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Does this happen to you

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Maybe some girls wouldn't mind it but I think it is a gross invasion of privacy for someone to film you. Awful.

If a guy is polite when he approaches you then fair enough but you are running and I would get pissed off if someone interrupted me.
Quote by paul_moadib
Maybe some girls wouldn't mind it but I think it is a gross invasion of privacy for someone to film you. Awful.

If a guy is polite when he approaches you then fair enough but you are running and I would get pissed off if someone interrupted me.

Exactly what I was going to say.... I think it's terrible for someone to film you.

I get whistled at etc but I have never had someone video me... Although I did have a guy follow me...
happened again this weekend, although I was on the bike, not running, and on a different route.

I was passed by a man who pulled over into the ditch and opened his trunk. As I approached he tried to flag me down. (I sped up when he opened his trunk!) once I passed he got back in the car and followed me for a way. It was forested section of a busy road. Just as I approached a store, and was about to turn in, he left.

I shouldnt have to worry about this.
Quote by Dirty_D
happened again this weekend, although I was on the bike, not running, and on a different route.

I was passed by a man who pulled over into the ditch and opened his trunk. As I approached he tried to flag me down. (I sped up when he opened his trunk!) once I passed he got back in the car and followed me for a way. It was forested section of a busy road. Just as I approached a store, and was about to turn in, he left.

I shouldnt have to worry about this.

I'm not surprised that you attract attention, D. You are a striking woman, but yes, this rather crosses the line from simple admiration to something a little more sinister.

Would it be worth speaking to the local police? Since you've said that this hasn't been an isolated incident and is obviously a concern. I'd hazard a guess that you're not the only one this has been happening to. Perhaps they would think about sending a patrol car by now and then? Just a thought, but one worth considering.

It does worry me that you're carrying a knife though. As Liz pointed out, it could get you into trouble and there's obviously the potential for it to backfire on you in a struggle or whatever. The sharp hair things are good, but I think a pepper/mace spray would be better and mean that you wouldn't have to actually cause great physical injury to someone.

After a couple of attempted child abductions in the news here, I taught my girls the old "Escape to gain safety" thing

*E*scape - Eyes
*T*o - Throat
*G*ain - Groin
*S*afety - Shins

All of these parts of the body are vulnerable and in injuring them, would hopefully give the victim the chance to escape, rather than get into an actual fight. Escape being the best scenario...
We should link this post to the silly "what would you do if you were a woman for a month" post in the "ask dudes" forum.

My wife carries collapsible hiking poles when she runs. Not a weapon, won't get her in trouble, but she's been trained in stick fighting as a part of Aikido. So I pity the idiot that tries anything. It really, really sucks that women have to think of such things.

Men's worries when running: Potholes in the dark; dogs. Women's worries when running: Men.
Yes, ladies, do, do be careful. When I became single again my daughter insisted that I do some self-defence lessons, and while I have never yet had reason to make use of what I learned it does make me feel a little more secure.

I like SixtyMinuteMan's suggestion of linking this with 'what would you do if you were a woman for a month' posting, I think if males got an opportunity to discover just how vulnerable a woman can be then they would be a little more sensitive in these circumstances.
Quote by Dirty_D

I actually have a couple pairs of sharpened porcupine quills that I wear in my hair. and they are very sharp. They easily pass through skin and muscles.

You may be hotter than most runners.

But seriously, this is all potentially very dangerous. Did you report any of it to the cops? Maybe if they increased their presence on your route for a while it would make it safer for everyone.

Women should be free to run/walk/exist in peace. Good grief!
I run frequently, and I get the usual whistles and little kissy noises from guys. I'm very close to a very big public park with lots of other joggers and dog walkers so I feel pretty safe.

What's described in the OP sounds completely over the top and very inappropriate!

D x

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

For somebody to film or shoot photos without permission is entirely inappropriate.

Kim - Chick with a Dick
I was a runner all through my 20's and early 30's till my knees started giving me trouble (now I'm a swimmer). I lived in Columbus in my twenties where there are something like 28 different street gangs in various neighborhoods all over town. I ran every day, so I had the same kinds of things happen to me. I had a bodyguard, so my safety wasn't an issue, but having a regular running buddy is something I highly recommend for women who run in urban areas.
I dont run as often as I used to. When I do its usually early morning and oldies walking the dog are the only ones around.
My worst experience was a guy who came up and jogged with me extolling his physical virtues as a male. After about 10 minutes of complete ignorance from me he was still there. I saw a cop in the distance booking somebody so I changed direction and it soon became evident where I was headed. He left never to be encountered again.
Wolf whistles were not uncommon - usually from building sites and tradies. A haven't had any problems with mobile phone camera's yet - that I know of.
First, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I run with a group on Saturdays and from time to time one or a few of the ladies will mention some idiot doing something like this. I saw you posted this quite some time ago and was wondering what solutions if any you came up with.

I'd suggest changing routes frequently, run with a large dog ( if possible ) run with a friend, or run with a group.

Stay safe.
Quote by _O2_
First, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I run with a group on Saturdays and from time to time one or a few of the ladies will mention some idiot doing something like this. I saw you posted this quite some time ago and was wondering what solutions if any you came up with.

I'd suggest changing routes frequently, run with a large dog ( if possible ) run with a friend, or run with a group.

Stay safe.

I moved and mostly run with a good friend now.
Quote by Liz

Can you run with a pump action shotgun? Not sure how heavy they are, but I reckon that would be a pretty good deterrent.

Yes. But I wouldn't run with a shell chambered. That could be disastrous.

Shotguns don't seem heavy to me. Seven pounds is an average. They usually weigh less than a WWII infantry rifle. Quite a bit less than Civil War or American Revolution rifle.
Quote by Dirty_D

I moved and mostly run with a good friend now.

I'm glad you've resolved that issue and hope it never reoccurs.
Quote by Buz
Yes. But I wouldn't run with a shell chambered. That could be disastrous.

Shotguns don't seem heavy to me. Seven pounds is an average. They usually weigh less than a WWII infantry rifle. Quite a bit less than Civil War or American Revolution rifle.

I'm going clay pigeon shooting with my dad and Clare this weekend.

He has a nice over-under Beretta. Bloody heavy thing but doesn't half make you feel like a bit of posh totty sauntering around carrying it.
Quote by Liz

I'm going clay pigeon shooting with my dad and Clare this weekend.

He has a nice over-under Beretta. Bloody heavy thing but doesn't half make you feel like a bit of posh totty sauntering around carrying it.

I bet y'all with have a lot of fun. I love skeet shooting. Let me know which one of y'all does the best.
This happens to me overtime I go out in workout attire. I would think it's just the area I'm in but some men just can't help themselves I suppose
As a guy, I'm amazed at the stories I hear about how creepy some guys can be.
OMG I posted here 3 years ago!!!
