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A 3-Year Lushaversary

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Dear friends and frenemies, y’all, yinz, youse and you’ns,

three rotations around the sun ago on this fine day, one scrumptious lady decided to join this website and bless the general internet with her presence and her stories, both of which are scintillating, whip-smart, eclectic, shockingly sexy, and all-around delightful as fuck.

Aside from being a lovely writer and her stunning ability to put shit into words (...something I'm not so good at...), she is incredibly helpful and kind and knowledgable, and her boundless patience is #lifegoals.

Really, I'm just chuffed that she's here and I'm here and we're all here. Hence this post.

To celebrate this day, maybe consider (re)visiting one of her stories? How about the very memorable Tentacle Monster Calamari? Or the unexpectedly warm-hearted Twenty-Nothings? Or the utterly chilling Robot Train?

Thank you for all the things, Dronette! 😘 Happy anniversary!

Lots of love from the other side of the planet,

Happy Gennyversary!

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.

Not only do I bow before your literary greatness, but I'm blessed to know you. Happy Lushaversary.

Am I a good witch, or a bad witch? History will decide

Happy Lushaversary, Dronette. Your brand of literature never fails to entertain. You very well may be the queen of sci-fi/fantasy.

My last published story: Ho For The Holidays

Three years! That's longer than each of my last three real-life jobs. Watch out if I ever get the chance to retire! Thank you, lovely cydia!

Well, she's approved several of my scribbles, but if that can be overlooked, she's quite perfect in every Lushian way.

Quote by Seeker4

Dronette's only been here three years? Seriously? Thought she went back further than that.

I have that effect on people.

Definitely not the specter of my eleventh grade English teacher, though. True story: said teacher accused me of plagiarism when I wrote a better paper than she thought I was capable of. Dronette has done nothing of the sort.

Congratulations, Dronette! And a special thanks for being so indulgent when moderating my stories!

It is an honour and a joy to know you!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Happy Anniversary, Genny! worship :worship: Thank you for your mod contributions to this site and for giving us such wonderful stories to read! smile