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Head Nurse
curious how many of you fast?

One meal a day?

Extended fasting?
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes. It does have some health benefits.
Active Ink Slinger
I IF M-F at least 18:6. Once month I also do a minimum of a 60 hour fast.

In my opinion, fasting is different than skipping meals. I still consume my normal amount of macros, just within a particular window of time (6 hours), instead of the typical feasting hours (12 hours).
Rainbow Warrior
When I was in my Native American phase, I fasted as part of a vision quest, but I lost more weight (that I couldn't really afford to lose) by sweating out during a sweat-lodge ceremony.
I am now into my first month of steady IF of 18:6 daily and 20:4 on weekends
I am NOW on my second day of my first three day fast and it’s going smoothly so far
I am excited at the results I have been having since I gained during this quarantine lol I am positive this will help in so many ways smile
Active Ink Slinger
I did a fasting for religious reasons as a high schooler. It taught me appreciation for food and I don't take our first world abundance for granted, but I didin't meet god. I guess I should try it again sometime.

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
IF, M-F, 18:6, 20:4? Can anyone explain what that all means?


Oops, my bad. I was wondering why someone started a thread about farting...good thing I'm getting cataract surgery here pretty soon...
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
A few years ago, I started to change WHEN I ate - and in essence, I fast from 5ish pm to about 10ish am as eating in the evenings (after 6pm) leaves me unable to sleep well.

Of course, pre-pandemic, there would be a day or two where I had a dinner with someone - but most of my friends know I'm an early eater and they would accommodate my weirdness.

This "fast" or early dinner with not eating anything in the evenings, has definitely helped my sleep and I have better energy (mentally and physically - though my leg is still recovering for that damn moped!)

Quote by Beffer
When I was in my Native American phase, I fasted as part of a vision quest, but I lost more weight (that I couldn't really afford to lose) by sweating out during a sweat-lodge ceremony.

Let me guess...

You are 1/16th Cherokee?
Wild at Heart
Quote by Osman

Let me guess...

You are 1/16th Cherokee?

Typical, you’re saying she’s not Native American?

A white Canadian questioning someone’s native heritage.

That’s rich.

Any idea why 100% ethnic Native Americans aren’t as common anymore?
Quote by Osman

Let me guess...

You are 1/16th Cherokee?

Beffer is Cherokee through and through. Cherokees do no recognize the purity of a person's blood to be considered a Cherokee, even though Beffer does in fact have the blood connection. To be accepted and adopted into the Cherokees you must completely embrace their heritage and culture, which Beffer has. She has been helping me with a story based on one of the more obscure ancient Cherokee legends and has provided me with a ton of insight and research guidance.

There are a number of members of the Caucasian and other races who have been accepted as full members of their tribe. The Cherokees are not the only Tribe who follow this means of acceptance/adoption as most North American tribes do the same.

Now...don't get me started on how horribly Canadians have treated the Indigenous population up there. They were and still are as bad as this country.

And, since this is about fasting, I'll shut-up.
Active Ink Slinger

I've done intermittent fasting. I guess it serves its purpose.

I watched a series on Disney+ in which the fellow that plays Thor in films did some extreme fasting. It seemed incredibly difficult. I severely reduce my food intake a few days a month to regain a physical balance which I cannot begin to explain to anyone.

Sometimes I don't have an appetite and won't eat the entire day. Definitely drink water but other than that, no food.

I like to eat by noon( or not, maybe I eat that evening so 24hr fasting) if my last meal was the previous evening.

One big meal a day, too. It all depend if I'm hungry or not.

In saying this, I won't prolong fasting for days cause I lose lbs easily. Takes more effort to remain at my weight, 130lbs.

I have at least one meal a day.One cup black coffee in the morning, maybe a light snack in the afternoon and dinner early evening of fish and a salad