Yay ..let's start with B, L and T please
Hello, E!
1 ~~/ ~~t/ l~~~/ ~~l~/ l~~~~~
2 ~~/ ~~t/ ~~t~~t~~~/ ~~l~/ ~~~~~~~
3 ~~/ ~~t/ ~~~~l~~/ ~~/ ~~~~~/ ~~/ t~~/ ~~l~/ t~l~~~~~
4 ~~/ ~~t/ l~~~/ ~~l~/ ~/ l~~~
5 ~~~/ ~~/ ~~t/ ~~~/ ~/ ~~l~/ ~~~t~
6 ~~/ ~~~/ ~~~~~~/ ~~l~~~~,/ t~~~/ b~/ ~~l~~t
7 ~~~~/ ~~~/ ~~~~~,/ ~~/ ~~/ ~~t~l/ ~~~/ ~~~/ ~~~~~~~~
8 ~~/ ~~t/ ~~l~~~~/ ~~~~~~l~/ t~/ ~~~/ ~~~~t~~~~
9 ~~~/ ~~/ ~~t/ ~~~~~/ t~/b~/ ~~l~~t.
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
Hi E and Lucy!
Here's for B, L , T, C, N, P, E, S, and R.
1 ~~/ n~t/ l~~e/ ~~l~/ l~~ers
2 ~~/ n~t/ entert~~n/ ~~l~/ ~r~en~s
3 ~~/ n~t/ ~n~~l~e/ ~n/ ~~r~s/ ~~/ t~e/ ~~l~/ t~len~e~
4 ~~/ n~t/ l~~e/ ~~l~/ ~/ l~~e
5 ~n~/ ~~/ n~t/ ~~e/ ~/ ~~l~/ ~e~t~
6 ~~/ ~~~/ c~~~se/ s~lence,/ t~en/ be/ s~lent
7 ~~en/ ~~~/ spe~~,/ ~~/ s~/ ~nt~l/ ~~~/ ~re/ ~~n~s~e~
8 ~~/ n~t/ s~lence/ ~~~rsel~/ t~/ s~~/ s~~et~~n~
9 ~n~/ ~~/ n~t/ spe~~/ t~/be/ s~lent.
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
Good morning everyone brrrr ..stormy weather here ..looks like a nasty weekend ..I came here to cheat can I cheat
Too early for my brain to be working but now I'm being cheeky ..can I have F, G and Y please ..aaargh can I cheat please apologies in advance
'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 π
Hello Matureman,
1 Do/ not/ love/ ~~l~/ lovers
2 Do/ not/ entert~~n/ ~~l~/ ~r~ends
3 Do/ not/ ~nd~l~e/ ~n/ ~or~s/ o~/ t~e/ ~~l~/ t~len~ed
4 Do/ not/ l~ve/ ~~l~/ ~/ l~~e
5 ~nd/ do/ not/ d~e/ ~/ ~~l~/ de~t~
6 ~~/ ~~~/ c~oose/ s~lence,/ t~en/ be/ s~lent
7 ~~en/ ~o~/ spe~~,/ do/ so/ ~nt~l/ ~o~/ ~re/ ~~n~s~ed
8 Do/ not/ s~lence/ ~o~rsel~/ to/ s~~/ so~et~~n~
9 ~nd/ do/ n~t/ spe~~/ to/be/ s~lent.
B, L , T, C, N, P, E, S, R, O, V, D.
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
And here's for E
1 Do/ not/ love/ ~~lf/ lovers
2 Do/ not/ entert~~n/ ~~lf/ fr~ends
3 Do/ not/ ~nd~lge/ ~n/ ~or~s/ of/ t~e/ ~~lf/ t~len~ed
4 Do/ not/ l~ve/ ~~lf/ ~/ l~fe
5 ~nd/ do/ not/ d~e/ ~/ ~~lf/ de~t~
6 ~f/ yo~/ c~oose/ s~lence,/ t~en/ be/ s~lent
7 ~~en/ yo~/ spe~~,/ do/ so/ ~nt~l/ yo~/ ~re/ f~n~s~ed
8 Do/ not/ s~lence/ yo~rself/ to/ s~y/ so~et~~ng
9 ~nd/ do/ n~t/ spe~~/ to/be/ s~lent.
B, L , T, C, N, P, E, S, R, O, V, D. F, G, Y.
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
Quote by etairay
There you go
Hello, doll. You just had your turn with F, G and Y. Let's wait for another member. Keep yourself warm for the meantime.
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
I H U please
Our Stories Hellcat - OUR LATEST TALE
Always Yours Eye-am-yours
Stories of Lana and Evan Cornucopia, Morning Delights, Tropical Escape
Oceans of-Love, Visions of You, Dream a Little Dream, That Attraction
RR - Sci Fi - The Thief and The Stolen Heart
Quote by Icarus11
I H U please
Hi, SHC buddy!
1 Do/ not/ love/ h~lf/ lovers
2 Do/ not/ entert~in/ h~lf/ friends
3 Do/ not/ indulge/ in/ ~or~s/ of/ the/ h~lf/ t~len~ed
4 Do/ not/ live/ h~lf/ ~/ life
5 ~nd/ do/ not/ die/ ~/ h~lf/ de~th
6 If/ you/ choose/ silence,/ then/ be/ silent
7 ~hen/ yo~/ spe~~,/ do/ so/ until/ you/ ~re/ finished
8 Do/ not/ silence/ yourself/ to/ s~y/ so~ething
9 ~nd/ do/ n~t/ spe~~/ to/be/ silent.
B, L , T, C, N, P, E, S, R, O, V, D. F, G, Y, I, H, U
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!
Hello everyone!
1 Do/ not/ love/ half/ lovers
2 Do/ not/ entertain/ half/ friends
3 Do/ not/ indulge/ in/ works/ of/ the/ half/ talented
4 Do/ not/ live/ half/ a/ life
5 and/ do/ not/ die/ a/ half/ death
6 If/ you/ choose/ silence,/ then/ be/ silent
7 when/ you/ speak,/ do/ so/ until/ you/ are/ finished
8 Do/ not/ silence/ yourself/ to/ say/ something
9 and/ do/ not/ speak/ to/be/ silent.
I think I got it?
Quote by Cameo_
Congratulations, Lucy! You are right! :worship:
Latest stories:
π Which Would You Prefer To Dip Your Fries Into?
π Okay
π Autolove
π Fuck for Gold
π On My Tongue
Please read, rate β€οΈβ, and leave an honest comment on the story. Coins are welcome, too!