she missed.

Feels him humping his prick,
Feels him twitching his dick.
She is taking him deep
As she wished.

She had watched a long time,
Read his verse and his rhyme,
Liking all that he wrote
About lust.

Now she shudders and quakes, 
All his power she takes,
As he rams with a grunt
And a thrust.

She is crying for more,
Wants to act like a whore,
Getting screwed like a tramp,
A fuck toy.

She just wants to be used,
Have her body abused
In a way that will fill
Her with joy.

Screaming out how it feels
As she rocks on her heels
Bouncing down, deep inside
Of her slit.

She's fulfilling her dreams,
As she cries and she creams
Taking all of his rod,
Every bit.

He is twisting each breast
While she beats on his chest
Begging for all his cum,
All his spunk.

Now he groans as he bucks
And she moans as she fucks.
They are screwing so hard
She feels drunk.

All the poems he wrote
She would read, she could quote,
So she hoped that he'd fill
Every need.

Now he's shagging her ass
Which she once thought was crass
But now takes it with glee
And with greed.

He completes all her needs
Doing nasty sex deeds
That she read in his works,

He's a poet, you know,
Filled her heart with a glow,
And her pussy as well;
Now she's free.
For Frank

When the wet red and orange-ish leaves fall softly, 

He wears his cap and sits at the cafe everyday. 

 His eyes shine through when they catch golden light, 

Glinting and sparkling on a warm and sunny fall day.

He drinks coffee by the buckets as he writes,

Through his art, his genius all but obvlivious by him.

His smile charms all who are lucky enough to see it,

He has stars in his eyes and whole universes in his soul, glorious!

He is a mystery as I wonder where he gets his ideas and imagination. 

As he types his work, he sits and perhaps smokes his cigarette,

And possibly tan hands cradle his grooved pen. 

His digits type the keys, heavenly and celestial secrets are in his notebook, brilliantly written.

We love you, Frank-you are amazingly talented and  gifted. 

You've honed your craft and became the first and foremost great writer here and anywhere. 

To get the equally amazing recognition that you truly deserve, showing all the wonders

Of your brilliant mind, thank you.

I've decided to write you this small poem as a small token.
I wrote this months ago:

Glassed streets shine like jewelled stone
beneath a flooding, ceaseless rain
Hooded humans hurry home
Autumn shakes the window pane

‘A dirty night,’ you say to me
‘I’m glad we’re inside where it’s warm.’
And yes, we’re safe, though you can’t see
the first waves of an inner storm

It rages when you use your touch
to end resistance, strip me bare
The feel of you; your breath is such
a warm wind on me everywhere

Later, bedlocked, when we kiss
I hope I am at one with you
‘I always want to be like this,’
I tell myself, to make it true

Ten-thirty – by the bedside light –
you’re spent. Across my belly lie
small beads of passion, glossy white.
You softening against my thigh

Like wind through eaves, I'd heard you moan
Our half-lit bodies shone with sweat
But afterwards I feel alone
and wonder if you love me yet
Primus Omnium
This was posted in August.

Barn Swallows

So far away the prairies range my love
The vistas
And the memories
As well

We pause our gaze in recognition now
Because we passed this way once long ago

And in a hollow rests the storied barn 
Its shadows touched
With dusty sunlit swirls

Your hand is resting on my leg my love
Your dreamy eyes are settled 
In a smile

As both of us recall our visit here
Down by the scoured channel's mossy damp

The swallows fluttered as we entered there
We raised the motes of ancient days long past

You sat upon the ancient stump of oak
We knew there was a chance we might get caught
My member grew with every touch and pulse
As smiling lips had gripped 
The mushroom head 

Just recently the fires
Had burnt so bright
The charring of the grass turned landscapes black

And crimson flickering flames devoured the grass
Before the countryside was greened
Once more

Such stunning landscapes with an emerald bright
That glowed as did your eyes when first we met

There in the barn they crinkled with delight
Your mouth confirmed
The pleasures that you loved

This day the memory
Joins within our hearts
We hold our hands and stroll along the lane
Remember phantoms 'neath the creaking eaves

We laugh recalling just how fun it was
Exploring all the secrets
Of the plains

And feeling gentle love

It has to be well sought with seeking hands
The touch
You know so well my love

My love

So hold my throbbing shaft within your palms
And feel the moisture passion often brings
The warmth
That only true love deigns
To give

The kiss of everlasting love is joined

We glide to future ardors in the night
We seek the consummation
And delight

Saluting with our smiles the shadowed barn
That holds the dusty sunlit swirls of love