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Free 1yr Silver membership awarded. Voting completed results posted!

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I will be holding Haiku contest where the winner will receive a 1 yr Silver Membership, provided by myself.

The rules are simple:

1. Your Haiku must fit the erotic or love poem category.

2. Your Haiku has to be 8 stanzas long…A stanza is 3 lines…

3. You must Lush mail me your submission by Fri Oct 14th.

Anyone can enter…if you win and want to award the prize to another member that participated in the contest…that is perfectly fine.

The judging will be totally anonymous as I am not judging.

Do not raise your voice, Improve your argument.

Oohhh, fun.

Will you be publishing all of the submissions or only the winner? Looking forward to the results, this as well as your trivia competitions are awesome as is your support for writers and new writers alike on Lush.

Sounds brilliant. Can we see all entries here or somewhere else?

Don’t count the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.

Quote by Quill

Sounds brilliant. Can we see all entries here or somewhere else?

I will post them after the contest and judging.

Do not raise your voice, Improve your argument.

Haikus are incoming, do not loose your chance to win!

Do not raise your voice, Improve your argument.

This was a very very close competition…what great submissions were made for this Haiku contest.

The winner is #4 written by krystalg. Krystal has generously donated her membership to an entrant who was not a paying member. Congratulations Raven on becoming Lush’s newest silver member!!


There was a 3 way tie for second.


#3 written by NishasWorld

#8 written by MollyDoll

#9 written by Icarus11


These are your top 4. Congratulations krystal!!



Haiku #1 -Onryascanbe


The Most Important Job


Red lips expecting

Fingers groping seeking you

Clothing is the foe


Zipper inching down

Pants fall , not fast enough though

Rapid breath ensues


Hot steel..cock rigid

Kneel to your favorite place

Mouth wide …accepting


Throbbing head stretches

Throat craves to take all of you

Trace the outline please


Sliding out …exhale

Gripping my hair thrusting hard

Throat opens , I gag


Look up at me now

Intense eyes stare back at mine

Relief of out stroke


Rhythm starts, I ache

pussy throbs with abandon

Salty pearl arrives


One last thrust begins

the journey to owning me

Through dangerous lips



Haiku #2-Babygirl4u


This one is for you.

You, who showed me how I could

Become so much more. 


You, who daily push

Me beyond limits and realms

Of extreme pleasure.


You make me blossom - 

Evolve and embrace desire. 

Take all that I need, 


In giving myself,

All that I am, heart and soul, 

To you. In return  


You open my mind, 

Guide me, show me ecstasy

That I never dreamed.


Where trust and power

Exchange and become something 

That transcends us both.


Dominance is you;

Submission makes me complete.

Within these bonds, we


Each become stronger 

That Yin and Yang of pairing. 

I’m yours; you are mine



Haiku #3-NishasWorld


To the floor it drops,

Wedding sari of Neelam.

And she is naked.


Husband before her,

Lustful eyes of a cold groom

Ravish tawny skin.


She waits for him to stand,

Lead her to his bed chamber,

Yet he sits, watching.


Unsure how to be,

She blushes and bows her head.

As eyes shame her soul.


Where are you, Mamma?

Is this what you want for me,

Eternal sadness?


Footsteps on marble,

He is at once behind her,

Cold hands on hot breasts.


The touch unwelcome,

She hears her name, feels kisses.

But not her lover’s.


A hand in hers now.

Leading her to vile duty,

And to womanhood.



Haiku #4-krystalg

Screams pierce the silence

My orgasm tears right through me

Shattering my soul


My body quivers

Possessed by pleasure-demons

Stars explode within


Waves of lust consume

Overpowering my soul

My passion soars high


Wetness pours from me

Obscenities are exclaimed

As I beg for more


You are relentless

Thrilling until I pass out

Endless my orgasms


More I beg of you

Take me hard, fast, and deeply

Make me cum, again


You play my body

I’m your precious instrument

My moans your solo


Rapture, total bliss

I am enslaved by your touch

Please, give more orgasms.






it is always there behind.

watching over me.

whips cutting my flesh,

the moan escapes her open mouth,

crimson liquid flows.


gashes form on her backside

beautiful lines form.

looking back at me

i can see the lustful gaze

mouthing wanting more.


the strokes get harder and sharp

excited panting.

harder longer hits

melodic entranced, zoned a way

needing to release.


is paramount in this type

of situation.

security is found

when will it allow release?

when master allows.



Haiku #6-Blues222


White Hot-


Darkness surrounds her

A single flame flickers, drip

Scalding wax trickling.


Wrists pressed together

Bound by black coarse criss-crossed ropes

Pain not felt, not yet.


Wooden door creaking

Darkened desire mounts her form

Restrained, she writhes.


A single finger

Traces her dewy petals

Finding the bud, pinch.


Whimpers pass the gag

As strong fingers wrap around

Smooth burning white wax.


Honeyed thighs glowing

Drip, in scalding rivulets

Wince and moan she does.


Heady arousal

Draws the glowing ember close

To his marigold.


Drip, over her mons

White trails foreshadowing

His seed on her lips.


Haiku #7-etairay


Gasps from her soft lips

Presence alerts her senses

Beast is on the hunt


Pull on desires

Reactions spreads like wildfire

Fire burns inside her


Juices escape her

No! Squeeze tight, do not react

Weakness makes her fail


Solid warmth pins her

An animal caged in arms

Surrender to come


Words penetrate her

Lust circles within like vines

Bonfire is alight


Hair gripped tight with force

Throat is full, drool running down

Sated, gag and air


Bootilicious this!

Dark, tight, penetrated deep

Own that ass, he does!


Waves of heat ripple

Her feet to her brain engulfed

Cum extinguishes the fire



Haiku #8-MollyDoll



Her fire burns brightly

His mouth singes soft pale flesh

Ripping through control


Moans break the silence

Their desires perfume the air

Seized by frenzied hands


Plunging deep inside

Pleasure dripping from her cunt

Driving him deeper


Two merge into one

Rhythmically keeping time

Hunger unharnessed


Embers glowing bright

Flames licking forgotten nerves

Threats of destruction


Single-minded need

Her body demanding more

His power is lost


Voices crying out

Satisfaction bursts forward

One moment of bliss


Palpable fervor

Bodies smolder in silence

Lines forever crossed



Haiku #9-Icarus11


Ruby red lips, lick, part.

Soft sigh, ivory teeth smile.



Hands reach together.

Fingers entwine, clasp so tight.

Bodies together.


Eyes blue, green, now One!

Love flows freely, hearts, souls close.

Whispered words uttered.


Hungry lips together.

tongues tangle, dance, lips crushed tight.

passions grow each breath.


Hands roam, searching, tease!

Clothes asunder, skin revealed.

Fingers touch, search, find!


Fondle, stroke, touch, Yes!

Folds part, juices flow, steel grows

Legs part, want much more!


Poised, pushed deep. Groans, Claimed!

Mixtures flow, joined again, again!

Rasping breath, Hearts race


Searing passion, Now!

Joined release, lightning sears, cries!

Ecstasy, Endless!



Haiku #10-LL




My yearning for her

never ceases, never yields,

and never waivers.


An unending ache,

for her indulgent presence,

and sensuality.


Her lips, so supple.

Invitingly pursed for me.

My heartbeat quickens.


Her figure on which,

my fingers crave to languish,

on her divine curves.


I feel her need build.

That need dripping from her lips,

its sweetness taunts me.


My patience waivers,

an ebb but not a flow of

infectious fervor.


A stirring firmness,

my own realized desires

racing within me.


Unleashed it brushes,

over supple burning skin.

A moan escapes.


My cock drools across

her mons cooling as it goes,

but fueling her too.


On the precipice

it pulses expectantly

feeding her moxie.


“Tell me exactly

what you crave all week about

this very moment."


Her sigh and wry smile

laced with her fiercest desire

gives her all away.


Her hips tilt upwards,

not giving her quite enough.

She answers, "Just you."


Softly smiling now,

I cannot imagine how

bound to her I am.



Haiku #11-Anon


What has happened to

You? to us? Why did you go?

Without any words?


My heart was broken

For the longest time waiting

Thinking I could not


Be whole Me again

Ever love or trust again

mourning what once was


But he was waiting

Picking up all the pieces

Making my heart whole


My heart beats stronger

Just a glimpse of him daily

Makes me smile , giddy


Each message we share

Filled with innuendo and lust

Each conversation


Treasured and kept safe

So in sync , sometimes saying

The same words , laughing


But life moves on and

I wander alone again

This time unbroken



Haiku #12-AvaRose




.The winsome woman,

innocent, delicate flesh,

cherry blossoms white.


Exposing channel,

fingers dance along the edge,

wet and delicious.


The forbidden fruit,

feeds their cravings and lust,

whispering... don't stop.


His root taking hold,

its weeping with desire,

sowing fertile flame.


Milk of the poppy,

euphoria, connected,

kindling the afterglow.


Casting its shadows,

the cloaked wolf silently feasts,

near lifeless body.


Depleted, blooms fall,

shifting winds bring monsoon rains,

snowflakes dot the ground.


Essence of life, the

nectar dripping on her tongue,

silk channel glistens.



Haiku #13-Raven


Here we are again

And I wonder just how much

Hurt can one life bear.


You promised me more

Than I had want or need for

But I fell again


Believing In you

Your sexy voice in my ear

Talking so dirty


Ripples of pleasure

Caressing along my spine

Pooling in my cunt


My hands caressing

Over my body softly

Having me gasping


Nipples puckering

Moaning for you, voice husky

With desire and need


Hips bucking wildly

Rubbing faster and faster

Heart pounding, so close


Calling out your name

Each ripple washing over

Shuddering breathless

Do not raise your voice, Improve your argument.

Outstanding pieces ,congratulations to all the competitors some real talent on show

Thanks for offering this contest Sooner…lots of fun 😉

Thank you to everyone . It was a lot of fun ..and a new experience for me . And I love the silver -looks good on me 😀