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Say something nice about the profile of the person above you

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Quote by Woman
There is something so mysterious about your picture gallery....... I haven't laughed like that in a long while!

MasterVyle.... you snappy man!!!! The above is for Fugly's profile....
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
She Fugly

You Woman! Woman! Woman!

That avatar pic inspired My poem Cresting The Wave.

HA! Beat you again!
avatar picture... love it, love skulls ♥ the backgroud picture is oddly cute. (:
Beautiful gallery pictures. Too bad she took out those other pictures.
He changes his background to reflect a season, mood, interest, etc... Never boring and always a conversation starter.
I admit to doing light stalking on his page .. hahaha (no secret). His comments are always interesting .. and you can tell each person has had some sort
of inter-action with him. He is a really nice guy WHEN HE WANTS TO BE (jk). His profile give youa list of his stories, and I recommend reading his stuff. He is talented in many areas .. and his profile will give you a teaser to a few of them ;p
Nice self pic of a smoking hot body... Meggie uses humor and wit in her intro and set a tone for how she wants to be treated as a woman.

Like the use of the interests and the videos are great,, here list of bands and artist reads like the who's who of my soul.

keep going
Quote by tommie
Beautiful gallery pictures. Too bad she took out those other pictures.

Awww... Tommie, You just made my day!
I actually can't say enough about your profile...i love your background...but one sentence made me fall in love...under movies, i quote, "The more killing and violence the better!" good...I bet you loved Machete, huh? Me too...
Quote by SousChef78
I actually can't say enough about your profile...i love your background...but one sentence made me fall in love...under movies, i quote, "The more killing and violence the better!" good...I bet you loved Machete, huh? Me too...

Haha... one of my favorites!!!!!

SousChef78 - Your background.... makes want to go to a cafe and sit and enjoy the beautiful starry night. Love your playlist, Radiohead one of my favorite groups. And your poems are amazing!
I think we could be friends ;)
Love your interests as well!
msnic Love the avatar. I love the background with that older style of art. And I really love her picture gallery. Sadly I only had time to quickly look at about 1/3 of it. I think I could get lost in it for a few hours. She has an exquisite eye for lighting, composition, and beauty.
I loved the black and white erotic. The whole profile is just lively and fun!
In custody.

I love baseball!!! borrow a quote from Ice-T...Fuck The Police!
I like your hairy body SousChef!
I love your Avatar, your stories and your Bio, HoneyBee
^^ Has an interesting selection of books he likes to read plus he's got loads of Lush stories on his Favourite list!
I like that she has a detailed interest section. And also her stories are enjoyable smile
She's very sweet ;-)
Brother, was I wrong about you...i looked at your profile, and thought, what good can i possibly say...there's nothing here...but then i noticed your friend...i say friend because as you already know, there's only one of them...well at first, i thought that was kind of creepy...but i looked deeper and realized what was are truly here for one person only...i guess two if you count yourself...regardless...naked profile or not, it may be the most romantic one here...
I love the painting he chose for his background.
I like the description she's put about herself, it's simple yet effective- oh and the snowflake background is lovely smile xox
I love her display picture and her detailed about me section biggrin
Love Sandrine's Bio, especially her "Location"
Is really tall and has a comprehensive profile smile
I like your Ruby shoe, is there a matching pair LOL
A lady that is in charge and not to be messed with, unless she asks first.
You have some good music videos