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Flirting in the gym

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Active Ink Slinger
When I go to the gym, I go early (ca. 7 AM, every day), and not many people are there to flirt with. But they start trickling in, so by 9 AM, the place is filling up fast. I have been going to the same place for years, so, I know a lot of the women who come in regularly. Friendly exchanges happen every day.
Southern Gentleman
A fit body whether male or female is a true work of art. By using the progressive weight training method and any type of cardio exercises you can mold your body into any shape you desire. Training inside or outside the gym is serious business to me, no monkeying around, no cell phone use, and definitely no flirting.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't anymore - I found big Abs meant only small cocks.
Active Ink Slinger
Whilst I work out from home, I still keep relationships/sex very much separate from working out. That's why I don't even allow my Mrs to watch and lock the bedroom door. I work out that hard that the last thing on my mind is sex if being honest .
Quote by Meggsy
I don't anymore - I found big Abs meant only small cocks.

hahaha you're so right lol
Advanced Wordsmith
Never did when I went to a gym, I made my own home gym to suit my time better.
Active Ink Slinger
haha. funny topic and many have said good things here. I workout with my wife at the gym. Like many of the guys, I zone out when in the middle of my routines. I like to close my eyes and focus. However, so many times I have opened my eyes only to find a womans nice round ass doing bends directly in front of me. My wife says they are flirting with me. I guess she would know.
One liners(statements or remarks) between sets helps break the ice for after gym
I don't flirt at the gym--I'm there to work out.
Well, at kickboxing and Pilates class.
The Bee's Knees
I don't flirt at the gym--I'm there to work out.
Well, at kickboxing and Pilates class.

agreed. i'm far too focused to notice anyway.

Say. Her. Name.

never flirted in the gym and i don't intend to it's serious stuff
Active Ink Slinger
Not been to the gym much. Just some physical therapy after surgery last winter. Everyone was all business there, not much flirting. I keep fit on the work site, repairing houses, & I flirt with any available women that wander through. Have one friend who comes around a few times a month just to flirt. She has a crushingly busy life with three teenage daughters ect... I indulge her when she steals a few minutes between errands & shows me her new nipple rings or whatever.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Meggsy
I don't anymore - I found big Abs meant only small cocks.

But that's alright because I've heard size doesn't matter. Myth perhaps?
I couldn't actually imagine trying to flirt in the gym. I zone out when working out... My trainers are super flirtatious but not me. I'd never do a thing like that.
Flirting in the gym would involve talking and I’m extremely shy in person so if staring into space and blushing all over is flirting than I’m a pro ?
Active Ink Slinger
i do not initiate flirting at the gym, i let a guy start flirting with me first
Rookie Scribe
I don't try to flirt. I'm there on occasion, and I pretty much want to mind my own business and get in a great workout and sweat. There are rare occasions where a really handsome guy tries to flirt. It's usually no more than long eye-contact a few times over during the course of the workout, then sometimes they'll ask me what my goals are. That's reasonable!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AmeliaLeigh
Flirting in the gym would involve talking and I’m extremely shy in person so if staring into space and blushing all over is flirting than I’m a pro ?

I don't have a shy bone in my body and if I did not flirt at the gym, I would still be single today. lol That's where I met my wife.
Quote by EricRhodes

I don't have a shy bone in my body and if I did not flirt at the gym, I would still be single today. lol That's where I met my wife.

Awwwww I want the entire story!! Haha this is so cute ❤️ I’m way to shy to just walk up to someone and start talking haha good thing my husband wasn’t too shy smile
I don't encourage it in the gym. Its a distraction and I tend to be aggressive when I talk during my workout
Advanced Wordsmith
I used a gym as a setting for my most recent book 'Gym Slips'.

"Karen and I were getting a bit tired of the crowd in the club we usually go to pick up guys. We were looking for a new scene. Karen came up with this great idea of joining a local gym on their free three-month offer. There will be plenty of guys there, all with toned muscles and maybe interested in a bit of post-gym exercise. So during the trial period, we became gym groupies."

I actually took up one of these offers over the Summer and it gave rise to my imagining the venue for a series of erotic encounters. Of course, nothing actually happened to me when I went to the gym, but I have a good imagination.

I usually maintain eye contact and smile, if they don’t approach me after a try or two, another day I’ll maybe stop and make some small talk if they’re just coming in, or on a little break. I pay attention to body language and verbal cues, to see if they’re interested, and if they aren’t, my clothes get tighter and more revealing until they are smile Although uh I always respect someone if they obviously don’t want any part of me, since we’re both there to work out anyways, I wouldn’t want to take that comfort away from them by being annoyingly persistent.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BabygirlCounterblue
I usually maintain eye contact and smile, if they don’t approach me after a try or two, another day I’ll maybe stop and make some small talk if they’re just coming in, or on a little break. I pay attention to body language and verbal cues, to see if they’re interested, and if they aren’t, my clothes get tighter and more revealing until they are smile Although uh I always respect someone if they obviously don’t want any part of me, since we’re both there to work out anyways, I wouldn’t want to take that comfort away from them by being annoyingly persistent.

I think maybe I need to start going to your gym. <-- No, that's not me. I thought it was cute and seemed appropriate for this thread.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
Active Ink Slinger
Usually in the sauna after a workout, I am usually joined by some of the girls from the local University, and sometimes some of the lads. If all females, like on the Females-Only night, the talk can get rather spicy, especially as accepted wear for the Sauna and Jacuzzi tends to be bikinis. I have had quite a few invitations from some of the girls, and yes, I enjoy flirting. It is harmless fun and can lead to more.
Only if I'm not wearing headphones, and if you're hot, then yes, flirt away
Active Ink Slinger
When I go to the gym it is to workout but I have been going to my current gym for quite a few years now. I do occasionally chat and flirt a bit with a young woman who trains at the same time as me it started as a friendly chat but overtime has become more flirty. I told my wife about it and my wife has also flirted with her at the weekend when we go to the gym together.
Active Ink Slinger
Bloody tricky question. I have base two of the characters in my stories on women I lust after at the gym. I have never done anything about it, I'm too reserved and a gentleman.