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"How do I make my stories POPULAR?"

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"How do I make my stories POPULAR?"

That's easy:
-- Write something everyone wants to read.

"How do you find out what everyone wants to read?"
On a story site like this one, that's even easier:
-- Check out the 20 Most Popular Stories (who has the most Fav's,) and figure out what they have in common. Also, pay attention to the posted comments. The readers will state their likes and dislikes right there.

Begin by making a list of the most common elements:

Types of characters:
-- Not what they LOOK like, their Personality types!

What's the preferred type of Main Character:
Ordinary Person

What type of Heroine:

What type of Hero:
Strong & silent
Sweet & caring
Sarcastic & rude

What type of Villain:
Ordinary Person
Strong & silent
Sarcastic & rude

Character Age:

Types of STORIES...

Story (sub-)Genre:
-- This is an Erotica site, these are sub-genres.

Seedy apartment
High School

Time Period:
Middle Ages
Modern Era
Ancient times

Types of Action Scenes:
One on one encounters
Huge epic battles
Grand Chases
Grand Escapes
Monster Attacks
Pure Smut

Love Scenes:
Bondage & Kink
Seduction (mild Non-Con)
Just kissing
No love scenes at all.

M/F w strap-on


Any Other common factors to these popular stories:

Once you know all these things, all you have to do is write within these parameters -- and write WELL. Sometimes the only difference between a Winner and a Dud Is NOT the content, but HOW it's written.

Many readers here are forgiving of bad grammar and head-hopping. I am NOT one of them, and I am NOT alone.

When you have a lot of people that write the same thing, someone that takes the time to use their spell-check and proper paragraphing will always pull ahead of those that don't. Someone that's easy to read will always have more readers than someone who writes stuff you have to struggle through just to figure out what the heck is happening.

SKILL counts a hell of a lot more than you think.

Why didn't I bother to list story Length in my list above?
-- Because when a story is GOOD people will gladly read an Epic. (Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings anyone?)

------Original Message------
Skill doesn't always count, example "Twilight".
-- Disgusted Guy

Actually, Twilight is a prime example of 'writing what the Readers want to Read'. It's a Fantasy about an extremely powerful and inhumanly gorgeous guy that worships the ground his very ordinary and fairly selfish beloved walks on. It's the fantasy of True Love. ("No matter what you do, or how often you walk head-first into danger, I will always drop whatever I am doing and be there to protect you. You will always come First in my life--forever.") This is EXACTLY what teenagers and housewives love to read. That it has absolutely Nothing to do with the realities of love is precisely what makes it so popular.

Yes, the grammar, spelling, and sentence structure sucks, plus it's seriously draggy in places, but there is Nothing out there to compete with it. The only stories that come close to this are childrens' Fairy Tales and the Bodice Ripper romances of the 80's. If someone else were to write a bunch of pure TRUE LOVE fantasies and actually know how to write, they'd put her out of business.

By the way, want to know what Else is just as popular and has exactly the same theme? Walt Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

"Does popularity Really matter?"

Whether or not Popularity matters depends on WHY the writer posts their work.

For someone just writing to be creative and express themselves, popularity isn't all that important. They're writing to please themselves, so if someone else likes it too...? Well, that's just dandy, but that's not why they're writing.

Popularity = "You actually read my work? Wow, thanks!"

A goodly number of writers consider an increasing number of views and comments as a sort of gauge to tell them whether or not their writing skills have improved.

Popularity = "I must be getting Better!"

Many, many more submitters to story sites post simply to get attention. Ahem, popularity. Just look at all the stories that DEMAND reviews and/or comments before they'll post the next chapter? If that isn't a scream for attention, I don't know what is.

Popularity = "I am Cool."

Sadly, those writers rarely last long. The first hard critique they get usually breaks them of their delusion that the readers will be satisfied with anything posted in a highly read sub-genre (or fandom.) Once that delusion of grandeur -- that they're SOMEBODY just because they posted -- is gone, so are they.

The ones that do make it past that first hard critique often become dedicated to making their stories worth the praise they originally sought. Those writers also tend to improve fast.

In my case, popularity = PAYCHECK.
-- I'm an author and books that don't sell well--aren't popular with my readers, mean less money in the bank when it comes time to pay my rent, but that's just me.

In Conclusion...
If you're looking to make your stories popular, there's no getting around the fact that the only way to do it is by writing what the readers want to read and Better than anyone else.

However, if your purpose for writing is merely to please your creative urges -- don't worry about it. When you write just to be creative, the only one you really need to please is yourself.


DISCLAIMER: As with all advice, take what you can use and throw out the rest. As a multi-published author, I have been taught some fairly rigid rules on what is publishable and what is not. If my rather straight-laced (and occasionally snotty,) advice does not suit your creative style, by all means, IGNORE IT.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Excellent advice Morgan =d>
You forgot to add the part about having a sexy avatar, and befriending all and sundry, to help boost your scores
Quote by nicola
You forgot to add the part about having a sexy avatar, and befriending all and sundry, to help boost your scores

Blinks innocently. Nooo...! That stuff never works.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
I wish I knew why my stories are popular but I really don't. I base my stories on true events and seem to have a lot of avid readers.
Quote by colin123
I wish I knew why my stories are popular but I really don't. I base my stories on true events and seem to have a lot of avid readers.

That's a pity.
-- If you can't figure out what makes your stories popular, then you're going to have great difficulty repeating that results with any real regularity. This will prove especially problematic if you decide to write in a genre that isn't erotica.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Quote by nicola
You forgot to add the part about having a sexy avatar, and befriending all and sundry, to help boost your scores

Wow, Nicola. Does that shit really work?
Quote by colin123
I wish I knew why my stories are popular but I really don't. I base my stories on true events and seem to have a lot of avid readers.

Survey your friends and followers and ask what it is that makes them keep coming back. I suspect it's the true story element, but I haven't read enough of your work to really suggest anything more.

I haven't fussed too much about popularity here. I know there is more I could do but I have limitations with my activity level here due to a need for discretion. I have a few Famous Stories and some other stories leaning that way (i.e. over 20K views) and I am fairly satisfied with that. I figure that someday I'll write a "best seller" (in Lush terms) but I'm not necessarily shooting for it.
Quote by crrcrawford
Thanks for the helpful post MorganHawke.

You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.

Quote by crrcrawford
Is your list an example of the types of things to be thinking about in most popular stories?


Quote by crrcrawford
Or have you actually done this research and listed the most popular in each category by descending order?

I have done my research, including actual polls on several story sites to get a nice clear view of what the readers on those sites prefer as characters, plot situations, and sex scenes -- but that list is NOT in this article.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Quote by seeker4

Survey your friends and followers and ask what it is that makes them keep coming back. I suspect it's the true story element, but I haven't read enough of your work to really suggest anything more.

I haven't fussed too much about popularity here. I know there is more I could do but I have limitations with my activity level here due to a need for discretion. I have a few Famous Stories and some other stories leaning that way (i.e. over 20K views) and I am fairly satisfied with that. I figure that someday I'll write a "best seller" (in Lush terms) but I'm not necessarily shooting for it.

Eventually, you have to write what you like and have the readers come to you. I know, Hollywood has test audiences and then will often recut a movie based on the results. They cut Bonfire of the Vanities that way and the movie still flopped. (Read The Devil's Candy for full details.)

Fortunately, as writers, we don't have millions of dollars on the line. And some of the best writers of all time broke the formulas and set their own rules.
Myself, I never really worry about being "popular". I write for myself, although I am glad if there are others that appreciate what I put down in phosphors on my screen.

Plus, readers can be rather fickle. I have had stories I thought were really good turn out to be "Meh" to the readers. Then again I have also had stories I was not all that impressed with even when I wrote them that were surprisingly popular. But if there is one thing I learned, it is that multiple-chapter stories posted one after the other tend to attract more readers over time. I can only guess that they might miss it, but if they see chapter after chapter posted, many will eventually take a look just to see what it is about.
I disagree with the assumption nestling in the question. What I would say is that you can't "make" your stories popular, they "become" popular if they appeal to enough people. That's not to say that you can't do things to increase the visibility of your stories if you have the time, inclination and a flair for self-promotion, but ultimately leading a horse to water doesn't guarantee it will drink. It's clear from the broader culture that incredibly popular stuff often comes about by a happy accident.

It's entirely possible that you can increase the number of views by writing stories that conform to what is already popular. That's grand for you if your own tastes and predilections do conform in that direction, but if they don't, you're not likely to create a very convincing or readable story. By my estimation the easiest way to get clicks is to write about assorted relatives getting it on with each other, but if, as I do, you find that kind of thing utterly mystifying, how would you ever be able to write such a story?

Ultimately you just have to write a story to the best of your ability, accept that you can't please all of the people all of the time, and be grateful for the people who do read and appreciate what you've written.
Quote by PervyStoryteller
I disagree with the assumption nestling in the question. What I would say is that you can't "make" your stories popular, they "become" popular if they appeal to enough people. That's not to say that you can't do things to increase the visibility of your stories if you have the time, inclination and a flair for self-promotion, but ultimately leading a horse to water doesn't guarantee it will drink. It's clear from the broader culture that incredibly popular stuff often comes about by a happy accident.

It's entirely possible that you can increase the number of views by writing stories that conform to what is already popular. That's grand for you if your own tastes and predilections do conform in that direction, but if they don't, you're not likely to create a very convincing or readable story. By my estimation the easiest way to get clicks is to write about assorted relatives getting it on with each other, but if, as I do, you find that kind of thing utterly mystifying, how would you ever be able to write such a story?

Ultimately you just have to write a story to the best of your ability, accept that you can't please all of the people all of the time, and be grateful for the people who do read and appreciate what you've written.

Well said, very true, and oh yes.... your stories are great!
I tend to write my stories based on true events or an elaboration of certain encounters my wife and I have had. I always build up to the body of the story and try to include as much detail as possible without being over descriptive. I also find it important to maintain realism throughout to try to pull tne reader into each scene.

Click Pegasus4's Profile ( to see my profile.

Click Pegasus4's Stories ( to see a list of my stories.

Quote by LakeShoreLimited
Fortunately, as writers, we don't have millions of dollars on the line. And some of the best writers of all time broke the formulas and set their own rules.

They did indeed -- after decades of trial and error of figuring out how those molds worked, before attempting to break them.


Quote by PervyStoryteller
I disagree with the assumption nestling in the question.

Tell that to the people who keep asking me that question. LOL!

Quote by PervyStoryteller
What I would say is that you can't "make" your stories popular, they "become" popular if they appeal to enough people.

This is where I disagree. You can make your stories more popular specifically by using characters, settings, and situations that appeal to a broader range of people.

Quote by PervyStoryteller
That's not to say that you can't do things to increase the visibility of your stories if you have the time, inclination and a flair for self-promotion, but ultimately leading a horse to water doesn't guarantee it will drink.

Um... Visibility is all well and fine, but that wasn't how my stories became popular. They became popular because they appealed to one of the largest reading audiences out there: Women over 30 who preferred Adult Content in their pulp fiction.

Quote by PervyStoryteller
It's clear from the broader culture that incredibly popular stuff often comes about by a happy accident.

I'm afraid I am going to have to strongly disagree here. "Incredibly popular stuff" happens through 1) fulfillment of a Need, and 2) extensive Marketing Research -- which is what this whole essay is about; how to do that marking research.

For example, the entire genre of Erotic Romance happened because an enormous and untapped readership of adult women wanted Adult pulp fiction; fully plotted out adventures, sci-fi, gothics, and fantasy stories with Adult characters in Adult situations. IE: having sex during their adventures.

In short: Erotic Romance's popularity happened because it filled a Need for a type of story only a few people were writing at the time.

My stories' popularity happened because I did the market research to find out exactly what type of Pulp Fiction my readers wanted adult content in, and which pulp fiction characters they wanted to see participating in that adult content.

Side note: This research was how I learned that my readers absolutely loathed doormat nice girls. They wanted heroines that matched and challenged their heroes, not...simply gave in to them.

Quote by PervyStoryteller
It's entirely possible that you can increase the number of views by writing stories that conform to what is already popular.

Which is, in fact, the point of this essay.

Quote by PervyStoryteller
That's grand for you if your own tastes and predilections do conform in that direction, but if they don't, you're not likely to create a very convincing or readable story.

Sadly, this VERY TRUE.

Quote by PervyStoryteller
By my estimation the easiest way to get clicks is to write about assorted relatives getting it on with each other, but if, as I do, you find that kind of thing utterly mystifying, how would you ever be able to write such a story?

You clearly haven't been paying attention, darlin'! Vampires and other supernatural lovers stories will always be more popular than stories. LOL!

Quote by PervyStoryteller
Ultimately you just have to write a story to the best of your ability, accept that you can't please all of the people all of the time, and be grateful for the people who do read and appreciate what you've written.

This is quite true as well, however it never hurts to try broadening your horizons by 'borrowing a few settings and character types from your favorite movies.
Morgan Hawke
Purveyor of fine Smut.
Morgan Hawke's DarkErotica ~ My Website
DarkErotica Blog ~ My Writers' blog

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
Albert Einstein
Morgan you're giving us the kind of instruction some people pay a fortune to get. Thank you for sharing your advice, looking forward to digesting it all and putting it into practice.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.

Although I’m just a reader, I find this topic very interesting. I did some side reading regarding what “write to order” means. I even bought and read a Morgan Hawke’s book. Well, she is right from many points of view. If you are a professional writer and you want to make a leaving out of this, sooner or later, you will have to do some writing per request and if you want to make good money out of it you must be good at it (“popular”). And those rules that she put in this topic are very helpful. Also, I would add that if you are a professional writer and a Lush employee/contractor probably you have access to some statistics that will give you a big advantage. But I doubt you can do this for a long period of time, if you don’t take pleasure in what you are doing. So, the others that wrote here that they write not looking for popularity, but for their own pleasure and popularity may came even if they don’t follow the rules are also right. Because they are less likely to give up. But I guess the former will have a slight advantage in being more known. This site, being a business and following its own interests, will promote the popular ones. Some are wonderful writers and deserve to be promoted, but I take much more pleasure in discovering myself writers that are not so popular, some have just a few stories, written years ago, but they are really good.

There is less correlation between skilled writing and a story's popularity on Lush than you might suppose.

Quote by Twisted_Skald
Morgan you're giving us the kind of instruction some people pay a fortune to get.

Who are these 'people'? Do you have their contact details? 😊

You don't have to make a story popular. You just have to make yourself popular.

Followers lead to views and views lead to likes. (And now, with Lush coins, actual money.)

Using a bot to send out a mass-mailing of friend requests will pump up your friends and followers and is a sure-fire way to increase story 'popularity.'
It's working for April601, who was the most recent one to spam me with a friend request. And that user has even been deemed 'awesome' by the mods for their numbers.

Forget trying to write better stories. Game the system for points and prizes.

Quote by dlcalguy

You don't have to make a story popular. You just have to make yourself popular.

Followers lead to views and views lead to likes. (And now, with Lush coins, actual money.)

Using a bot to send out a mass-mailing of friend requests will pump up your friends and followers and is a sure-fire way to increase story 'popularity.'
It's working for April601, who was the most recent one to spam me with a friend request. And that user has even been deemed 'awesome' by the mods for their numbers.

Forget trying to write better stories. Game the system for points and prizes.

Are you sure is working that way? I agree on the bot part, but I' m not sure this also works for the likes, as one should hit the button for a certain story. People do this, just because they received a friend request from un unknown user!? Is the superficiality at a such high level!?

Quote by SexFairy

Are you sure is working that way? I agree on the bot part, but I' m not sure this also works for the likes, as one should hit the button for a certain story. People do this, just because they received a friend request from un unknown user!? Is the superficiality at a such high level!?

In all likelihood, yes.

The ones that are popular don't write well.

I'd love to name names. Fuck it, I'll name masterjonathan, that bear, flutter, I think that's their handle, idk. Oh, Sammie too, right? Idk, the one female user always kissing the bears ass. They both can't write.

I still say that many of the Mods write dope art and Kis.

Some of those "poets" are just no Bueno lol

Many would say some popular writers here write well. And many of those writers bring joy to those who read them, so why hate on them?

And many authors write well and are overlooked by readers because the length of stories or chosen genres is only preferred by a few here or they simply get overlooked by the mass production of stories here.

The ladies, in particular, enjoy the words of Fluttered. Poetry is one of those artforms that I think you like or you don't. I'm not sure what makes it "Well written". Subjective, I think, but many here would say he writes well. I enjoy his works because I know him personally. He's a man who's life work has been helping those who can't help themselves. Knowing that, I see his heart in each poem, drawing me to them.

Master Jonathan responded to each reader with a gracious comment and wrote hot sex scenes that many are here for. And he published like clockwork, every Monday and Friday. Many readers here would say he was a good writer and they looked forward to his publishing.

"Bear" is a best-selling author (with a publisher) and very compassionate friend to anyone who needs one. I'd say many think he writes well... very well.

Like all art it's subjective. One person saying a movie is bad or an author can't write doesn't make it so.

I'm not looking for writers to bring me joy nor an orgasm or two(in saying that, some have caused the latter as they know how to speak to the body and brain not just the body, Mister StJames, ok he made me laugh too) I love to read to criticize the writing whether it's a veteran or a newbie. Kis came guns blazing when she published and perhaps because of her open dislikeness of the male form(in the sexual matter and beyond? idk), her work seems to only be read by a few who see her wit and have had proper chats w/ her.

You've just said in plain English the users who I just head shot are liked by friends who will mostly read anything and lie if it's well written or not. These users are a "good friend to you" thus why your critique is skewed.

Goodness sake, flutter wants to sound like Pablo Neruda and just like, no, not even a little. These writers are missing foundation, character development and e m o t i o n. There's no emotion. Even in a hard fuck, while being used, there's one sided emotion.
Some writers use one ply toilet paper thus why it's shit. Either go for Three ply ala (insert your favorite historical writer here) or be a 50 shades of doodoo.

Any of the Story Mods works should be used as an example of what Lush erotica should amount to, even our beloved yet humble SimplyJohn has published sweet yet well written literature.

I don't read to get off, that's a plus and rarely happens while reading certain writers cause it's just that bad of a story. 

And The Human Centepede is still a shit film.

(If we're out of line and ruining this thread, then do delete as i dont want our useless bickering to take over this helpful thread)

I'm glad to know that writing a story that attracts few likes and readers may still be a very good, well-written story. At the end of the day, I want to write about fantasies that turn me on and share these fantasies. I like some external validation, but I don't want to become obsessed with it.

What I mean is that I've seen too many great writers quit due to a perceived lack of external recognition. I'll keep this discussion in mind on days where the going gets tough.


(If we're out of line and ruining this thread, then do delete as i dont want our useless bickering to take over this helpful thread)

I don't think uou ruined this thread. All valid points. Just that I think your arguments suit better the 'turn-off, deal breaker" thread. And regarding the "popularity". Some concessions have to be made, as after all, this is a business and it has to make money and popularity usually means that. But yes, easy to bitter here on this thread while I'm not paying 😉.