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underage character question

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So. In a story, can a 12 year old boy on an airplane discover a left behind Playboy in the little compartment in front of his seat, and be obsessed with looking inside, but too scared someone will see him open it? It's not a very sexual story, sex is mostly a mystery to the kid - it is about the unbearable temptation to look.

If an adult is remembering the incident (it's a true story), does that make it more acceptable?
I'm going with no.

You're still dealing with the sexuality of a12 year old, even if it's an adult recalling it. I think I'm fairly safe in assuming that your average 12 year old is well aware of what a Playboy magazine is famous for, so the fascination would still be with the sexual nature of this " " thing he's found.

Just my take as a site story moderator. It may be entirely wrong, so please wait for others to chime in. smile
Quote by RavenStar
I'm going with no.

You're still dealing with the sexuality of a 12 year old, even if it's an adult recalling it. I think I'm fairly safe in assuming that your average 12 year old is well aware of what a Playboy magazine is famous for, so the fascination would still be with the sexual nature of this " " thing he's found.

Just my take as a site story moderator. It may be entirely wrong, so please wait for others to chime in. smile

It's certainly a " " thing. Particularly for its time, the early 70s. The Playboy would be pretty soft-core by today's standards.

Seriously digging your new avatar :).
Being honest dude, any character that young appearing in a story on this site gives me the creeps. Like. A nuclear blast of stare blankly, mutter fuck no, calmly close tab, and rinse with bleach.

To put it this way, if it was female instead, I'd feel required to cut my dick off.

Would rather not tie anything remotely sexual to anyone that young.
a 12 year old is a child male or female, i feel its very and would not allow it to either..Would have a talk with either one of them and explain how i feel i this disgusting subject and any questions they have i would be more to happy to answer and explain..You realize a 12 year old boy has the brain development of a much younger child.......just my 2cents
For the site I can understand why they might not allow it to happen, but in real life, this is something that would and probably does happen to a lot of 12 year old boys. Isn't that around the time most boys start to discovering themselves?
Seems to me that putting underage characters in situations involving sexuality / sexual desire is firmly against TOS, even if this one would appear to be a fairly innocent one (i.e., no one is getting abused, preyed on, or anything like that). Would open the door too easily to all sorts of fouler stuff.
I'm with Evie. While we know and accept that of course people discover things before the age of 16, that's the line we draw for stories here.

I'm sure pretty much every story verifier has read things that have turned their stomachs which, thank goodness, will never see the light of day on this site. To avoid any ambiguity, the rule is 16. Feel free to have a minor character younger than that, but not linked to any sexual activity.
I'm with Jen. Thank you
Quote by Jen
I'm with Evie. While we know and accept that of course people discover things before the age of 16, that's the line we draw for stories here.

I'm sure pretty much every story verifier has read things that have turned their stomachs which, thank goodness, will never see the light of day on this site. To avoid any ambiguity, the rule is 16. Feel free to have a minor character younger than that, but not linked to any sexual activity.

Yeah, I've had a couple of stories w kids in them in which the sexual characters are the ADULT parents, who get it on once they've gotten the kids out of the way somehow. By putting them to bed, by distracting them with an iPad in the next room, etc. As a parent, one learns that kids are part of the fabric of adult life. (Maybe in a few years I'll turn to "empty-nest" stories, when that's the stage I'm at.)

Even so, one of those stories got flat-out rejected simply for having the kid as a character. It was eventually resolved that since the kid was sort of a plot device * and had nothing to do with anything sexual, the story was okay.

*the dad trying to be a better dad to his young son made the him (dad) more appealing to his wife. So once the kid was in asleep, the sex between mom and dad was hot.

"Disgusting subject" seems a little strong, it is a PG-13 situation at best, a boy wanting to look at a Playboy (and not even getting to, beyond a turned down page flap), but I understand the reasoning. No need to bash, however. It's not disgusting. It's probably a nearly universal experience.

I'll still write it. I just won't submit it here (or the blue site).
Quote by Verbal

"Disgusting subject" seems a little strong, it is a PG-13 situation at best, a boy wanting to look at a Playboy (and not even getting to, beyond a turned down page flap), but I understand the reasoning. No need to bash, however. It's not disgusting. It's probably a nearly universal experience.

I'll still write it. I just won't submit it here (or the blue site).

Why would you want to write about a 12 year old getting a boner from a dirty mag... the subject itself is fairly standard but you wanting to write a whole story about it is super weird.

Can you imagine? Verbal sitting there pecking away at his keyboard, he gets up to make himself a sandwich and while he's away you take a look at what he writing about... lol
Quote by Magical_felix

Why would you want to write about a 12 year old getting a boner from a dirty mag... the subject itself is fairly standard but you wanting to write a whole story about it is super weird.

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with this. The subject itself is fairly banal - hell, I grew up in England during the 80s, when the topless girl on page-3 was the norm. I remember being fascinated by boobs from the age of 7 or so. But it's the fact that the boy is the central character, so it's not necessarily about him discovering sexual imagery so much as his reaction to that sexual imagery, which is essentially the crux of the tale. I'm sure a skilled writer like Verbal could pull it off without it seeming too weird, but... I'd probably feel icky as a reader, reading it. Personally, even reading about teenagers getting it on is a bit so-so for me, so anyone younger is a definite no.
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