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What's your mental illness?

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Active Ink Slinger
Anxiety. After a lot of experimentation I settled on lamotrigine and try to get a lot of exercise. Works for the most part without sexual side effects.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Panic attacks. I hid them as a child. I was deathly afraid of death. At age 7 I'd pace out in front of the house in the dark, back and forth on the sidewalk worrying about mother and father dying, counting and calculating years and estimating how long each would be able to stay there.

It would finally release, a calm would take over and I'd go in.

"Where were you, sweety?"

Just outside walking around the block, mom. The relief and release was so profound that it almost worth getting them for that ultimate peace.

Sometimes they'd hit and I'd be forced to go down in the basement because I'd be seen outside. I'd pace back and forth across that basement till it released.

The next door neighbor kid, a young adult was changing his oil one day in their driveway. Somehow I'd convinced myself I'd drank some of that used oil. Took me hours to get over that one.

Continued, but, slackened a bit the older I got. Finally just burned itself out just before the century turned. I had a bad one at the last. I thought I had a deathly disease and no amount of testing and doctor clearance would convince me otherwise.

I've been free of it for over 20 years. I don't even get a hint of one of them. It's just gone.
I don't wanna get too deep into it but I suffer with PTSD from Domestic Violence. My boyfriend abused me for years and I'm glad I got out when I did. While I was with him, I felt very confused and I didn't even know I was being abused at all. Good thing I got out when I did. He ended up pouring alcohol over my head one night and that week I knew it was coming to an end because I just got so sick of the way he was treating me and how I was crying every single night. It took me so much courage to get out of it because I truly loved him and I always felt like I was to blame. He would always cry and tell me about his horrible childhood and make me feel sorry for him and sob. Later on I realized this was manipulation. After he poured alcohol over my head, he cried while looking at me and I had enough. The end of the week, I finally went back home to live with my parents and we've been broken up since 2015. So I'm glad I got out of it. I feel like a much stronger person now and I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me. I hate when people pity me in fact, because it happened to me, it doesn't define me.
Hey Enchanted_DreamSam and thank you for sharing your story. From reading various threads/posts and profiles there a a number of folks on here, both women and men, who have been through a similar experience. I'm posting one of the "Cycles of Violence" which demonstrates the various phases of domestic violence. Thank you again for being brave enough to share your experience.

Quote by AmeliaLeigh
Anxiety.... I have extremely bad anxiety attacks but it’s actually been awhile since my last one and I have learned what works best for me is to just remove my triggers...

Thanks to 2020 my anxiety is fucked again
Active Ink Slinger
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Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

I was second-guessing what I shared about myself, too. But the reason I started the thread was because we so often treat mental illness as something to be ashamed of, and that attitude in itself prevents people from seeking the help that they need, and that tends to make matters worse rather than better. So I'm hoping to do some small part to destigmatize mental illness. It's not something that we've chosen, but it's something that we have to live with. Thanks for your comment.

I sincerely think that it was gutsy and praiseworthy that you did so. I am grateful that you did!
Depression and anxiety
I do not rate psychological problems as mental health as such. I have clinical depression and anxiety which is not helped by the current covid19 pandemic.
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
This is a great thread and it's lovely to see so many people being honest about who they are, even if that isn't always something they'd like to be.
For myself I have issues with Depression and Anger. I'm a cheery person but at times in my life that Black Dog has slunk into my life and bitten me hard. I've planned my own death more than once, and aborted 3 attempts to send myself Home. I get help when I feel over whelmed, because it isn't a constant presence I can manage it most of the time.
Anger is a little harder, as it's a more constant presence in my life. I can get frustrated intensely at times, having my concentration broken for something I consider irrelevant or being unable to complete a task I know I should be able to do but it just won't work properly, can result in a quite sudden burst of anger that can be frightening to see. I'm doing what I can to be prevent my sense of frustration rising to that level, but I'm human and sometimes things just happen.

My partner thinks I may be somewhere on the Autism scale, as I don't respond like most people do to a situation. Tell me a joke and I'm likely to either fake a laugh to seem nice, or let it fly over my head and look at you like you're speaking Klingon at me, or try and take it apart like it's a puzzle to be solved.
I'm a mostly quiet person as I'm used to having little in common with the people around me, so try to keep things in a specific area for specific groups.
I know I won't get a lot of pop culture references so I try to avoid them, likewise I try to avoid emotional discussions with people I don't know very well.

Then again, if we were all the same, how boring would the world be. I'm a complicated woman, and I can be handful sometimes, but I can be a total sweetie and help you through your own dark times.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Simple Scribbler
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

Have you ever experienced a mental health issue?
Were you diagnosed? If so, what was your diagnosis?
Did you get help?
a) If so, what kind of help?
b) If so, did it help?
How do you cope with it?

I experienced anxiety off and on since a very young girl, but I didn't know what it was called until college. Was hospitalized in college where I finally heard the word "anxiety attack". I was convinced I was having a heart attack.

I take Lexapro and it helps a lot. I have learned coping skills too like unplugging and getting out in nature, turning off news, avoiding crowds. I recently found a reflexologist whom I meet with weekly. He also works with chakras and is teaching me how to alter the effects people/situations have on me. I have always been deeply affected by the energy of others... especially negative feelings from others. I need to spend time alone each day to calm myself and I have learned visualization techniques to protect myself from negative situations. I never believed in chakras and energies before, but am a believer now as I have felt the difference and now feel better able to control my own state of being.

Chronic depression, social anxiety. I suspect either mild bipolar or cyclothymia.

Gold hearted fun loving Aussie Angel
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Social anxiety and Depression. I also suffer from a lot of self-doubt and insecurity

Snake Charmera

I've been diagnosed with PTSD, clinical depression, anxiety, and at one time while in the Navy having a personality disorder. Mental health issues also run in my family. I have a brother who is schizoaffective, bipolar, with multiple personalities.

I've been in and out of therapy since I was probably seven or eight. I've also taken meds as an adult. Zoloft, Xanax, wellbutrin,, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Currently I take a combination to keep my depression at bay and the PTSD nightmares away. I've had some good therapists, some great ones and some that just sucked. I've also found if you're not comfortable with the therapist or they don't take the time to see you and do what they need to draw things out then it isn't as affective as it could be. Currently I have teletherapy which I feel doesn't exactly do the job but there is someone on the other side listening to you. I cope by telling myself no one can hurt me again, guarding myself, taking my meds and putting on a brave face for those around me.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Active Ink Slinger

I suffer from anxiety and depression. But I'm what's called high functioning meaning that I carry on doing everything I need to do.

It sts back from my childhood. I've been to 4 or 5 different counsellors since I was 14. But the problem is that my situation is out of my control. CBT is ineffective.

I started taking anti depressants earlier this year. And I'm currently on a waiting list for a psychotherapist who is the same ethnic origin. I have it start processing the past. Accepting the fact that I was neglected amongst many other things. Then hopefully I can be ok where I am now.


I sincerely believe each person in some way or the other deals with their demons on a daily basis. How each person develops their individual coping mechanism is unique unto them…some do it well and some struggle. For those that struggle it is important, to the extent we can, that we as there friends and family reach out with a loving and reassuring hand and heart. Don’t let them tumble down that dark abyss…sometimes a warm and caring hug is the best medicine but surely medication, taken properly, in many cases is essential. Maybe my response appears to a bit saccharine but let me assure you I have danced with the devil more times than I wish to remember.

Advanced Wordsmith
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I agree. We all have our demons. Depression is mine. Some days great. Some days not.

Active Ink Slinger

I believe i don't have !! But after reading this forum i felt pain of others ! I have dealt few people with these problems!! By taking anti depressants and other forms of medication we don't get cured but those symptoms get surpressed !!

We can cure ourselves by Yoga !! Pranic healing!! Breathing exercises!! Connecting to God, nature and homeopathic medicines .Faith , trust , and talking loudly about our feelings, frustrations and letting them flow out of our system will actually help us.

Queen Flirt

Generalized anxiety, I think I’ve always known, but recently I got the official diagnosis. Worked through it this past summer and am grateful I took that first step.

Active Ink Slinger
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Anorexia, although in ‘recovery’

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Depression, though it's seasonal. Still have the odd "crash" even these days, though. Somehow have made it through COVID (I'm at 5 days now) without much impact on that front.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago


User messed up when playing in threads.

I'm glad he has been diagnosed at such an age but better late than never.


Quote by sprite

this offends me.

I love this.

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Anxiety that leads to burnout and then depression. Nearly 4 decades working jobs ranging from stressful to extremely stressful has permanently damaged my ability to not over analyze/think most things in life.

After suffering a gap of about a week in my long term memory I sought help from a psychologist and my doctor. I have insufficient levels of serotonin to keep my worries at bay; was about 9 years ago. I have been on Cymbalta ever since. The plandemic has made it worse, so I am on a higher dose, which works well for now.

My responses to my anxieties have always been to withdraw from the world until I am able to process or drop my concerns. I’ve not ever experienced suicidal thoughts, nor do I harm anyone—quite the opposite, in fact.

I ask for the best of all Divine blessings to all who suffer similar, especially those who are unable to abate their demons. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 💜🙏🏼💜

Active Ink Slinger

BPD with the inclusion of stress and anxiety.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by misty0666
Take your pick of diagnoses. You may or may not be right. For all i know, the doctors may or may not be right

From Childhood Ive been diagnosed with:

Neural Motor Retardation



Bi Polar

Ausbergers Syndrome

All judged by licensed medical professionals. I was still able to obtain a university degree, assorted licenses, a career as a officer of Marines, and run a couple businesses.

**Smile, it's free therapy**

A touch of Alexithymia.

Large phases of self doubt and insecurities.

Some level of anxiety.

All seem to be a result of some brutal emotional and at time, physical bullying between the ages of 5/6 and 16.

I'm okay at the moment. Work, home life and exercise help keep it all tucked away, but it'll always be there.

I seem to write a story every 1.5 years on average.

You might as well check them out:



Simple Scribbler
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Quote by smilewithhappiness

I believe i don't have !! But after reading this forum i felt pain of others ! I have dealt few people with these problems!! By taking anti depressants and other forms of medication we don't get cured but those symptoms get surpressed !!

We can cure ourselves by Yoga !! Pranic healing!! Breathing exercises!! Connecting to God, nature and homeopathic medicines .Faith , trust , and talking loudly about our feelings, frustrations and letting them flow out of our system will actually help us.

I believe in this in part. If a chemical imbalance, I think meds may work best and definitely a faster result, which someone in a dire state of being may need.

I'm a huge believer in homeopathic too though. I have a reflexologist who works with my Chakras and he has changed my life. I can now tell when I'm out of balance and thru breathing, walks/meditation in nature, feel my symptoms ease. Box breathing has stayed many a panic attack as well. My twin uses daily tapping for her anxiety.

There's a lot of options out there. Acupuncture has proven effective too. Try what makes sense to you!


I seem to manage my various personality flaws reasonably well. Rarely does my impatience rise to anger and my neatness is occasionally irritating to others. I find indecision in others intolerable and my bluntness often offends others. I think sarcasm is a virtue.