I am still having problems with the black boxes sending and recieving - is it me or is it a system problem ?
I've been having lots of problems for days with both messaging and chat.
Today has been worse than usual. Any word from the powers that be on this one?
My chat constantly freezes and I cannot follow any of hte chat. It is useless to me and hopefully the powers to be will do something to correct the malfunction
I'll write to you all now.
My black box chimes have stopped working..well, if I visit a new page, the chime works on the first message, then it stops. Its only just started happening. Im using Chrome..
I think I have fixed the case of the non-repeating sound. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
Seem's like Apple just screwed me over again with their latest 6.0.1 release. Private chats are busted once again.
Watch this space...
In chatrooms the plus symbol doesn't appear in the chat window if you include one in a comment. Emotes like the green puking guy don't work because of this.
Hope I'm sending this to the right place, I don't use the forums often.
Still sometimes the black boxes dont send,also the larger chat windows sometimes do not work,but most of the site is doing ok;)
I still rarely receive black boxes
Oh and i know its low down the priorities... but since about a month ago, do you know why LushStories in general constantly crashes on my iPad?
My chat continues to freeze everytime I try to use it. I provided my browser and OS info but that apparently was of no hlep as it still doesn't work.
Not exactlysure where to go. But could someone give me some help! I am basically computer illeterate. OK my forum starts with the oldest post and I have to go all the way through to get to the newest. Can this be reversed so the newist are on top? any help appreciated!
Are the chat rooms still messed uo? I've been away for a few days and there not working as soon as I log in. Not sure if it's site wide or just me.
As for the post above me the oldest post is always on top. New posts follow down from the op "original post"
I think theres usually a "newest" option if the thread spans multiple pages. I don't think you can change it.
cant get to site whats the problem