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M.I.A.'s new video

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Bye bye everybody! I'm not allowed to play anymore
Oh Rocco, this song reminds me of a little piece of Dave Chappelle’s stand up - “Killing Them Softly.” [1:10] Hope you guys enjoy this little bit of humor on an otherwise very serious subject.

Video below, for some reason I can’t write and post a video at the same time…
Quote by Loislane
okay I hate to start this off again but I was reading the daily mail and this came up and it is relevant -sickening

What's the big deal? So some criminals got stomped and subjected to racist treatment.

Our ancestors probably got kicked in the head too when they came in legally- which made the brain injury more special- they earned it. What makes getting kicked in the head now worse than getting kicked in the head 200 years ago when everyone respected authority and meant well?

Ok, now damn… I’m actually crying right now, just thinking about what that poor HUMAN BEING went trough – and what an, “are you ok?” Makes it all better?

Why do you guys think that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being followed now, all of his arrest are now being filmed, too many complaints about abuse of power, but since the only ones getting it are the low life immigrants no one is doing a fucking thing about it.

And the hits just keep coming. Bad news, kids and parents of Dora the Explorer fans. Looks like she was stopped in Phoenix without her papers. Chau, Dora!

And Az threatened to turn out the lights on LA.(25%) It just doesn't get any better than the shit people can come up with here. Eh?
I guess I’m starting to see why the ignorant people hate us Latinos. I’ve been to 6 graduations so far, 90% Latinos. Valedictorians have all been Latinos - and I have also been to 8 scholarship ceremonies. 98% Latinos there. There’s the future of America…. I would be worried too.
I'm putting my money on the Asians to be the next to be driven out of town lol. American kids can't even get basic arithmetic done correctly haha. Asians gonna take over the US and LadyX will be their leader on a pole hehe.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by chefkathleen
And Az threatened to turn out the lights on LA.(25%) It just doesn't get any better than the shit people can come up with here. Eh?

Just looked that up, lol. I sense a little frustration, especially after the president didn't back them up on that law. Part of me hopes everyone that talks about it, goes through with the boycotts. They can't turn the power off on everybody, but they can make a stink so bad that nobody wants to touch them with a 10-foot pole.

I guess nobody should be surprised- I read that Arizona had to basically be forced to observe MLK day.
Awesome state, guys. Tell Sarah Palin I said hi when she's down there again.
Yes paint that’s exactly how I see it… “Let’s get rid of everyone who makes us look bad - but first lets dehumanizes them and make them seem like worthless pieces of trash.” Their all nothing but criminals who come here and mooch off us, never mind that most of them pay their taxes and contribute to this great land. Lets just keep saying “we have nothing against “LEGAL” immigrants" - but let’s target them anyways so they’ll leave too…

Quote by LadyX
Quote by chefkathleen
And Az threatened to turn out the lights on LA.(25%) It just doesn't get any better than the shit people can come up with here. Eh?

Just looked that up, lol. I sense a little frustration, especially after the president didn't back them up on that law. Part of me hopes everyone that talks about it, goes through with the boycotts. They can't turn the power off on everybody, but they can make a stink so bad that nobody wants to touch them with a 10-foot pole.

I guess nobody should be surprised- I read that Arizona had to basically be forced to observe MLK day.
Awesome state, guys. Tell Sarah Palin I said hi when she's down there again.

George Lopez said that would be the best way to get rid of Latinos (or maybe he said mexicans) in the US. Elect Sarah Palin in 2012
Oh speaking about MLK day, Xuani… They have now cut out of the curriculum “World History” the kids shall now ONLY study History that the US was part of - because we all know that if the US wasn’t involved it’s NOT really history. Right?
Quote by chefkathleen
George Lopez said that would be the best way to get rid of Latinos (or maybe he said mexicans) in the US. Elect Sarah Palin in 2012

Will you be voting for her Chef? I hear she want’s to run, she didn’t embarrass herself enough this last election.
But hey, she reads all of them newspapers so I'm sure she'll do just fine in the 2012 elections.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by thepainter
But hey, she reads all of them newspapers so I'm sure she'll do just fine in the 2012 elections.

You ’betcha!
On a related note, that lesbian threesome scene in "Nailin' Paylin" was pretty good stuff.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
I heard on the radio that they are trying to do the same kinds of things to the textbooks here too. They don't want kids to think the founding fathers didn't want us all to be christian, or that other cultures matter, or anybody in our history made any mistakes. America, fuck ya!

Seriously, whats the difference between Palin and the governor now? I don't think they can do much more to demonstrate that they are governing for bigoted whites, making them feel like roving bands of dangerous latinos will vandalize their cookie cutter houses and chevy tahoes, and dangling a drug war in front of them as a scare tactic. Anyone remember the last time something terrible was used to scare us into laws that were fucked up? I bet you do.
Quote by thepainter
I'm putting my money on the Asians to be the next to be driven out of town lol. American kids can't even get basic arithmetic done correctly haha. Asians gonna take over the US and LadyX will be their leader on a pole hehe.

Most likely the Chinese will take over the world and that is because at this point in their history they have the drive to succeed and dominate, a strong belief in themselves, a powerful military and a willingness to work hard. Due to the nature of my work I have worked with many people from Asia, Vietnam, China, Japan, India and the Philippines. I seriously doubt that they are next on anyones list who have any chance of carrying out a vendetta. Asians, like Latinos are making great contributions to our country.

Asians are not a homogeneous group. Japaneses Americans are Americans for example, they have more in common with me than with citizens of Japan. I have a friend from Brazil whose speaks Portuguese and English. Her ancestors immigrated from Japan. She holds a PHD from a prestigious American university. At one time she had a roommate from Japan who told her she was not Japanese. Ethnocentrism anyone! The point is that in matters of race nothing is simple. Are we defined by our genes? By our culture? By our religion? How do we fit into the human mosaic? It is Complicated, complicated, complicated! We make a mistake when we label people without knowing anything about them.

Right now the problem with the Arizona law is that the Federal government has refused to address the problems of border security, immigration reform and citizenship paths for the millions already here.
Don't forget that Asia is the biggest continent, countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates are also part of that continent.
Of course there are many differences but even within a "culture" there are differences so really, what would be a good "category" to tag people with? That they're all human beings sure, but that takes the fun out of generalizing.

Just like Americans are not the same, even though us Europeans like to think/joke that you guys are.

I always laugh out loud when Americans tell me that they're European. Oh, I'm Irish/Italian/etc. just because their forefathers came from those country many years/decades ago. Guess what. It's the nationality in your passport that determines where you're from.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by LushPrincess
I guess I’m starting to see why the ignorant people hate us Latinos. I’ve been to 6 graduations so far, 90% Latinos. Valedictorians have all been Latinos - and I have also been to 8 scholarship ceremonies. 98% Latinos there. There’s the future of America…. I would be worried too.

Yep, seems stupid to alienate all these people the way some are doing, both with this law and with comments. Things are changing, and they aren't going back the way they were, even though I'm sure it was MUCH better before, just ask everyone that's bitter about it ;). More and more are going to be voting, and that's not just Latinos but also young people. For some reason, I don't see this kind of bullshit standing up over the long haul, and that goes for a lot of laws.

I didn't vote in the Obama election- I was old enough by two months but I was a dumbass. Seeing all the shit going on, paying attention, I won't ever miss another one as long as I live.
oh, and Texas just adopted the conservative changes to the textbooks. Fuck this state too, I hope to take as much money as possible from it and its people before leaving.
Quote by LadyX
I heard on the radio that they are trying to do the same kinds of things to the textbooks here too. They don't want kids to think the founding fathers didn't want us all to be christian, or that other cultures matter, or anybody in our history made any mistakes. America, fuck ya!

Seriously, whats the difference between Palin and the governor now? I don't think they can do much more to demonstrate that they are governing for bigoted whites, making them feel like roving bands of dangerous latinos will vandalize their cookie cutter houses and chevy tahoes, and dangling a drug war in front of them as a scare tactic. Anyone remember the last time something terrible was used to scare us into laws that were fucked up? I bet you do.

Generally, I agree with you. You are often right on, sometimes I learn something, that is why I respect what you have to say and like you a lot. In this case only partially.

Many groups have an interest in what goes in textbooks, they are religious groups, ethnic groups, political groups, environment groups, pro American groups, anti American groups and on and on. The problem is we are a culture at war where every side has an agenda and no tolerance for any one. The text book fights are a symptom. When it comes to bigotry and racism it is unfair to place the blame solely on White people. In LA it is more Blacks vs Latinos for example. The Japanese have little love for the Chinese. There is plenty of hate to go around and not one group is exempt or guilt free.

Given the majority of Anglos are not racist pigs, is it my suggestion that the better approach, rather than pit one group against the other, is to advocate for a position and put pressure on the Congress to do their job as defined by the Constitution. There are millions of Hispanic Americans who don't want this controversy to get out of hand any more than I do.

I have a cookie cutter house, an expensive one but a track home nonetheless. The demographic in my neighborhood is made up of Anglos, Blacks, Mexican-Americans, Asians, Native Americans and a few others. We live in a multicultural society, White dominance does not exist where I live. I drive a Hybrid SUV, my Mexican-American neighbor is the one with the big SUV.
Quote by thepainter

I always laugh out loud when Americans tell me that they're European. Oh, I'm Irish/Italian/etc. just because their forefathers came from those country many years/decades ago. Guess what. It's the nationality in your passport that determines where you're from.

What you see is the process of acculturation ending with the common identity of American taking primacy over ancestral heritage. The first generation speaks the language and their connection to the "mother country" is very real. Each succeeding generation loses some of that but often groups will maintain some of that identity thus the preponderance of ehtnic-American clubs and associations. Sometimes a particular ethnic cultural aspect such as Cinco De Mayo will go mainstream. That particular Mexican holiday is now mainstream. You can find Cico De Mayo parties in Maine of all places. The US is a dynamic place with all its issues I would live no where else. Well, maybe Japan or Australian but I would return home.
Kyle, are you a teacher?
No offense but for me most of the points raised by you are pretty much givens. Quite possibly I come across like some dumb European hick, which is fine, but I'm not here to have intelligent/serious indepth conversations about the rights and wrongs about the world we live in. I guess you won't respect me for acting like this but since I have to be at my most intelligent at work I just use lush to blow off some steam.

But if you want to humor me, riddle the following please. Plenty of Americans are against government interference/meddling with affairs. Now I'm with you that the US government should've done something or should do something about the border/illegal immigration issue but while many intelligent, articulated Americans would applaud this there will also be a significant amount of people who will revolt against yet another government meddling.

'God' bless America for being an eventful, stirring multicultural meltpot.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.