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Problems with notification bell, dropdowns, etc.

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Testing The Waters.

A couple of months ago, I started experiencing an issue. When using Chrome or Edge on my desktop, clicking on my notification bell or message icon will not work unless I'm on the activity page. Clicking either does nothing while on any other page of the site. When on the activity page, I can view my notifications. Clicking the message icon results in a blank page, but at least it does something.

I discovered yesterday that I'm also unable to use the dropdown menus on the top author/story pages. They will change, but none of the selections take effect.

Adblock and popup block are disabled for the site. I double checked that even though that shouldn't be the issue since I can do things on the activity page.

Chrome is my normal browser, but upon testing, I discovered the same problems happen in Edge. Upon testing Firefox, everything works as expected. Everything also works just fine in Chrome on my phone.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there some new domain I need to whitelist? I suppose I could get used to defaulting to Firefox for Lush. I use it for one of my other pen names elsewhere anyway. If there's a fix, I'd much prefer that.


I'm not suffering from any of the issues you seem to be having.


Quote by RejectReality

I discovered yesterday that I'm also unable to use the dropdown menus on the top author/story pages. They will change, but none of the selections take effect.

The usual lush response when this happens is to clear your cache, log in and fully off and re-log in.

As you've stated, certain browsers at times don't work well w/ lush.

I use Samsung Internet Browser and haven't had any issues sinse.

Everything is up to date on your apps? Those pesky updates cause chaos at times.

Site administrator

I suggest you clear your browser... oh wait... scrub that. The last time I approached the development team about this I was told that the notifications feature is scheduled for redesign but sorry I dont have timescales. The current one is 'flakey'; I think thats the term they used.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by RejectReality
Chrome is my normal browser, but upon testing, I discovered the same problems happen in Edge.

No surprise there. Same browser engine (Chromium).

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Testing The Waters.

Another little tidbit. Every once in a blue moon when I come to the site via Chrome, the top banner loads. Whenever it does, everything works as expected. Every other time, it looks like this:

And that's when virtually nothing works. The online author section is also blank. The stats at the end of stories are blank. I can still use everything when editing my profile, but drop downs for top stories and authors don't function.

Seems as if certain scripts aren't loading for me 99% of the time. The fact that it does work ( as it did last night for a visit moving page to page for a few minutes without problems ) on rare occasions indicates it's not a blocked domain or some browser setting.

Thought I'd mention it as it might be information that could point to a certain script group or server housing them that's linked to the problem I'm experiencing in desktop Chrome.

Dirty Stop-out

This site is getting worse. Yeah it’s on the list to be fixed yada yada yada

I have notifications I click on done I get more I have none. Make up your fucking mind. I can’t choose what sort of notifications I get. It’s all or nothing.

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Testing The Waters.

I've at least found a workaround. If I Shift+Refresh, that at least works for the page I'm on. It at least makes browsing with Chrome possible, if somewhat frustrating.

Wouldn't dare trust it for something like submission where page changes and saving data is a requirement.

Living bi-cariously through Lush

Notifications still pretty broken for me. If I have 39 notifications, for example, and I hit “clear 10”, my count drops to 19, not 29. And after doing that it still shows the same ten most recent that it did before! Same issue on multiple devices, going on for many months now - though I fail to see why one’s selected browser should matter. It’s not the most important feature of the site, but still, it should Just Work.

My Dirty Talk competition entry: No-Dating Policy

I get dicked by a federal agent. My top-ten Noir competition entry: Dick Job

My alliteration-addled Free Sprit competition entry: Buff Bluff in Banff

Card catalog? Hard catalog! My library

Site administrator

Quote by deviantsusie

This site is getting worse. Yeah it’s on the list to be fixed yada yada yada

I have notifications I click on done I get more I have none. Make up your fucking mind. I can’t choose what sort of notifications I get. It’s all or nothing.

It is 'flakey' and yes the notifications feature is scheduled to be replaced. Looking now you have 19 and certainly the first 10 are showing upon clicking so from what I can tell its working as it should.

Site administrator

Quote by joe71

Notifications still pretty broken for me. If I have 39 notifications, for example, and I hit “clear 10”, my count drops to 19, not 29. And after doing that it still shows the same ten most recent that it did before! Same issue on multiple devices, going on for many months now - though I fail to see why one’s selected browser should matter. It’s not the most important feature of the site, but still, it should Just Work.

See my reply above please to deviantsusie. At the moment you have 3 and they are all listed.

Writius Eroticus

Please bear in mind that people who are popular authors and/or are subscribed to a bunch of threads are more likely to receive notifications from spammers.

We've had an influx of spam accounts who just log in and post a zillion messages on forum threads and stories. Each one of those increases the notification bell counter if you're subscribed to the thread or it's your story that was hit.

If the spam account(s) are deleted before you log in, your counter may well be much higher than the number of actual notifications remaining in the list. The counters of every affected user aren't retroactively visited to decrease the value for deleted content at the moment (it may well slow the site down to do that, depending on how frequently it happens). The system is being reworked so hopefully things will improve.

The simple workaround, once you've had a chance to look at the content that's important to you, is to clear everything else by using the Clear All link, which will blat any spurious notification counts.


Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Easily amused

I like to think of the Notifications bell as an eager-to-please, energetic, but unfortunately very drunk elf.

It’s a minor quirk, and sometimes quite helpful. I don’t get many notifications anyway.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Voyeur @ f/64
1 like

Quote by Ensorceled
I like to think of the Notifications bell as an eager-to-please, energetic, but unfortunately very drunk elf.

So it's Spritely, then?

I'd agree to that.
