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Have you come out to family/parents?

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Rainbow Warrior
Quote by kistinspencil
My father said he would have only been surprised if I said I wasn't queer. My mother (they were divorced by that time) said "Oh, that's nice dear." My sister informed me I was a godless sexual deviant and would burn in hell. She still does about once a week, when I bother to answer the phone. That said, it was more than a decade before I ever practiced what I preached.

That was pretty much MY twin sister's reaction too since she discovered my bi-sexuality, although we never really got along very well even before she knew.
Yes and they are very supportive
Marx Sister
I have. Several times as I went came out as gay (but then had a terrible experience which chased me back to identifying as straight), then bi, then pan, then trans, then poly, and they've been dramatically less supportive each time. Maybe they were a bit better with polyamory than my being trans, but they also tried to convince me to not be quite a bit more on that one. I came out as trans over thirteen years ago, and it's only in the last five or six months that they have even acknowledged that I am trans and not "going through a phase". It also took them nine years to acknowledge that trans people are even a real thing. I've found that limiting their contact with me is reasonably effective in combating that, both because they want to talk to me, and to allow me to control when they have the opportunity to say hurtful things.
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Her Royal Spriteness
one of these days, just for the hell of it, i'm gonna come out as straight. wait, it's too early start drinking? that's ok, i've got a bunch of drugs in a jar... somewhere around here...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
I came out to my sister only. She understood and was wonderful about my CD life. Bless her

I came out in my early teens, my family is cool with me being me

Active Ink Slinger

I came out to my wife of 30 years and she was surprised ,but very accepting .

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I am bi but not really out IRL, just here on Lush and maybe a couple sites. Not actively involved in having sex with anyone of any sex/gender at the moment so my orientation is a bit moot but if it starts to matter again, then coming out may follow.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago


Came out as a young teen to most of my family, not an easy time. Grew up with a very conservative, christian family. My life is still 100% better out of the closet, even if it can be stressful at times, and I am unapologetically me! smile

Living bi-cariously through Lush
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I am only Out on Lush. You folks are the only ones who know. Then again, I've only had one gay experience and am not active.

That may change at some time in the future, in which case I will think about letting at least some people in my life know. I do like the idea of being open about my bisexuality - once I'm actually practicing it and not just imagining it. Which I guess is more or less what Seeker4 said.

My Dirty Talk competition entry: No-Dating Policy

I get dicked by a federal agent. My top-ten Noir competition entry: Dick Job

My alliteration-addled Free Sprit competition entry: Buff Bluff in Banff

Card catalog? Hard catalog! My library


Yeah and believe me they aren't very happy that I'm Gay

Advanced Wordsmith

I'm not sure I have anything to come out about. It is funny because one of my brother's said to me after I had been married for many years and had grown kids that he thought I was gay when I was younger. I'm pretty sure I know why he thought that but won't get into it. He said that it was alright with him if I was and that all he wanted was for me to be happy. The thing is, I am happily married love my wife, loved our sex life until it started to decline in frequency to almost non existent. It wasn't until recently over the last 6 years or that I started to have strong bi desires revolving around oral sex having realized how much I loved going down on my wife. This was always my favorite activity, the scent, smells, and taste of her sexual fluids. This has fed into my current bi oral desires. I think if I was to come out it would be as a guy with an oral fixation!

Living bi-cariously through Lush
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Quote by nemesrevol

... strong bi desires revolving around oral sex having realized how much I loved going down on my wife. This was always my favorite activity, the scent, smells, and taste of her sexual fluids. This has fed into my current bi oral desires. I think if I was to come out it would be as a guy with an oral fixation!

I get that. For me there's an awful lot of overlap between my love of oral sex on a woman and my interest in oral sex on a man. The tastes and smells might not be the same, but in a lot of ways the experience is similar and wonderful.

My Dirty Talk competition entry: No-Dating Policy

I get dicked by a federal agent. My top-ten Noir competition entry: Dick Job

My alliteration-addled Free Sprit competition entry: Buff Bluff in Banff

Card catalog? Hard catalog! My library


Yeah my family and friends know.They are ok with it