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$100 Attention Whore Profile View Competition

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Grrrr, we'll see Steff.

Vhat you don't know iz that I ave a wery cunning and dastardly plan to vule zee vorld. Zhere vill be no more of zee misteeeer nize guy.
I don't think anyone's going to catch Gail.
Hey I'm doing my best here. :S I had 35 and in two days I was up to 200. But well it's a big competition.
Quote by nicola
I don't think anyone's going to catch Gail.

I totally agree with you there!
Come on, let's have some fighting spirit. We're not beat yet; there's a month to go. Catnip is storming up the table. Cx
PLEASE i'm begging you, end this competition NOW.... What started as a fun, even interesting competition has brought out the worst in people. It seems that's all people are talking about these days. It is getting so tired... Please don't let this go on for another long boring month.

Plus it is rigged anyway!
Plus it is rigged anyway!

How do you know that? And can you prove it?
Quote by MissKitty
Plus it is rigged anyway!

Hey I resent that, I have pulled a couple of tricks but hey who hasn’t..? This IS the ATTENTION whore contest! Right..?
I think it's all in good fun, everybody likes attention, some are just more forward about it. There's nothing wrong with that at all. I could be wrong, but I really don't think it's rigged. MissKitty, I'm sorry but unless you have some evidence to prove that, I don't think it's fair for you to just assume. People have worked hard on their individual profiles and it's brought a great number of hits to this site, which I've greatly enjoyed since July. It's very unfair and rude for you to assume that it's been rigged. If Nic was in the first spot, that might be cause for that thought (just kidding Nic!!!) Please don't accuse my friends of something like that. Again, it's a competition, people are bound to talk about it. I say congratulations to the top people!! Good goin'!!!
Quote by Pixie
How is it possible that our #1 person is at close to 2,000 views already? Could it be that someone is cheating?

so am I wrong to assume that if someone else makes a similar statement, it doesn't matter.

If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response. So I decided to test something out to see if I wrote something negative would I at least get a response. I did. lol
Quote by Pixie
How is it possible that our #1 person is at close to 2,000 views already? Could it be that someone is cheating?

so am I wrong to assume that if someone else makes a similar statement, it doesn't matter.

If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response. So I decided to test something out to see if I wrote something negative would I at least get a response. I did. lol
Quote by MissKitty
Quote by Pixie
How is it possible that our #1 person is at close to 2,000 views already? Could it be that someone is cheating?

so am I wrong to assume that if someone else makes a similar statement, it doesn't matter.

If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response. So I decided to test something out to see if I wrote something negative would I at least get a response. I did. lol

I do have to believe that Pixie was saying that in good humor, but I could be wrong, shall I ask?
And I really don't think it's a reasonable question. And you did get a response because it was unreasonable to make those accusations. And the difference between yours and Pixie's post is that that you also begged Nic to end it, whereas Pixie's taking it all in great style and humor. So unless this is a tactic to get more hits, please don't make accusations. And if you are, try some other tactics that we're seeing. Harmless and inoffensive tactics that are as amusing as they are a little bit silly (in a funny way).
Lydia, it wasn't only pixie that hinted about gail. This was not a tactic to get more hits. I don't care about it. My question on page 2 was to clarify something which several people have discussed, so yes, I thought it was reasonable to get clarification.

And yes I do see the fun and humor in the competition, but it is getting abit old and I just can't see this fun lasting another 31 days.
I know it wasn't only Pixie, I still believe it's all in good fun. Wait, I'm confused...Not being rude or anything, but if you didn't care much, why ask for the clarification?
Plus, I don't think this has occurred to many people but there are a number of members who are actually hurt that they are not "popular".

Lydia have you actually read my question on page 2?
If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response.

Instead of stomping your feet and throwing a tantrum why don't you PM Nicola and ask her your question again? Perhaps she did not see it. I'm assuming that she might have missed it otherwise she would have responded to you.
I think MissKitty is referring to this post – and if you can’t refresh on your own profile I don’t see how other people can. I think it’s a question of time – Gav is pretty much on top of this, so I don’t think that this detail would have gotten past him. Perhaps he could answer your question.

I hope someone can clarify this as I think there is alot of confusion going around in the chat rooms. I know you can't just go and refresh your profile to add to the score, but I was wondering when its says unique visitor does that mean a friend or member can keep going to your profile to add views or it does not matter. ie no matter how many times a visitor goes to your profile it only adds the first view only.

I ask this only because I have seen people say stuff like "i will go to your profile 50 times a day to get your score up". If this is so, I think that this is unfair and it should be one member - one view no matter how many times they visit your profile.

… and all I see is people having fun with it, being silly and what not – am I missing something?
Quote by chefkathleen
If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response.

Instead of stomping your feet and throwing a tantrum why don't you PM Nicola and ask her your question again? Perhaps she did not see it. I'm assuming that she might have missed it otherwise she would have responded to you.

I agree with you Chef, if I had to pinpoint one thing I liked best about this site; it would have to be the fact that they [the mods, Nic and Gav] answer your questions quick, and in a friendly manner.
MissKitty, if someone is hurt that they're not "popular", then perhaps they should join more forums and chatrooms. Anyone is welcome to PM me anytime. I think most people understand it's all in good fun. I think chefkathleen's suggestion of PMing Nicola is a very smart idea. And Mara's right, one view per costumer. Or you can ask Gav, he's excellent at this stuff. So, back to the fun, yes?
Thank you LushPrincess...

Chef I am not stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum
For some comedic relief in all this drama....*Streaks through the forum*
Quote by MissKitty
Quote by Pixie
How is it possible that our #1 person is at close to 2,000 views already? Could it be that someone is cheating?

so am I wrong to assume that if someone else makes a similar statement, it doesn't matter.

If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response. So I decided to test something out to see if I wrote something negative would I at least get a response. I did. lol

Hi MissKitty,

The difficulty with the type of accusation you are making is that it is extremely hard to prove, and also, in making it, you sort of leave your self open to the same charge. Plus, we should remember that there is, and always should be, a difference between proof and suspicion.

In answer to your question on page 2 of this thread, users of this site can increase their friends score each day, but only by one vote (i.e. if I click you today it'll register once, but then I won't be able to increase your score again until tomorrow - and so on each day).

In that respect, there is a level of security in place to stop people from getting friends to rack up clicks for them, and of course you cannot increase your own score by clicking on your own profile. Nevertheless, as with all security measures, there is no doubt a way around it (that's the reason banks still get robbed), but it is unlikely to be proved that someone is cheating in such a way.

Having watched closely the advance of LushP, what I can say is that it was quite amazing. Usually scores stay resonably constant, with slight movements, but earlier today LushP was gaining 2-3 clicks every few seconds over the space of about an hour, amounting to several 100 clicks in that time. And then it came to an almost complete stop at around 2700 clicks in total; it's now climbing at a much more typical rate. To put that in perspective, LushP gained more clicks in a couple of hours than most of the other leaders would get in a week. But, as Nicola has pointed out, that could be down to clever networking or the fact that LushP has just posted a popular story.

It would be a shame (although not so surprising) if someone did feel the need to cheat for $100, but in the end for them they'll know that their score is meaningless.

So, MissKitty, just enjoy the fun and don't worry about it. It doesn't really matter. Like Lydia said, this is generating great traffic for the site.

Charley x
Quote by MissKitty
Thank you LushPrincess...

Chef I am not stomping my feet and throwing a tantrum

PLEASE i'm begging you, end this competition NOW.... What started as a fun, even interesting competition has brought out the worst in people. It seems that's all people are talking about these days. It is getting so tired... Please don't let this go on for another long boring month.

Plus it is rigged anyway!

If you want to know why I said it was rigged, it was because on page 2 I asked what I thought was a reasonable question and did not get one single response. So I decided to test something out to see if I wrote something negative would I at least get a response. I did. lol

These two statements make it appear that you are. Regardless, ask Nicola and you will get your answer.
Thank you Charley and Chefkathleen!!

Back to the fun! *clicks on everyone's profile*
To quote Nic's initial post "Here's a fun little competition."

This was never meant to get into an egoistical face off.

To ensure the system cannot be gained, an IP address can only increment the same members profile page once per hour. When this was first launched, everyone started out on a level playing field, with 0 views.

Anyone following this competition and the leader board will no doubt have seen the correlation between a members view's and their stories appearing on the home page. From my simpleton brain I have deduced the following. Members appearing on the first page of the leader board:

* Have female avatar pictures (some more sexy than others)
* Almost all are authors
* The top few have stories appearing on the home page
* People appearing in the top positions will be clicked on due to a surfers natural inquisitiveness as to why they are on top spot

Our home page is the most visited page on the site. It makes sense having a presence on here regularly will attract more attention.

Back to the fun and games....
Quote by gav
To quote Nic's initial post "Here's a fun little competition."

This was never meant to get into an egoistical face off.

To ensure the system cannot be gained, an IP address can only increment the same members profile page once per hour. When this was first launched, everyone started out on a level playing field, with 0 views.

I didnt know it resetted every hour, thought it was every 24!!