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Who's done their playlist?

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Mine is up !
I finally got mine up!
Ok that was not bad. mines up.:d/
Carpe Diem

Red out
Just found this one. On my play list it's just the audio. LOL

Wow that was enjoyable! My play list is up and tuning!
just got mine up and running a few days ago
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Mine is up although its been changed recently. My first featured rap by Dogg Pound Gangstas, Rhianna and Tech N9NE the new one is different. Lemme kno if its good...........
I've had mine up for a while too!
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."

I've had mine up for a couple weeks, have updated it a couple times too. Added a couple songs today.

I also finally put some video clips in my youtube gallery, lol, my videos are great (to me at least) smile

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
I have finally updated mine. i'm going to do videos next week. i only have 1 in mind.
I add a few to mine every day and I listen to it when I am here.
new years resolution me thinks!
I gots a playlist...I'll change it soon, too.
hehe, i have mine up i hope people like stevie ray vaughn ;)
Got mine up- I'll keep adding to it, but it's a good bunch of my favorite songs. Mostly rock, but some other stuff thrown in over time.
I'm pleased to announce I hit the 100-song mark on my Playlist. It's set to Random. Check it out if you're into progressive rock, classic rock, funk and other cool tunes.
It wont play!

damn New Zealand licensing restrictions
Anyway, One beautiful warm Southern California evening when I was an undergraduate with nothing to do I took a walk around campus. There was a group of people lined up a at one of the smaller performance spaces. I checked it out. Don Giovanni was in town. Opera? I had never been to no stinkin opera. WTF, I bought a ticket got a seat on the front bench and when the philharmonic orchestra, played on a boom box type deal, fired up the the score, I knew something was happening here. I didn't know a Soprano from a Mezzo-soprano but I knew good notes.

Well, I never lost my love of opera or my desire to explore the landscapes of our kind. So, here I am, driving out to Death Valley with about 800 miles to go. I tune into satellite radio. I am bored with the Coffee House shit, god damn alternative and I only have so much tolerance of oldies including the 60s. The classical station sucked playing all the boring stuff.

Then I found BMP and Area, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"They know what is what, but they don't know what is what, they just strut, What the Fuck", and the drum rhythm captivated me.

It was 800 miles of techno baby and underground dance. A whole new world of music opened up to me. I really fucking dig it. Maybe it is the animal in me.
Anyway, even fewer of my friends like "that shit" than the few friends who have a thing for opera.

My new list is a sample of underground dance and techno.
Right on, Kyle.
Quote by Kyle
My new list is a sample of underground dance and techno.

I dig the hell out of #7 - Lustral - Everytime ...Been listening to that one, for the last two hours. (with some breaks)
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
So, I have been exploring the landscape of techno and underground dance. All I can say is I am breathless. Well, I can actually say more but some of the stuff I am finding is emotionally breathless.


DJ Tiesto takes the voice and the beauty of Sarah McLachian's art and gives you emotional chills with his remix of her Sweet Surrender and Silence. You can hear the future. Its like riding in a car crossing the island of Manhattan at 3AM after the rain. You can feel the roll of the tires. This music can take you there a beat at a time.

You might think it sucks but you won't know, will you, unless you listen to it. You will find the DJ Tiesto Sarah McLachian remixes numbers 1 and 2 on my playlist.
Quote by roccotool
Kyle, Tiesto has his own radio program, and you can find many of them here, to download.

He is Number One, in the world.

Muchos gracias Don! Rocco. I have been so blown away by Tiesto's creativity I am beside myself with joy, ok that might be a little dramatic but hell the guys mixes have me dancing all around the house.
I can't it's not working for me
I've done my playlist, but I've been unable to get it to link or go to Lush... Can anybody help??
I just did mine!
How cool is that application?! - never knew about it before...
And I think I have lucked out and chosen the perfect intro song.