i just try to watch what i eat and occasionally walk the dog lol
seems to work fine for me.
Pushups, chinups, and swimming.
I walk a lot — my neighborhood has a lot of hills so that helps — and I'm getting back into a more regular workout schedule at the gym after being lax about it for months. I've also been hiking a few times lately, but to be honest, the trails were so easy it should only count as walking in the woods.
TaeKwondo: Hi-Yah! (That's me breaking a board with my foot).
I run everyday, swim a lot in summer and now im getting into kickboxing too. I also cycle and hike but more for fun than the exercise. I try to watch what I eat, dont smoke but do drink a little. And I have as much sex as I can, its great cardio, LOL. I also try to give myself 30 min a day to just blank out my mind and veg. Not really meditation but just Nikki time!! Does wonders!!
I run, mainly short distance or sprints/intervals. I also weight lift, cycle, swim, and lots of plyometrics.
My main fitness goal is to stay in top Soccer shape. I love the sport; playing, coaching and being a fan!
I work out on the Nautilus machines at the gym, do a lot of chin-ups, the stairmaster and also jog regularly. Taekwondo twice a week.
Daily walks by the sea are good for body and soul! I also swim twice a week. Am addicted to dancing (Phew! Those endorphins!!), and do yoga regularly, cos it keeps me supple and exercises all those essential muscles (or should I sexercises!!) ;)
Strength train six days a week and run 3 days a week.
cycle, walk, weight training, boxing, swimming, kayaking, hiking....constantly mix it up..try to be intensely active 1.5 to 2 hrs per day, nothing deep fried, stay away from most "bad" foods eg chocolate, cake, donuts but think you should reward yourself on occasion...sex done right (whatever that means) burns the equivalent caloroes of a 12 to 15 mile walk.....
Ribeye steak (bloody), three miles of running a day, sunshine, lots of water throughout the day, sleep, vanity.
try to keep with an everyday gym schedule, as well as keeping active with tennis, frisbee, and anything else my friends are up for
try joining a team or a club, then you can like help each other stay fit and healthy!
I've begun running again 3-4 times a week during my lunch hour. It really helps break up my day and destresses me and helps with my pesky bouts of insomnia. I'm begining to enjoy it a lot.
Well.. like others here i like to be outside and work out i think it's because it makes it more fun and less like hard work.
So mainly i run around 6 times a week and i currently have a little competition with someone on lush to help motivate us to run longer distances and speed up lol.
I also do a little yoga it can be sooo relaxing especially in the garden
however gyms are good aswell as they help focus your main if you are feeling distracted or lazy. Also its a lot easier to do boxexercise in the gym with a partner than at home.
and the old favourite wii fit lol
Ride 10 miles to work and back daily, and run. The daily ride does great things for me.
I used to do martial arts (shorin ryu and jiu jitsu) 5 times a week, but my poor old body can't take it any more. I miss it terribly.
I belly dance, (excellent for your core) and I am trying to become a runner. I used to spend a lot of time cycling too, but have fallen away from it - must get back to it. I love weight lifting, but live to far from a gym to make it practical. Am slowly creating a home gym.
In the summer I paddle (kayak) and swim as well. I work outside sometimes; some days are an 8 hour hike on rugged terrain. Great for the calves.
I am really into fitness, I workout 6 days a week, I switch between strength and cardio every other day, and stager my heavy workouts to every third day. I work out with weights three times a week, for cardio I run, hike, dance, or zumba.
I skate 3-4 times a week with a bunch of guys for a couple of hours each time. I also surf which is great for your arms/shoulders. At home, I tend to watch TV while sitting on a yoga ball and I do crunches during commercials .
I'm a concept II rowing freak.... 5k three times a week 20mins 45secs, 2k sprint once a week 7 mins 55 secs, 30 min row once a week 7098metres
Weight workout twice a week. Boxercise and bags once a week, yoga every morning.
Don't eat crap, lots of protein and good carbs, fruit and veg, no sugar... except red wine!
Oh and sex 5 times a week...
I love crossfit. Just started last month and it is awesome..
Work out at my gym minimum 3x per week or more doing water aerobics, weight lifting and cardio machines and comando gardening lol

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I cycle nearly everywhere if it's not too far away. I have a car but I don't use it often. Oh and sex of course! My favorite exercise! LOL
I play ice hockey. Plus I walk a lot at work
I used to go to the gym a lot, but then after Christmas i got lazy...now that a beer gut is forming i've started back to four times a week at the gym and then going to start running on the off days. It feels so good to be back in the gym!