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What do FTM and MTF people want the rest of us to know when writing a story?

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I wrote an FTM story called 'Miranda's Journey' about a year and a half ago, but I didn't ask anyone who is transgendered for their input. I wish I had, so I'm asking now.

What are the biggest misconceptions surrounding the TG community?
What pushes your buttons the most when reading a story that does not at all represent you, and what do you want us to know?

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

I'd like to know, too. I have an MTF character figure prominently in my Bride/Groom series, especially "Wedding Night Blues". I've had some compliments on my handling of her but none of them, IIRC, from trans persons.
Rookie Scribe
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That being a trans woman is that you've always been a woman in the inside and just adjusting your body to it. Not all of us (far from it) are submissive or playing a game. We want people to treat us as the women we really are. It goes as saying that we are not "women with dicks" and a lot of us hate the words tranny, sissy and shemale to refer to us.

Edit : Also, commonly, as I said earlier, we want to be treated as you would treat a cisgender woman, but weirdly enough, even (if not mostly) straight guys want to jump on our dicks (for those of us who still have one), when it actually cause a lot of us gender dysphoria and we hate being touched there.
Rookie Scribe
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Well like with Transgender females female to male transgender men come in all shapes and sizes. There are preoperative ones, post operative ones and many that are in between or not interested at all in any kind of surgery. Many only have top surgery and feel that is enough. Others want the whole thing. It is very hard to put us in a neat little one size fits all box.

Living bi-cariously through Lush

I'm interested in this too. My Noir competition entry features an MTF trans character, and I have another story I've been working on for a few years that involves another. It is important to me to represent them authentically, beyond simply acknowledging that gender identity is a choice, and anyone can choose the identity they prefer regardless of their bodies. That much should be taken as a given these days.

If I continue beyond my Noir entry as a series - which is possible; I've set up the ending for that - I'll probably want to bring in some backstory about the Jamie character, including some of the challenges she may have faced as a trans female detective, or during transition. But not focusing solely on that, because that isn't all of who she is.

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