On Lush I am young and vigorous always erect and ready. In real life not so much but whatever I appear to be suits me and a few others just fine.
Quote by thesexynun
some do not get to the age I am.
Yeah, tell me about it. One of my elementary school through university buddies died in his early forties. And this year I turn 58, the age at which my mother died.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.
I used to have doubts when someone told me I look much younger than I am, thinking they were just being polite, until a funny incident a handful of years ago...
I got a promotion, and a jealous colleague, who joined the company at almost the same time I did, started complaining to anyone who'd listen that they'd promoted some 'young upstart' instead of him. Apparently, enough people at work agreed with him to force my boss to ask me if I minded if he revealed publicly that I was actually 5 years older than said colleague. 🤣
According to others, I look younger than my age. I was standing in group of people 10-15 younger then me and one of them started to say something like “people our age…” and I said, “maybe your age” and they all look at me very surprised. They demanded to see my ID. But I don’t think is only the look that contributes to “looking younger”. It is also the attitude, the way you behave, how open minded you are to the things around you. After all, there are young people that look much older than their age. Anyway, I’m taking a lot of photos of myself, to enjoy it later (like Samantha did in Sex And the City - 'cause when she's old and saggy she wants to be able to look back and say, "Damn I was narcissistic")
Quote by Fithotwife
I'm 53 , some say yes some say no
I would say you look your age but in a good way (okay, I'd probably peg you as being in your 40s if you hadn't given your age, but I'm terrible at guessing ages). Sexy maturity for the win.😊
I'm 58 and probably look it. Lots of grey in my beard and chest hairs but, oddly, not on my head. I'm losing that hair instead.
Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.