I'm getting general errors when I try to see the homepage and my timeline. Is there some issues today?
Same problem here. Fairly new member to the site, so I was wondering if it was anything I did. Just as a check, I was able to access stories using the mobile website. Will check back here for status updates. Thank you all!
It seems to have a wee snafu
Must be a big problem, I see it's been promoted to General Error. Last time we had one of these I think it was only a Colonel. Be patient all, I'm sure Gav will have it going soon, miracle worker that he is.
Funny thing, my power went out last night in the middle of a Lush browsing session and the house went black, so I first assumed my Lush issues today were related to my own computer shutting down that way... glad to get the heads-up here to find that's not so.
I've contacted Gav about it
Weird that I can post here, but not access the site otherwise, either on my phone or elsewhere!
I think the parking meter expired
I've had no issues with site. Home page works. Stories section loads. All is well.
I have reads users in room say that they have issues--once you log out you can't login again.
I have no issues but I know things will be fixed all for other users.
I seem to be able to access everything but Timeline earlier. But now it seems to be working.
Had issues all day, until now. Could not log in, read stories. Could read forums go to profiles if I "searched" for members. Was able to see who was in chatrooms and when I clicked on names their profile appeared and showed they were online. Well, happy its fixed now.
Obviously, it's fixed for me, too. Thank you so much!
There were some difficulties signing in but now it's all good so thank you for fixing it!
Thanks gav (and anyone else who helped)... y'all are the best!!!
Now if you could only fix my can opener.
Is there any issues today. I am not able to receive any boxes or notifications?
I am glad I'm not the only one so frustrating.