Quote by 55btmguy
I will be the first to admit that I love trans women especially if they are dominant, then it would be serious cross dressers (shaved bodies and try to pass) then dominant men, then dominant generic women all in that order but I am not a big fan of a lot of hair and the smoother the better but what really turns me off is cross dressers that wear lingerie or dress and do not shave. To me if you want to look like a woman the first thing is to shave your body as real women have very little body hair. How many men or women that like cross dressers that are hairy?
Quote by 55btmguy
I will be the first to admit that I love trans women especially if they are dominant, then it would be serious cross dressers (shaved bodies and try to pass) then dominant men, then dominant generic women all in that order but I am not a big fan of a lot of hair and the smoother the better but what really turns me off is cross dressers that wear lingerie or dress and do not shave. To me if you want to look like a woman the first thing is to shave your body as real women have very little body hair. How many men or women that like cross dressers that are hairy?
I love to crossdress and always shave, both face and private area. Not sure how good I look, if you want to check me out visit my profile and media, all pictures are genuine of both me and my wife.