Naughty Magician and I would like to know what do you do on lush? Do you come to read or write stories, chat with friends and post on forums, or just to cyber?
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
I come to Lush to chat with a few friends and support their work.
I come here to read and write stories and bash about the forums. The people are nice and friendly and honestly, I'm completely addicted.
Like I said in my profile bio..."I felt it was time to share my art with the world" rather than have my work stored on a flash drive, so I searched the internet and Lush was one of the first sites to pop up on my screen. After over viewing the site and reading some HOT stories...I joined.
i come to write, read and dabble a little bit in the forums. in that order. doesnt hurt that i have made some good friends too.
I'm just checking to see what kind of trouble you're up to, LMB!
My parole officer said something about having to serve community service.
I like the stories, and I have made a few friends here.uRkisvtaAgdYOv7M
Bunker Love
My Dream my latest stopry
It's Free! And its fun to find awesome people!
All of it. At first mainly in the chat rooms but now less as my "social circle" is established
The chats at first it was just once or twice a week but am totally addicted and have made a buch of special friends
I originally came for the stories and had no interest in joining in for chat or forums because I figured its a sex site so its probably just spam bots... then I started poking around and found the social aspect very appealing so I joined up.
I came for the stories, then i registered after a coupla months and then met people and got hooked
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To chat mostly although I do also contribute to the forums. oh and one particular lady .. I enjoy her company very much but shush shes doesnt know it.
Mostly to chat with friends and sometimes make new ones. Though the forums do have their fun moments as well. I'm pretty much a chatterbox.
I came across Lush by accident, while looking for stories of the same context to read online. I log in to lush to read the stories, and write and publish my own stories. Occasionally if someone comes through on a private or online message, I may chat. But they have to have something about them, other than just wanting that sexy chat..................
came here lookin to chatt, started reading the story makin friends from around the world, im hooked now im here most of the time, even when i at work because i just seting in a mostly empty lobby intil classes break
Originally I joined so that I could write some stories, have made some friends now, although I do not always chat (they know why). Like reading the forums. Great site.
Originally for the stories. Now for friends that I have made and to occasionally share a writing or 2
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~