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Have you come out to family/parents?

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I came out almost two years ago and best thing I've ever done, it literally does feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders. I think I was more worried about admitting it to myself than to my family as they were all totally fine with it. A few members of them presumed I was gay but knew I would come out in my own time. My mum was fine with it her main concern was that I was happy and after coming out that's all I've been since. You can't hide from who you are.
Active Ink Slinger
I have not. My sex life is my own and to be truthful I trust my friends with stuff like this. My family is really anti-gay and well being bi would really piss them off. It's not worth the amount of drama and grief it would cause. I'd rather tell them one day if when I find my soul mate he's a guy. And if he is a girl well then they will never know.
I did not "come out"... I was "outed" to my family by a neighbour with whom I refused to sleep... because she wanted her husband involved...
what happened next was thoroughly unpleasant .. there is homophobia in all places.. even within families ... and believe me it can split families right down the middle... I lost my acceptance.. or what little I had.. with many... but it surely shows u who yr friends really are...
I would not recommend to anyone, announcing their sexual orientation until they have left home .... and r building their own lives by themselves..
Only my sister and some of my in-laws for family and my close friends.
Yes I have. My parents were amazing, and so were other family. A few frowns from the older ones, but they're happy that I'm happy
Active Ink Slinger
How could I tell my wife I am bisexual? She would leave me
Its very personal and i agree with hayley that outing it only when you're kinda independent and established is really sensible.
If it comes out accidentally, the consequences are horrible. Eventually the family usually accepts it, but some of your friends and acquaintances cant. So they start distancing you from them. Its really painful when that happens. Trust me.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have, I was vary young when I realized I prefered women over men and more then one member of my family was disappointed and the rest thought it was a fad or I just needed to spend more time in church, My mom even went so far to send me to a church camp when I was young. but they separated the boys and girls dorms and I liked girls, it was more like being in a candy store to me. As the years have gone by my family has come to accept it more so not that the world has become more accepting too, the only advice I can give to those who haven't come out yet is, keeping it to yourself kills you a little bit each day, you're only living a lie for the sake of others, be true to yourself and trust in the people who love you most.
Rookie Scribe
First time I ever tried anal my mother walked in on it, so I guess that would be a big YES.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DMercator
First time I ever tried anal my mother walked in on it, so I guess that would be a big YES.

Now that's a story that I'd love to read!
Rookie Scribe
I think it's safe to say it was an experience none of us will soon forget.
Active Ink Slinger
Only to my sisters and cousins, I hope to come out to my parents eventually
Yep, just parents and bro
I haven't. I've only had one girlfriend and it didn't last long enough for me to bring it up. I've told my mom before that if I liked a girl I'd date one, that love was love but I don't think she took it as a confession.
My parents know but it wasn't like we had "the talk". Just my lifestyle that they let me lead. I will say they weren't overly involved in my life through high school, weird as that sounds. Both worked long hours, their marriage went through some patches, my older brother was already out of the house so I was essentially left to my own devices. It's not something we really talk about when now. Of course I live 3000 miles away from them, so we don't see each other much b and I havent "forced" my lifestyle of them. No women to "bring home to meet mom and dad". Just some friends and the situation went uncommented on when I still lived at home. We live and let live, I guess is the best way to put it.
Rainbow Warrior
I tried to keep it from my parents that I was bisexual because when my dad found out my older sister was a lesbian (when she was 17, and I was 13), a lot of strange shit happened, culminating in my older sister running off with her girlfriend, and never having any contact with the family again for 20 years. I managed to keep my orientation a secret until I was 26, when my twin sister discovered my MySpace page, where I was openly into other girls. She immediately blabbed it to my parents, but most of the grief I got was from my twin, who got very angry with me (surprise!), because she maintained that SHE wasn't bisexual, so how could I be, when we were identical twins! But at this point, everyone in my family knows I'm into girls as well as guys, so I have nothing left to hide, so I don't try to hide it from anyone anymore.
Active Ink Slinger
I didn't have to - my mother caught me in the act.
I was sent to boarding school and I haven't seen or heard from her for years.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Meggsy
I didn't have to - my mother caught me in the act.
I was sent to boarding school and I haven't seen or heard from her for years.

Who, your mother or the girl she caught you with?
only family that knows is my sis her husband and my wife. im bisexual
Active Ink Slinger
No. These feelings are new within the past year and none of my family or close friends would understand. Also I have grandchildren which I would never, ever do anything with sexually; but people do kneejerk reactions. And I don't want to lose my time watching them grow and spending time with them. And not as a predator or lover or pervert. Just Dad and GrandDad and Uncle.
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
Unfortunatly my mom died when I was young so I never got the chance to share my fun girly side with her .I came out to my son and daughter a long time ago but didnt know how to talk to me dad about it till not long ago.He had to pick me up one night when I had been arrested but we never talked about it.I was tired of hiding in my room when dressed in a skirt and heels so one day I just asked what his opinion was about me dressing up and was thrilled when he said he didnt have a problem with me dressing girly and didnt have a problem with me doing t in front of him,,,,The happiest day in my life.Now I am free to wear what I want when ever I want and have never been so comfortable.
Active Ink Slinger
I am pansexual and genderqueer. My sister, close friends and my significant other know about both. My mother and stepfather know that I'm pansexual. I'm not sure what the rest of my family knows/thinks. I never did come out to my grandfather before he passed away. I never felt the need to. But he knew so much about me that the rest of my family had no idea about without me even mentioning it, he had to have figured it out.
Active Ink Slinger
no to parents. though i'm sure they've figured it out. yes to my kids...can't keep that a secret from people you live with.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, they were fine with it. I found out at the time that my mom is bi and has a few gf's on the side.
My first experience with another woman was with my older sister, who wanted me to see that there was more ways to have sex than with just boys. Obviously she knew then, but never told me parents and they have since passed away. My children know and are very accepting of the fact that I am Bisexual and have a serious GF. They think she is great and I believe they are happy that their Mother is happy.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think I ever really came out formally. It just reached a point in life where people only saw me with my g/f, and I assumed they put two and two together. Only now that many years have passed has family told me they assumed it was a college phase and I would change, but I'm not getting any grief or aggravation over it. My g/fs family has pretty much cut her out, as she was supposed to continue some fine southern tradition of marrying guys who wore pink shorts and golf shirts with blazers. Personally, I look way better in pink shorts...
yes i have and my family is very supportive of my decision
Nope many times thought about it and many others almost caught, but no
They were all good although the first time I brought a gf home it was a bit weird