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Arizona woman seeks to become heaviest human ever...

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This is sad simply from a health perspective. She is so heavy she cant walk. It is sad that she doesnt realize this is killing her. Our bodies are not designed to be that heavy.
Active Ink Slinger
Is there something at the opposite end of the spectrum.......? Woman seeks to become lightest (butterfly weight) human ever?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by natasha_yes
I think She should not be judged.... too many pass judgment on others too easily and this is a shame as we are all unique in our own way. What you think is normal others may think is strange.

Judgments? What you think is normal others may think is strange? It applies to the above news?

Anywayyyy... anyone knows any update on the this woman and her quest for heaviest woman ever? No judgment here!

Does she works? Getting a pension? Any monetary help? Oops getting into the judge zone.

A thought. Ross Perot (90s US President candidate) was right. We make too many potato chips and too little (or none) computer chips. Just repeating the quote, not judging.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Raised on Blackroot
In other words, stuff myself full of food, be lazy, and eventually cost the taxpayer shit loads of money when I go to the ER for miserably poor health and a heart attack.

The human frame: bones, organs, etc, was not built to have that much body mass.
Quote by DirtyMartini

I see what the problem have to be logged in to view it, didn't realize...

Since the only other places I have it posted that I can think of might possibly be considered "competing sites"...not that any site could compete with Lush...let's try this...

I Woke Up With A Fat Chick

I woke up and couldn't believe my eyes,
When I caught sight of those monster thighs,
Was that a cow that was sucking my dick?
No, I woke up with a very fat chick.

The sight of her got me thinking,
I really should give up drinking,
As if I needed a reason why,
I should also stop getting high.

Looking at this gruesome sight,
I tried to recall what I did last night,
How did I possibly wind up with her?
But my mind was simply in a blur.

Could I have picked her up in a bar?
How did she possibly fit in my car?
I was no longer in the mood,
As I thought of ways to protect my food.

I thought about the weight limit of my bed,
If she rolls over, I'll be dead,
I tried to think of a good excuse,
For me to turn this cow loose.

Not trying to sound really mean,
But she was the biggest I have seen,
If she had an appetite,
No telling what she would bite.

A girl so big she had her own zip code,
Now here she was in my abode,
No way could I have fun,
With a girl who outweighed me three to one.

Just a warning from me to you,
Be careful what you go and do,
Because if you think you're seeing double,
You just might be in really big trouble.


This is ugly and mean BUT I could not help LOL
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MadMartigan
In other words, stuff myself full of food, be lazy, and eventually cost the taxpayer shit loads of money when I go to the ER for miserably poor health and a heart attack.

The human frame: bones, organs, etc, was not built to have that much body mass.

Exactly! It should be illegal to do that to yourself purposely! If you're not on my dollar, have at it!

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by Sandrita48

This is ugly and mean BUT I could not help LOL

Yeah, that seems to be the popular response to that one is just so wrong, but people can't help but laugh...

Where I was living at the time I wrote that, I used to get requests to read it out loud rather often...a couple of people would bring friends around just to hear it and stuff...seems most people laughed until they had tears in their eyes...

It was almost a bit embarrassing though, especially when someone would bring someone really heavy well...nobody seemed to care about anything else I wrote at the time btw...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini

Yeah, that seems to be the popular response to that one is just so wrong, but people can't help but laugh...

Where I was living at the time I wrote that, I used to get requests to read it out loud rather often...a couple of people would bring friends around just to hear it and stuff...seems most people laughed until they had tears in their eyes...

It was almost a bit embarrassing though, especially when someone would bring someone really heavy well...nobody seemed to care about anything else I wrote at the time btw...

Active Ink Slinger
This left me speechless! Why on earth would she want to do this to her self. It is a very slow suicide and it is very sad! I feel very sorry for the man who she is with because he can't be thinking good things of her at this moment! And her poor kids when she has the heart attack that kills her she will leave her kids without a mother and that is a very selfish thing to do! This just makes me sick to even think about!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
all I'm reading here is a bunch of ugly hatred.

that's my opinion.

unpopular as it may be.

what is the woman was anorexic or bulimic?

would you all make fun of her then?

she's still a human being with thoughts and feelings.

she's not an object .

this is disturbing to read..

you can lose your house , your job, your health your loved ones your spouse

your looks your money at anytime for any reason

knows it does NOT pertain to HER BUT just saying.

just saying...

I don't care if I'm hated as well for my opinion.

Yes I know it's her health and her decision.

makes me wonder if any of you were teased meanly when you were young or not.

Active Ink Slinger
My thing is about this is she is a mother and what is doing to herself will eventually one day leave those kids without a mother! She isn't healthy at that weight and she could have a heart attack or a stroke and leave those kids with a mom! I don't know weather she thinking of that or not! Why would you want to do that to yourself! I am not skinny but i would not put myself in the position this woman is! As a mom I am not going to leave my son motherless because of my weight!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible
Obviously she does not feel good about herself..

maybe the kids should be in the care of a loved one..

She is not well obviously.

I think she must be hurting a lot, having stopped caring long ago.

If she is trying to kill herself, I am sure there are faster ways

The weight isn't the issue with me, it's her state of mind which is obviously distressed.......

If her state of mind was better, she might not be that size and actually care for herself.

None of us actually knows how she TRULY feels.

My INFP personality speaking out here...

If she only weighed 350 or 300 pounds would she still be hated on as much? Just curious....

(Mods-edit if you need to.)
Active Ink Slinger
I don't hate her as a person I hate what she is doing to herself!
Believe in yourself and all things are possible