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Question about Moderators

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I'm curious about the process that stories go through from submission to publishing. Do they just go to a queue and the next available mod selects the next available story, or are they assigned on submission to an available mod and then wait until the review process is complete?

Also, the different mods seem to have different standards. Some are very particular about capitalization, punctuation, etc., others not so much. Is there a set standard that all mods are supposed to follow or is it an individual thing?

Thx in advance.

Quote by CaressofSteel
Do they just go to a queue and the next available mod selects the next available story, or are they assigned on submission to an available mod and then wait until the review process is complete?

It is not really that sequential in my experience (I was a mod years ago). If a mod is short on time, they might just look for shorter pieces rather than going in sequence if the first ones are long. Mods who are uncomfortable with certain topics might skip stories in relevant categories (I.F. being a common one). Gold/Platinum members and comp entries get priority, too.

Quote by CaressofSteel
Is there a set standard that all mods are supposed to follow or is it an individual thing?

There is not a "hard" standard unless that's changed. The problem being that there are writers from multiple countries, each with its own spelling, style, and grammar quirks. So they do what they can but inconsistencies will happen. And the mods are chosen because of their own skill as writers so their own experience will play in, too.

As with all mod-related questions, remember that these are volunteers who could be doing other things, but choose to work for the benefit of the site, not a professional editorial staff. They do a fantastic job and we appreciate the time and effort they put in.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

This is slightly off-topic, but it's close. I notice that sometimes it feels like new stories are raining here, appearing every few seconds, and other times, there is a day or two of drought when no new stories appear.

Question: Has any thought ever been given to feeding new stories onto the site at more regular intervals?

The reason I bring this up is (especially for new authors) that having your story on the first page for a while could help it gain traction with readers seeing it. This is just my opinion; I accept others may not agree. 🙄😊

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

Quote by wxt55uk

This is slightly off-topic, but it's close. I notice that sometimes it feels like new stories are raining here, appearing every few seconds, and other times, there is a day or two of drought when no new stories appear.

Question: Has any thought ever been given to feeding new stories onto the site at more regular intervals?

The reason I bring this up is (especially for new authors) that having your story on the first page for a while could help it gain traction with readers seeing it. This is just my opinion; I accept others may not agree. 🙄😊

It just depends who is available. There will be days where noone has time to devote to moderating, so we can't really work to a timetable.

Fair enough. I wasn't trying to be critical, I was just curious why sometimes stories get approved the same day while others take more than a week.

Quote by Jen

It just depends who is available. There will be days where noone has time to devote to moderating, so we can't really work to a timetable.

Thank you for coming back on my question, it is appreciated. I was thinking it could be done via software, like a holding cell, the software dropping the new story out at the appropriate time interval. It is just another of my "silly" ideas. 🙄😎

My Story Library is here: Wxt55uk's Stories

Quote by wxt55uk
The reason I bring this up is (especially for new authors) that having your story on the first page for a while could help it gain traction with readers seeing it.

Yeah, I was waiting eagerly for my latest story to drop, and then it was one of the first to get published on a day with over 30 stories so it got buried on page 3. But now I know there's no point in trying to time my submission for a particular time of day: "Hmm, if I post it late at night in the Western U.S., then the mod in China might grab it in the morning..." 😅

I have had the same two mods check 10 of my 11 stories, and they have been gracious and helpful and communicative when I had questions. ❤️

Cassie at Lake Ossipee: My first dive into watersports, New Hampshire, 1968
Cassie’s Wet Dreams: More watersports, mostly Boston, 1969-1976
All That Jizz: An ongoing cum cleanup series, New York City, 1926
În Vânt (Into The Wind): My first Recommended Read! Austria-Hungary, 1892
Bad Medicine: A medical romp starring Kat of DannyandKat, 2024

Quote by wxt55uk
having your story on the first page for a while could help it gain traction with readers seeing it

Makes little to no difference. How long do you spend camping on the home page and pressing refresh to see what new stories have just been published?

Competition winners get upwards of 30 days exposure on the front page, sometimes two or three months before the next competition results are announced. Want to guess how many more reads/votes that attracts? I'll give you a clue: it's single figures. If that.

People tend to camp on story category pages they like, so if you get known for writing blazing hot stories in a particular genre, you can clean up.

When the enhanced activity pages are up and running it'll be easier to see what your friends/followers are reading and liking. So as you start to build a following, the growing band of people who like your stuff and have their own followers will help spread the word about your work by virtue of their interactions with it.

Currently, you're far more likely to gain traction by:

a) reading and commenting on other stories you like.

b) posting status updates and pics on your profile wall for your followers to like and share.

c) using the appropriate forums or chat rooms to get your name and writing known.

d) working hard at improving the craft of writing.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 120 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 77 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 23 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Back on topic, yes mod time depends on their availability and the spread of volunteers in any given time zone.

As Seeker4 says, there are other variables at play besides time. E.g. some mods don't touch poetry; some don't like cuckold stories, etc. But yes, gold+ members jump the queue and competition stories take priority when there's one running.

We have a regularly revised Guidelines document but it is only that: a guide. So, while we try to be consistent, there will be variance depending on the moderator, their background, and their available time.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 120 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 77 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 23 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
People tend to camp on story category pages they like, so if you get known for writing blazing hot stories in a particular genre, you can clean up.

I think the "followed" author notifications possibly attract most reads. They certainly do from me anyway!

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



I was told by a mod, that one main thing they and the site goes by, is Chicago writing style. Sometimes that can conflict with ones writing style, by pushing for something that reads more... clinical, for lack of a better term. There's a line between guidline adherence, and ones creativity. Recently, one proposed I completely rewrite the first chapter of my new novelette, because of the lack of sex. I seem to have gotten the same two mods with all submissions, and I think she's cool people. It's not really a grievance, and she's just trying to do her unpaid job.

I do still find it odd, that despite everything, submissions take as long as they do on Lit. Most of everything I have here, was there first, and I'm trying to release this new joint, here first.

Quote by M_K_Babalon
Chicago writing style

Which seems like absolutely the wrong one to use here given how many of us are not American. It's also not really suited to fiction writing. When I was modding, there was no prescribed manual, just that basic rules for things like paragraphs and dialogue be followed and spelling be consistent, i.e. if you are using US spellings, use them everywhere, if you are using UK spellings...

Unfortunately, some assume their way is the right way when, in fact, English style and usage varies pretty widely around the world.

Hope Jen or a mod can chime in.

Quote by M_K_Babalon
Recently, one proposed I completely rewrite the first chapter of my new novelette, because of the lack of sex

That's always a sticky one and part of why I would probably never do longform here. If I was doing a novelette or longer work, there would inevitably be chapters that were all plot and character with little or no sex. Unfortunately, you will likely find that those chapters get skipped by much of the Lush community. Some are just here for the sexy stuff.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by M_K_Babalon

I was told by a mod, that one main thing they and the site goes by, is Chicago writing style.

Literally never heard of this.

Quote by Jen

Literally never heard of this.

Hopefully, this is a misunderstanding but it is something to be mindful of. It could put off some writers if mods are applying their own standards and claiming support from the site that is not actually there.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

Quote by M_K_Babalon
I was told by a mod, that one main thing they and the site goes by, is Chicago writing style.

If a mod told you this, they're wrong or were pulling your leg, lol. The guidelines are:

1. Is it readable?

2. Is it formatted consistently and legibly so readers can follow it (i.e. standard English conventions for paragraphing, basic grammar, spelling, dialogue formatting, etc)?

3. Does it fit within our terms of service?

4. Will someone find it sexy?

That's pretty much it. There's no house style, and certainly not one that's mainly useful for academic writing. Moderators do have differing levels of interpretation of the guidelines because we all come from varying backgrounds and countries of the world, but the basic principles are those above and no more.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 120 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 77 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 23 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by M_K_Babalon
one proposed I completely rewrite the first chapter of my new novelette, because of the lack of sex.

We accept one or two chapters without sex, but at the end of the day, this is a sex stories site, so most people would expect some... well, sex. But we mainly suggest authors to include some sexiness to it, not to rewrite the whole thing.

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.

Quote by AvidlyCurious

We accept one or two chapters without sex, but at the end of the day, this is a sex stories site, so most people would expect some... well, sex. But we mainly suggest authors to include some sexiness to it, not to rewrite the whole thing.

Which is really one of the reasons I feel the Novel category can go. There's no way you can write a proper novel with sex in every chapter and have it be interesting. Plot and character development are what need to drive longform fiction, with sex as part of those. It should probably happen every few chapters, not every chapter. A bunch of sexual encounters strung together does not a novel make.

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

It doesn't have to be 'sex' to be erotic or arousing. A fantasy, an idea, a wish, a memory... there are so many ways to keep the heat on. Check Jaymal's Hyde saga, if memory serves, the actual sex didn't happen until chapter 6, and it's scorching hot throughout all the same.

Master Yoda's voice made me smile smile

If chapters are about 6-8k long, how hard (excuse the pun) can it be to devote a few paragraphs to some hotness?

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.

Quote by Seeker4
There's no way you can write a proper novel with sex in every chapter and have it be interesting... It should probably happen every few chapters, not every chapter.

Not necessarily. Plot and character development can happen through sex and in sex. See e.g. Alison Goes to London, which contains tons of sex, and of which mods (even!) have said: "The evolution was brilliant, the world-building intricate" ... "wonderfully constructed story ... managing to keep that wide a narrative arc up over 19 chapters ... Alison will stand the test of time."

Alison Goes to London: chapter 1 - A Sexy Talking Asshole on the Whiteshit Express

It is 2050, and Alison Bates travels to London to study at the Royal Academy of Fucking.


GrushaVashnadze's best stories:

Alison Goes to London (RR) - "love this... fun, and funny, and sexy" (sprite)

The Cursed Cunt (RR) - "holyyyyy sheeeiiit.... Your writing is fucking fantastic" (CarltonStJames)

A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore (RR) - "Brilliantly done. Of course." (naughtyannie)

Snow White and the Seven Dildos (RR) - "Fuck. It's perfect.... honestly genius and so fucking well executed." (VioletVixen)

Metamorphoses (RR) - "so imaginative and entertaining" (saucymh)

And There Came Two Angels to Sodom - "What a deliciously worded story! So juicy, so raunchy" (el_henke)

Fuck-Talk (with VioletVixen) - "Jeez. I feel rendered wordless by how much clever fucking fun this is" (Jaymal)

Quote by M_K_Babalon

There's a line between guidline adherence, and ones creativity.

Leave a friendly note to the mod and tell us where that line is. "Hey, Moddy, I know that what I did <here> and <here> is unconventional, but it's intentional. BTW, I love what you've done with your hair!"

We will happily back down unless it's unreadable, in which case we will push back. We can't tell whether an author doesn't understand typical grammar rules or is sidestepping them for style unless we are already familiar with the author's work.

Quote by dronette56

Leave a friendly note to the mod and tell us where that line is. "Hey, Moddy, I know that what I did <here> and <here> is unconventional, but it's intentional. BTW, I love what you've done with your hair!"

We will happily back down unless it's unreadable, in which case we will push back. We can't tell whether an author doesn't understand typical grammar rules or is sidestepping them for style unless we are already familiar with the author's work.

Good answer. And I love what you’ve done with your hair!

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by Seeker4

That's always a sticky one and part of why I would probably never do longform here. If I was doing a novelette or longer work, there would inevitably be chapters that were all plot and character with little or no sex. Unfortunately, you will likely find that those chapters get skipped by much of the Lush community. Some are just here for the sexy stuff.

That's about along the lines of what she said about it. If that's the case, I'll pay more attention to what I put here. I write on several sites and I don't mind catering to a sites need, because then, everything I write, isn't everywhere, which is fine, plus everything I write can't be everywhere because of site rules. And that is why I have a link tree, and a blog waiting for stories that are just too black sheep to have a home. I know on Lit, there are folks that like the plot, and other things around the sex, and I just don't write Skinemax sex scenes.

Quote by Jen

Literally never heard of this.

I might be misremembering, but I went to check, and I couldn't find who said, or who I thought said it.

Quote by dronette56

Leave a friendly note to the mod and tell us where that line is. "Hey, Moddy, I know that what I did <here> and <here> is unconventional, but it's intentional. BTW, I love what you've done with your hair!"

We will happily back down unless it's unreadable, in which case we will push back. We can't tell whether an author doesn't understand typical grammar rules or is sidestepping them for style unless we are already familiar with the author's work.

I did. I try to explain things in a way that doesn't come off as angry or antagonizing, because I really have no issues with story requirements, as I feel they help make me a better writer.

Quote by GrushaVashnadze

Not necessarily. Plot and character development can happen through sex and in sex. See e.g. Alison Goes to London, which contains tons of sex, and of which mods (even!) have said: "The evolution was brilliant, the world-building intricate" ... "wonderfully constructed story ... managing to keep that wide a narrative arc up over 19 chapters ... Alison will stand the test of time."

I wouldn't say they were wrong about it either, but you're also right. I've got an story, that probably has the most sex out of anything I've written, most of it is plot, or plot adjacent.

In the beginning, the guy is looking for his birth mother in the town over, and a prostitute strikes up conversation with him, because he keeps returning to the same bar after his searches. They end up having sex, and more seems to start to come from it, when he takes her on a date. When he gets a good look around her apartment, the next morning, he finds out that she is his mother with help of his PI. He finds out not only his families history, but meets family he never knew he had, along with finding out that so many of them live in the city, and even went to high school with him. Not just that, but their incestious ways dates all the way back to their royal ancestors in europe to the point it's genetic. It was all kept from him by his now dead dad, and stepmom, who was best friends with his mom.

If there was a next level up beyond average erotica, stroke stories, and romance novels, true erotic literature on par with things like Harry Potter, Great Gatsby, etc, where there's significant depth, and not all sex needs to be purple prose, I think it could be a contender.

Alison Goes to London: chapter 1 - A Sexy Talking Asshole on the Whiteshit Express

It is 2050, and Alison Bates travels to London to study at the Royal Academy of Fucking.


Quote by Seeker4

Which is really one of the reasons I feel the Novel category can go. There's no way you can write a proper novel with sex in every chapter and have it be interesting. Plot and character development are what need to drive longform fiction, with sex as part of those. It should probably happen every few chapters, not every chapter. A bunch of sexual encounters strung together does not a novel make.

I've gave my opinions on the thread discussing that. Sites like this aren't always novel friendly in design. Examples of that would be Wattpad, AO3, or Quotev. Sites like Lush and Lit turn novels, or chaptered stories in general, into a series. I recall saying it could be done away with, on that site design reason alone. But I also don't wanna write novels for free... but I do write novelettes, or novellas. Generally no more than ten chapters.

Sex done right, can be plot or plot adjacent. I have a story where there's sex, or along the lines, in almost every chapter. That's actually one of the things that differentiates my erotic stories from my general stories, that have sex in them. I have a romance novel that's about 60k, or a bit more, it has... I think... six or seven sex scenes in it, and a LitRPG that's nearing 80k, and has like three. The one I'm alluding to, and explained in another quoted comment, here, is twelve chapters so far, or ten, and there's maybe two or three chapters that don't have sex in it.

Quote by Seeker4

Which is really one of the reasons I feel the Novel category can go. There's no way you can write a proper novel with sex in every chapter and have it be interesting. Plot and character development are what need to drive longform fiction, with sex as part of those. It should probably happen every few chapters, not every chapter. A bunch of sexual encounters strung together does not a novel make.

I'm on my 4th Mac and Grace novel and all but the first part of the very first story have sex. I might be fooling myself, but the comments suggest it's pretty interesting. 😉

Model Tease - a collaboration flash with a twisty ending

Sigh, Moan, Purr - a microfiction story that will make you sigh, moan, and purr

Dear Mistress Kat - advice on how to spice things up

Another Man's Wife - a true hotwife story

The Cocktail Party - a fun office party leads to more