Curious as to how many people do a cleanse before they know they're going to have sex?
What kind of cleanse do you do?
Other than showering regularly, brushing my teeth and assorted other personal hygiene practices can't say as I do anything special. Since I'm not married sex is more likely to be spontaneous. If I'm going on a date I'd be a touch more scrupulous and always brush my teeth at the last possible minute. Curious what others have to say about it.
Besides the fact that l shower at least twice a day, brush my teeth and gargle after every meal and at bedtime, l will still freshen up with cleaning wipes before sex if at all needed. But generally, l'm fresh and clean and ready to go.
After my gym workout or running or bicycling or yardwork, l immediately hit the shower. Always be ready!
I shower twice a day, I always wear deodorant, I brush teeth, use mouthwash, etc twice a day. I don't really have a 'pre-nookie' routine, but showering or bathing together beforehand can be fun, with the added benefits of both being clean.
Not that I've dated anyone new in a while, but back when I was, I'd always shower, brush teeth, perfume, etc before going out. I do that before going out anywhere 'nice' though.
Clean the relative parts.
If it's going to be a kinky one, I'll use enemas. I also shave most of my body. Too many girls have bad experiences with ill-groomed men.
I like to fee comfortable pinning her arms down and straddling her face so her mouth can explore my cock, balls and ass. And I like to the to same to her.
You gotta be clean to get dirty....