i was on it before and there is a ton of side effects...i had a friend lose some of her hair i had another friend get terrible headaches. its like any meds...sideeffects are always possible. as for myself i never had any issues with the shot and was on it for almost 2 years.
my newest :)
Never had it, I do recall that the very first time I saw a gynecologist (yes, prior to having actual sex...I didn't even have an actual boyfriend at the time), we were discussing BC options and I inquired about the Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) injection, because I was young and it seemed perfect--no pills to remember to take, no prescription to fill, just trot in every three months and roll up my sleeve. She advised against it, the primary reason being that unlike a pill or a ring or something else that can be removed/stopped if there is a reaction or an intolerable side effect, once a long-acting injection is injected, you're stuck with it until it wears off.
I ended up going with Ortho-Novum 7/7/7 birth control pills, then switched after a few years to Ortho-Tri-Cyclen, and then switched to Seasonique (a BCP regimen where you take pills for three months straight, effectively only having your period four times a year) when that became available. The awesome thing about Seasonique (I take the generic version, same drug combination--levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol) is that--with the approval of your provider--you can, as I do, take it constantly, without ever taking a week off to have your period.
If you are having physical symptoms that you believe are linked to the Depo-Provera, and your gynecologist's first response is "it's all in your head", find a new damn gynecologist. You don't really describe your symptoms except for saying "it always hurts so much to do anything", so you may well have an auto-immune disorder that may or may not be linked back to the Depo-Provera injection; either way, you might consider seeing an immunologist and/or a pain specialist, especially since your symptoms are not improving or disappearing after two years (you didn't say if they've worsened, but even stasis is not a good thing).
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Thanks for the input! I may just have to keep going back to the new gyno to hopefully figure out what the hell is going on. Hah
Thanks for the input! I may just have to keep going back to the new gyno to hopefully figure out what the hell is going on. Hah
Get off Depo! It's the worst thing I ever did. I gained 90 pounds in less than six months, even though I was barely eating anything but oatmeal, plain boiled chicken and salad. Within three months my hair started to fall out and my hormones when so nuts I developed PCOS and Diabetes. I'm convinced that it caused me to develop Fibromyalgia as well, because I was perfectly fine until I got on that crap. I got off of all forms of birth control and have struggled ever since to get my health back. It's been over 12 years and my body is still messed up because my hormones never went back to normal.
It's well documented to cause women to have all kinds of hormonal health issues, and many doctors will lie about it. I know mine did.
I have never had any issues. Maybe about 10 lbs weight gain but I can't blame that on the Depo shot alone. I loved to eat and hated to exercise. I've recently started exercising so I guess we will see if it hinders my weight loss. I've been on it going on three years now. I will be coming off at the end of this year because I have read that some women have difficulty becoming pregnant after the shot. A baby might be in the future for my family next year or so. I guess that's something I will have to wait out and see.