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A Question for Moderators and site owner

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First of all my English is bad so I apologize if you don't get what I'm really trying to say/ask here. NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE.
LUSH is a great site, and I don't need to say a single word to explain that.
I had many stories on my page and because of some changed that LUSH made many of my stories got removed. Now I'm trying to change their contents and edit the plot a little to get them published under different categories.
A few days ago I edited the plot and characters of the story and submitted it. After 2-4 days the moderators returned it to me saying it needed some editing. I did the editing and submitted it again and moderators returned it, again.
I submitted the story around 5-6 times and it always got returned because of grammatical issues.
The story was already got published (before the LUSH made the changes in it's stories category) and got 30,000 reads and many scores. Now when I have only edited the characters and plot a little to get it published under a different category then how come it turned out so bad that moderators are returning it to me again, and again.
Do the moderators have raised the bar and now only want the best or did the moderator was lazy and didn't read my story before verifying it when it got published a couple of months ago? Is Lush now looking for only professional writers?

I joined LUSH more than 2 years ago and when I didn't get my stories published because of grammatical issues, I quit LUSH. I came back last year in November and tried again, this time again I got rejected but I was prepared for it and continued improving and got my stories published. I love lush and may be because my story which was already published got rejected 6-7 times I'm overreacting here, so please forgive me. I just wanted to let out my feelings.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
Quote by BraveBitch
First of all my English is bad so I apologize if you don't get what I'm really trying to say/ask here. NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE.
LUSH is a great site, and I don't need to say a single word to explain that.
I had many stories on my page and because of some changed that LUSH made many of my stories got removed. Now I'm trying to change their contents and edit the plot a little to get them published under different categories.
A few days ago I edited the plot and characters of the story and submitted it. After 2-4 days the moderators returned it to me saying it needed some editing. I did the editing and submitted it again and moderators returned it, again.
I submitted the story around 5-6 times and it always got returned because of grammatical issues.
The story was already got published (before the LUSH made the changes in it's stories category) and got 30,000 reads and many scores. Now when I have only edited the characters and plot a little to get it published under a different category then how come it turned out so bad that moderators are returning it to me again, and again.
Do the moderators have raised the bar and now only want the best or did the moderator was lazy and didn't read my story before verifying it when it got published a couple of months ago? Is Lush now looking for only professional writers?

I joined LUSH more than 2 years ago and when I didn't get my stories published because of grammatical issues, I quit LUSH. I came back last year in November and tried again, this time again I got rejected but I was prepared for it and continued improving and got my stories published. I love lush and may be because my story which was already published got rejected 6-7 times I'm overreacting here, so please forgive me. I just wanted to let out my feelings.

I am the moderator that has been working with you on your story. As a moderator, I try to help people improve their writing when and where it is possible. That being said, I will be sending you a PM as I do not think this is a discussion to have in a public forum. I thank you in advance to corresponding with me further via private message.
Quote by simply_sweet

I am the moderator that has been working with you on your story. As a moderator, I try to help people improve their writing when and where it is possible. That being said, I will be sending you a PM as I do not think this is a discussion to have in a public forum. I thank you in advance to corresponding with me further via private message.

It wasn't just about you. More than thirty of my stories got removed and now I'm trying to edit and get them published again, and I have faced the same problem a couple of times. So I decided to post this and ask if Lush has raised its bar? Moderators have become a little more strict? Or do Lush only wants the best writers now? I know I'm a terrible writer (when it comes to grammatical things).
LUSH has been very great and I'm thankful for all the moderators and readers. I'm just feeling very down now because of seeing rejection so many times. I have seen my stories getting much more reads than others, I have lost my 'Author 50' and 'Millionaires badge' but I compromised with that because nothing could have done about that. I have been writing from past five years and this week wasn't very good, so I might have overreacted.
It wasn't about one person. I'm only thankful to everyone here. I just.... I don't know what else to say. I hope you have got what I wanted to say and if you have felt bad about me posting this forum then I'm extremely sorry.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
From a writer's perspective, I'll say that the less-than-a-week turnaround you mentioned for hearing back on your stories is actually quite fast. Most all of the sites out there (a fair number of which I've been a part of) have a return/publication time of anywhere between a week and a half to a couple of months. So, less than five days is pretty darn good, in my opinion. Before I became a moderator, I was thrilled when it took three days to post a story, versus the two months I dealt with on other sites.

As far as your previous stories go, in the past year we've been working very hard on improving the overall quality of the site. Many stories that would have been verified two years ago are now returned and asked for further edits. We feel that this will make not only our writers better, but also lift the site in general to a higher standard.
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
Quote by BraveBitch

It wasn't just about you. More than thirty of my stories got removed and now I'm trying to edit and get them published again, and I have faced the same problem a couple of times. So I decided to post this and ask if Lush has raised its bar? Moderators have become a little more strict? Or do Lush only wants the best writers now? I know I'm a terrible writer (when it comes to grammatical things).
LUSH has been very great and I'm thankful for all the moderators and readers. I'm just feeling very down now because of seeing rejection so many times. I have seen my stories getting much more reads than others, I have lost my 'Author 50' and 'Millionaires badge' but I compromised with that because nothing could have done about that. I have been writing from past five years and this week wasn't very good, so I might have overreacted.
It wasn't about one person. I'm only thankful to everyone here. I just.... I don't know what else to say. I hope you have got what I wanted to say and if you have felt bad about me posting this forum then I'm extremely sorry.

Hi BraveBitch,

All writers on Lush need to remember that the story moderators aren't the enemy: the mods don't want to reject stories and all writers can help by learning from their mistakes. If a mod points out something that will help your writing, remember that by doing it, it will help readers enjoy your story and will almost certainly lead to better scores and comments.

The question shouldn't be 'has Lush raised its bar' but rather, 'how can I raise my bar?'
Quote by Katje
As far as your previous stories go, in the past year we've been working very hard on improving the overall quality of the site. Many stories that would have been verified two years ago are now returned and asked for further edits. We feel that this will make not only our writers better, but also lift the site in general to a higher standard.

This sums it up.

BB - your stories take up an excessive amount of moderator time. It's not only irritating for you.

You say it yourself:

I know I'm a terrible writer (when it comes to grammatical things).

Instead of complaining about the moderators sending back your stories because they don't meet our site standards, ask yourself, "Why do they?"

Look at why they are returned. Spend some time trying to learn where you are going wrong with your grammar.

I highly recommend you do not resubmit any more of your stories, before taking at least a month out, trying to grasp the grammar elements you repeatedly get wrong.

(Lush Mods WILL, given their work-load, (that's DOZENS of stories every day) correct minor mistakes in edit where possible...)

The stories posted on home page represent about 12% of initial submissions, AND, with every single story submitted read, vetted and advised upon, Lush Story Mods STILL manage to turn around and publish stories faster than any other site upon the Web.

xx Steph
On your profile, BB, you indicate that English is not your first language, as if this is to be used as an excuse for poor grammar and spelling. English is not my primary language, either, but if anything, this makes me work harder to ensure that what I submit to be considered for publication on the site is perfect in all aspects related to grammar, punctuation and spelling.
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Why did you stop accepting banned subject stories?
Quote by Ramjet69
Why did you stop accepting stories?

Excerpt from story posting guidelines:

— stories are not permitted. includes sexual thoughts or actions between two people who are related in any way. A relative includes any person who has a relationship of trust or a duty of care with another person in a familial sense, whether related by blood or not. This includes godparents and stepparents, de facto parents and guardians. In addition, sexual activity may not take place when relatives, as defined herein, are present in the same room.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quite frankly, I am STUNNED at the amount of people who call themselves writers, and complain about how their stories are returned again and again for grammatical errors, typos and various other sentence structures/tenses problems, etc.

I have been a contributing author here (on and off) since 2009. I have published in that time, approximately 75 poems/stories ..... and .... I have NEVER had a story rejected. I know of one edit that was done, and I thanked GemGeeket for fixing it (formatting from word to email to lush proved too much!).

I will say, particularly with the category being removed, the "Standard Bar" has been raised and am in complete agreement with AbigailThornton above.

Moderators/Story verifiers SHOULD NOT fix your work. You cannot be called an author/writer if your work needs repairs (again and again).

Lush has been more than accommodating in proving some assistance, but, if you get your work rejected once, you need to hone your skills as a writer - find someone else to help you, co-write a story, see what someone other than our story verifies think and catch. If your story is rejected a second time, I say .... LAY DOWN YOUR PEN .... go read and enjoy someone else's work and revel in good grammar, no spelling mistakes and being able to follow the plot.

Maybe after reading others' well written works, scoring and commenting on them, you might understand what a good writer does to a story and you can apply those traits to your own work. Until then ..... stop wasting the story verifiers time.

I will admit to having a few stories rejected for different reasons. Some were fixable, some were not. Those that were not (due to content that violates policy) I just pulled. I have never felt it was done to hurt me. The stories that were fixable, I fixed. I wasn't upset at the rejection, just mad at myself for making such silly mistakes. I think you're being thinned skinned.

And Katje is right... less than a week turnaround isn't bad. Literotica can take up to a month to approve a story. Other sites are worse.

And the Mods are volunteers. We don't get paid. We do our best, but we ALL have a life outside of Lush. Maybe you could consider that the next time you complain about how long your story takes to post.
Dang it! Double post! Bottom line is this, work to improve your writing and stop your whining!
People should stop knit picking. I have written some real stinky crap in the past. The turnaround from editing to posting cannot be better. I have discovered that "most" editors will help, if one will listen. There are people out there who think reading and editing is easy. HOW WRONG THEY ARE. It took me months to figure out punctuations. Less complaining will make the editors word easier.xZVBGbS7BfSZJgYE
You know what, I know how hard it is to go beyond your story telling ability and to produce work that is relatively clean and free of errors. When I started here five years ago, my work was sloppy and full of errors. I am a natural English speaker, but I barely got out of high school and I'm dyslexic to boot.

I wrote stories that were descriptive and in depth and just full of typos, punctuation errors, misspellings and grammatical issues. Back then, these errors were passed and I found myself at the mercy of the voters. I'd get a handful of fives and then a three or a two would appear. I really couldn't understand it. I, too, had the attitude that accuracy didn't matter. I think my actual words were, I'm not trying to write the 'Great American Novel.'

Well, then something different happened. I had a long chat with a wonderful moderator. Alitoteaseu, I believe was her name. She and ChefKathleen went out of their way to tell me not only what I was doing wrong, but why I should want to improve. Hey told me I could write well, that I had talent, but that I would need to work hard if I was going to realize it.

They told me to read some of the better writers. At that time and still today, that meant read Lisa's work. My god, I thought, that's what I want to write! Well, let me tell you, it took a very long time for me to learn and still today, I'm constantly finding errors in my work. The difference is that I am finding them. I'm putting in the work necessary to get it right. Now, I can't believe I would ever have shared the crap I did. Over the years, I've edited my older work and improve tremendously. I cannot believe by doing so that I accomplished something beyond what anyone else can.

Now, I take pride in my work and do my best to help others. I was invited to be a mod myself two years ago and believe me, that was incredible vindication to the work I put in. I owe it all to people like Ali, Lisa, Principessa and Kathleen and all the other moderators who have given me such great advice.

All of this is why I find it so difficult to read these threads. Looking back, I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to improve. Let me share the best advice I ever received. It was Ali, I believe who told me, if you don't have enough respect for your work to write it well, your readers won't have the respect for it to vote well. You should want to write the best you can because your readers deserve your best effort.
I joined Lush a little over a year ago and before I found this place, being a "writer' was about as far away as being an astronaut or submarine captain! I have always had trouble with grammar, and almost failed my "creative writing" class. So writing stories was not real high on my hobby list.

English(ish) is my natural language, although I will be the first to admit I am sometimes pretty lousy at it. And I still have troubles with punctuation and dialogue - as many of the Mods here will attest. But I have had some wonderful help here, and I feel that I have improved a lot. This has been a learning experience for me, and while I may not always agree with some of the grammatical rules and/or advice, I accept it gratefully and try to learn from it.

Reading others' stories and seeing how they did things has also helped out immensely - we have some truly amazing writers here on Lush. Not only do they show me how I should word and phrase things, but the creativity and storylines I see here are fantastic too. I am always humbled that I am in the company of such creative minds - much less that I can run with them!

As for the turn around time for getting a story published there is a real easy fix for that - buy a gold badge! Not only will your stories get moved to the front of the que, but you'll be helping to support our favorite online hangout to boot!
May I chip in here BB. I assume you already use MS Word and thus the spelling and grammar check in that but what about looking for other software which may go beyond the functionality/capability of the MS Word spelling and grammar check to help you .. I simply googled Grammar Check Software and got lots of pages/website details back including some products which state they are free. smile
Quote by simplyjohn
May I chip in here BB. I assume you already use MS Word and thus the spelling and grammar check in that but what about looking for other software which may go beyond the functionality/capability of the MS Word spelling and grammar check to help you .. I simply googled Grammar Check Software and got lots of pages/website details back including some products which state they are free. smile

This, plus going out and buying copies of the newest APA Style Guide and Barron's 501 English Verbs.
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Quote by HeraTeleia

This, plus going out and buying copies of the newest APA Style Guide and Barron's 501 English Verbs.

Oh yus yus that too .. I was going to add that bit later on ..

Quote by Katje
From a writer's perspective, I'll say that the less-than-a-week turnaround you mentioned for hearing back on your stories is actually quite fast. Most all of the sites out there (a fair number of which I've been a part of) have a return/publication time of anywhere between a week and a half to a couple of months. So, less than five days is pretty darn good, in my opinion. Before I became a moderator, I was thrilled when it took three days to post a story, versus the two months I dealt with on other sites.

As far as your previous stories go, in the past year we've been working very hard on improving the overall quality of the site. Many stories that would have been verified two years ago are now returned and asked for further edits. We feel that this will make not only our writers better, but also lift the site in general to a higher standard.

Thank you for telling me the answer I was looking for. I have never been a part of a website where they first verify a story before publishing it, and here I have always got my stories published in 3-4 days and sometimes just one day, so when I got only rejection I finally decided to post this forum. Now I know that LUSH has raised its bar and moderators are trying to make LUSH better, so I will work harder on my stories.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
Quote by nicola
Quote by Katje

As far as your previous stories go, in the past year we've been working very hard on improving the overall quality of the site. Many stories that would have been verified two years ago are now returned and asked for further edits. We feel that this will make not only our writers better, but also lift the site in general to a higher standard.

This sums it up.

That's what I wanted to know.

Quote by nicola

Instead of complaining about the moderators sending back your stories because they don't meet our site standards, ask yourself, "Why do they?"

Look at why they are returned. Spend some time trying to learn where you are going wrong with your grammar.

I highly recommend you do not resubmit any more of your stories, before taking at least a month out, trying to grasp the grammar elements you repeatedly get wrong.

I wouldn't have posted this forum if my story was a completely new and moderators have rejected it even ten times, but this story and a couple of others were already published on lush, now that LUSH has made some changes and my stories got removed I just edited their plot/characters a little. After getting published once, my story got rejected so many times in past weeks, and that made me post this forum and ask, WHY?
Now that I know that LUSH really had raised its standard, I will work harder on my stories.

I just asked a simple question but here I see I have started something worse. As I said in my post, earlier, I didn't mean to offend anyone or any particular moderator. Some people misunderstood me, or may be because of my bad English and lack of words, I couldn't explain myself clearly.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
If you want help with your english feel free to send me a pm.

I can't edit but I can answer questions.
“Ill-fitting grammar are like ill-fitting shoes. You can get used to it for a bit, but then one day your toes fall off and you can't walk to the bathroom.”
― Jasper Fforde, One of Our Thursdays Is Missing

Adjusting the perspective slightly...

“Let me just acknowledge that the function of grammar is to make language as efficient and clear and transparent as possible. But if we’re all constantly correcting each other’s grammar and being really snotty about it, then people stop talking because they start to be petrified that they’re going to make some sort of terrible grammatical error and that’s precisely the opposite of what grammar is supposed to do, which is to facilitate clear communication.”
― John Green