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blocked and harrased by a writer for giving them a 4

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0 watchers
recently I read this story

Backdoor surprise by lilly
among others.
and I got an email from the writer a friend request.
but angry at my scoring the story a 4.

is a 4 a bad score? the table says good, which I thought the story was good.
I believe we all have room for improvement and i never comment on any of the stories i read.

she also asked if i knew tony. I know i fuck around alot here but i dont know anyone named tony.

is this behavior tolerated from your writers when they are unhappy with their reviews?

I know I do not pay a membership but why is this allowed?
Just ignore her. Some people are so deluded with their heads jammed so far their arse that they don't even know what day of the week it is.
i just scored all the poetry picks on the front page,some fours some 5s but she contacted me and harrased me about it.
Hi ml100. No, that kind of harrassing behavior is frowned upon. However, so is airing this kind of issue in the public forums.

In the future, if you could use the Contact Us link and submit a complaint that way, we'd really appreciate it. It prevents extra drama for everyone and helps us get to the root of the problem faster.

Thank you.
Quote by RavenStar
Hi ml100. No, that kind of harrassing behavior is frowned upon. However, so is airing this kind of issue in the public forums.

In the future, if you could use the Contact Us link and submit a complaint that way, we'd really appreciate it. It prevents extra drama for everyone and helps us get to the root of the problem faster.

Thank you.

Maybe it would be a good idea to publicly name and shame those who are hostile towards others. It could prove to be a more affective way to eradicate that type of behaviour. Harassing someone for scoring a story a 4 is disgusting behaviour, IMO.
I was contacted by another author, and she explained to me the proper way to handle it, so I sent the mail to lush contacts and I wish i had saved the conversation to send it too.

I also went back and changed some fours to 5s that I had given. I dont want to hurt anyone I just figured her story was good. but we all have room for improvement
Quote by Hench

Maybe it would be a good idea to publicly name and shame those who are hostile towards others. It could prove to be a more affective way to eradicate that type of behaviour. Harassing someone for scoring a story a 4 is disgusting behaviour, IMO.

oh finally i can do that thing quote.

i think it is also bad and they should be reprimanded for it in some way.
Quote by Hench

Maybe it would be a good idea to publicly name and shame those who are hostile towards others. It could prove to be a more affective way to eradicate that type of behaviour. Harassing someone for scoring a story a 4 is disgusting behaviour, IMO.

While I agree that harassment isn't to be tolerated, we don't condone public shaming here. There are channels to deal with that kind of thing.

Keep it classy, yeah?
Quote by RavenStar

While I agree that harassment isn't to be tolerated, we don't condone public shaming here. There are channels to deal with that kind of thing.

Keep it classy, yeah?

thank you. now I know the proper way of handling things.
I will do that again but I will not score in a story that is good only the ones that stand out to me
Quote by Hench

Maybe it would be a good idea to publicly name and shame those who are hostile towards others. It could prove to be a more affective way to eradicate that type of behaviour. Harassing someone for scoring a story a 4 is disgusting behaviour, IMO.

yeah. I'm all for public naming if there is an actual problem. I'll probably get in trouble for that.... i was never here
I also don't think any score is bad. An explaination of a low score would be nice. But a 4? That is a good score. Where am I?

Too late. I see Randy.

You mean now you will only score on those stories/poems that you love? See? THESE THINGS HAPPEN and we just ignore. Meh scoring is way over rated
Quote by adi_me33
I also don't think any score is bad. An explaination of a low score would be nice. But a 4? That is a good score. Where am I?

Too late. I see Randy.

You mean now you will only score on those stories/poems that you love? See? THESE THINGS HAPPEN and we just ignore. Meh scoring is way over rated

where are you? No where am I? am I going to get in trouble for this?
I had a similar experience with a different author. However, we were able to work out our issues and she is now one of my best friends on here. Being able to accept criticism is a difficult journey for many creative folks.
Quote by 69Kisses96
I had a similar experience with a different author. However, we were able to work out our issues and she is now one of my best friends on here. Being able to accept criticism is a difficult journey for man creative folks.

yes but a 4 from what I understand is a good score, not a lower score I scored a 4 in about 4 stories today which I changed to 5's because of this issue, I don't want to hurt anyone. but like I said before I just wont score on any thing that I do not feel is a 5
Quote by ml100

where are you? No where am I? am I going to get in trouble for this?

Look. I was playing. I am sorry. I'm fairly certain you won't get in trouble. I am in Florida. I do know that much. But now, if you are only going to score things you deem a 5...don't score. I'm not sure who Tony is either. The author? Ugh. Too much head spinning for me.
Quote by adi_me33

Look. I was playing. I am sorry. I'm fairly certain you won't get in trouble. I am in Florida. I do know that much. But now, if you are only going to score things you deem a 5...don't score. I'm not sure who Tony is either. The author? Ugh. Too much head spinning for me.

I love your sense of humor. thank you and share the
i appericate all the veiws on our poem, It was written for my Daddy/Dom as a show of my love and affection..The scoring is just a a extra bonus, I DO NOT WRITE TO BE SCORED, As you know i am not a writer so this will probally be my only Love Poem i will ever write..There are alot of awesome writers on here , i would rather read than write..But huggs and thank you all for the Read, huggs deana
Quote by angiegirl
i apperciate all the veiws on our poem, It was written for my Daddy/Dom as a show of my affection..The scoring is just a a extra bomus, I DO NOT WRITE TO BE SCORED, As you know i am not a writer so this will probally be my only Love Poem i will ever write..There are alot of awesome writers on here , i would rather read than write..But huggs and thank you all for the Read, huggs deana

I change your score, I think it was your story i scored a four too
Quote by ml100
I also went back and changed some fours to 5s that I had given. I dont want to hurt anyone I just figured her story was good. but we all have room for improvement

You should have left the stories/poems with the score you think that they deserve. Don't let people moaning put you off leaving honest feedback.

Quote by Liz

You should have left the stories/poems with the score you think that they deserve. Don't let people moaning put you off leaving honest feedback.


I agree with you but, I also did not want to be harrassed
now I think that I was approached wrong. so I think that these authors should be reprimanded with out been allowed to publish a story for at least three months. Maybe this way they just block us and not harrass us.
Quote by ml100
now I think that I was approached wrong. so I think that these authors should be reprimanded with out been allowed to publish a story for at least three months. Maybe this way they just block us and not harrass us.

Score what you think, let the Mods do their job. I believe what you said and thought came from the heart.
Someone has to be the Villain
Quote by ml100
recently I read this story

Backdoor surprise by lilly
among others.
and I got an email from the writer a friend request.
but angry at my scoring the story a 4.

is a 4 a bad score? the table says good, which I thought the story was good.
I believe we all have room for improvement and i never comment on any of the stories i read.

she also asked if i knew tony. I know i fuck around alot here but i dont know anyone named tony.

is this behavior tolerated from your writers when they are unhappy with their reviews?

I know I do not pay a membership but why is this allowed?

At Lush, there are three main forms of public reader feedback for authors: Views, Voting, & Comments.

Neither format is perfect, but leaving a thoughtful and respectful comment on the stories and poems YOU choose to comment on
is still the most desirable form of feedback. If you want to discuss the piece in more detail, ask the author via a PM. Most, but not all, are willing,
if not thrilled, to discuss their work.

You also do not need to vote on any story or poem unless you choose to do so. In some instances, the author has selected the feature that forces a
reader to both vote and comment. The reader cannot do one or the other. This again, is your choice if you choose to do both, or neither.

An unwritten rule at Lush Stories is that if you do not like the story or poem, do not vote or comment.

The voting system has its flaws and limitations, and is used for various Lush Admin uses such as the Top Picks lists or for
shortlisting stories for competitions' judging. Voting is part of the Lush DNA and will not be changing any time soon.

So, the bottom line is, how you choose to vote is your choice. Not voting is also your choice. As is commenting, or not, and for that matter, reading.

Some authors have chosen to remove the reader voting from their works' feedback equation. And that too, is their choice.
Quote by SirDominic

Score what you think, let the Mods do their job. I believe what you said and thought came from the heart.

I did not know there was a procedure that is why I wrote it here. but now I know.
Quote by Ping

At Lush, there are three main forms of public reader feedback for authors: Views, Voting, & Comments.

Neither format is perfect, but leaving a thoughtful and respectful comment on the stories and poems YOU choose to comment on
is still the most desirable form of feedback. If you want to discuss the piece in more detail, ask the author via a PM. Most, but not all, are willing,
if not thrilled, to discuss their work.

You also do not need to vote on any story or poem unless you choose to do so. In some instances, the author has selected the feature that forces a
reader to both vote and comment. The reader cannot do one or the other. This again, is your choice if you choose to do both, or neither.

An unwritten rule at Lush Stories is that if you do not like the story or poem, do not vote or comment.

The voting system has its flaws and limitations, and is used for various Lush Admin uses such as the Top Picks lists or for
shortlisting stories for competitions' judging. Voting is part of the Lush DNA and will not be changing any time soon.

So, the bottom line is, how you choose to vote is your choice. Not voting is also your choice. As is commenting, or not, and for that matter, reading.

Some authors have chosen to remove the reader voting from their works' feedback equation. And that too, is their choice.

I scored a 4 from what I understand now that is considered a good score, so why was I harrassed?

I still think there should be some for of reprimand to those authors that harrass us after all we read their stories. and to expect a perfect 5 is just ludecrist. no on is perfect and we all have room of improvement
Quote by ml100

I scored a 4 from what I understand now that is considered a good score, so why was I harrassed?

I still think there should be some for of reprimand to those authors that harrass us after all we read their stories. and to expect a perfect 5 is just ludecrist. no on is perfect and we all have room of improvement

Monique, your point is well taken.

Due to the nature of how the scoring system is viewed here, anything less than a 5 is perceived as a bad score. Silly, I know. It is a flawed system
and many writers are addicted to the number of votes their pieces get and their corresponding scores. View it as a form of competition and bragging rights.

If you decide to write something for Lush or SS, you will see how easy it is to get caught up in the lust for feedback. A writer spends hours, days,
even weeks or months on a project. It is their baby and no one wants anyone to tell them their baby is ugly, even though a 4 does not indicate that.

Keeping that in mind, I don't know what was said to you, nor is it any of my business. However, if there was usage of profanity and bullying,
then report those types of comments to Lush Admin. They can then determine if a person had behaved inappropriately and can take action such as
temporary suspension or banishment to the Lush gallows.

If the person had asked why the score was a 4 and not a 5, then that is a fair question. They desire feedback. Depending on the situation, they
want to know what you saw that they did not, or vice versa. In that case, you can provide a reason or two why you felt it was not deserving of a
higher score. It is also possible that the 4 was accidentally inputted without the reader realizing what they had done. Voting from a smart phone
can sometimes be tricky. Many writers strive to improve and honest feedback is one of the best ways they can do so.

Hopefully, a grown up discussion on this matter can resolve any miscommunication or disagreement. Maybe it ends with the two parties agreeing
to disagree.

If you truly feel the author is out of line or unreasonable, stop reading their stuff. There are so many writers here, with a vast range of quality
and styles.

I hope this voting situation doesn't sour your experience on Lush.
Quote by Ping

Monique, your point is well taken.

Due to the nature of how the scoring system is viewed here, anything less than a 5 is perceived as a bad score. Silly, I know. It is a flawed system
and many writers are addicted to the number of votes their pieces get and their corresponding scores. View it as a form of competition and bragging rights.

If you decide to write something for Lush or SS, you will see how easy it is to get caught up in the lust for feedback. A writer spends hours, days,
even weeks or months on a project. It is their baby and no one wants anyone to tell them their baby is ugly, even though a 4 does not indicate that.

Keeping that in mind, I don't know what was said to you, nor is it any of my business. However, if there was usage of profanity and bullying,
then report those types of comments to Lush Admin. They can then determine if a person had behaved inappropriately and can take action such as
temporary suspension or banishment to the Lush gallows.

If the person had asked why the score was a 4 and not a 5, then that is a fair question. They desire feedback. Depending on the situation, they
want to know what you saw that they did not, or vice versa. In that case, you can provide a reason or two why you felt it was not deserving of a
higher score. It is also possible that the 4 was accidentally inputted without the reader realizing what they had done. Voting from a smart phone
can sometimes be tricky. Many writers strive to improve and honest feedback is one of the best ways they can do so.

Hopefully, a grown up discussion on this matter can resolve any miscommunication or disagreement. Maybe it ends with the two parties agreeing
to disagree.

If you truly feel the author is out of line or unreasonable, stop reading their stuff. There are so many writers here, with a vast range of quality
and styles.

I hope this voting situation doesn't sour your experience on Lush.

I like lush, today I did not know what to read and I went to the poetry picks and read all the poems there. I have no real reason why I read lilly's story. It was there on the poetry pics.

What bothers me is that she even asked how I knew tony, I think it is wrong for her to take it personal. A writer puts stories in a public site, and good or bad comments should be expected. How else is a writer going to improve their writing.

What she did was to mention a man that I had never talked to anyone named tony on here. The friend request was sent with no profanity, and the way I was contacted was in a pvt chat, unfortunatelly I kept on getting disconnected and could not talk to her any further. she left the conversation and blocked me. How can anyone solve any issues as a grown up, if they are childish to just dissapear and block.

I know I will never read her stories on here. Now can you please tell me what SS is?
Harassment will not be tolerated, on Lush. Score as you wish. That's your prerogative and if you feel that you are being harassed, contact administration.
Quote by Adagio
Harassment will not be tolerated, on Lush. Score as you wish. That's your prerogative and if you feel that you are being harassed, contact administration.

I did. I am sorry but I do not accept friend requests
You have to understand, what you are dealing with on this type of site. Egos and fools, many are. I don't write for a "number." I write, because I enjoy it and I don't get caught up in childish BS. Many on Lush are lost in their own "false" importance.