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M.I.A.'s new video

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Trimble, it’s interesting reading your comments first of all thanks for taking pride in your work and for looking past an individuals color or heritage.

I was in the store this morning and this Caucasian lady came strolling in with the hugest smile on her face, she was glowing. The cashier then asked her why she was so happy, mind you this lady was at a Latino supermarket - the cashier was also Latina. She said “I just did my good deed for the day.” The cashier obviously intrigued by her vague answer and whit a huge smile on her face asked her what the deed had been. She came back with, “I stopped by homedepot picked up 3 of them dirty Mexicans and drove them directly to the Sheriff’s office.”

Her response outraged me, I wanted to jump on her ass and just tear her to pieces; but I decided to swallow my pride and walk away. Is what this lady did any worse than what Joe Arpaio is doing? His “crime suppression” sprees are nothing but round ups; yet he claims he doesn’t profile. Then why is it that he’s only capturing Mexicans? , murderers, robbers are all safe as long as they aren’t Latino in Arizona.

This is definitely the United States of America that we know and love… The land of opportunity, a land that was built by immigrants whether you agree or not.
Quote by Trimble
Quote by LadyX
Quote by chefkathleen
how many members does Al Qeada have? Maybe a thousand? And you want to restrict the rights of one billion people because of one thousand who base their beliefs on some parts of the Musllim religion? That's like me wanting to restrict the rights of all Christians because a cult in the Detroit area planned to topple the government on instructions from God. It makes no sense.

Nope that's not what I said.

If you're not talking about running over the rights of Muslims, then what is the small faction of people you referred to disregarding the civil rights concerns of?

Quote by chefkathleen
I will not let some small faction of people cry about their civil rights being violated and take the chance that 3000 more people will be killed because of it

-waits for answer to that one-

And make no mistake, this is the politics of fear. Illegal immigration has been trending down steadily for several years now, and Bush tightened the screws on roundups and raids, which Obama has continued, plus got the wall built, which is nearing completion now.

So this 'crisis' is arguably less of one than it has been any time this decade. What many in Arizona want is the satisfaction of rounding them up and sending them back, then their sense of law and order will be stroked, which has little relationship with the actual 'danger' that you hear mentioned with regard to crime and illegal immigrants.

The truth is, this state has a long history of transplants and snowbirds who have never been comfortable with Mexicans or their culture, which makes them susceptible to fearmongering disguised as other things. This is what's rearing it's head again, in addition to the problems of having residents that are off the grid.

So much for saying my peace before.

As many times as it takes for people to pay attention. There are probably a billion muslims in the world. Do they all want to kill us because we don't believe the way they do? I hope not but, in the meantime there is a sect of them that do and I will not let some small faction of people cry about their civil rights being violated and take the chance that 3000 more people will be killed because of it.

Here's your answer to that one. Just take your time and read the post. It doesn't have anything to do with mexicans.
And for the wall. It ends. What's to stop them from going to the end and walking round the side?
Listen, seriously, I don't live there. Couldn't pay me to. Too hot. So I couldn't care less but, evidently the citizens think there's a problem that's not getting fixed. Seems everyone is just paying lip service to the majority of the public that wants something done and all everyone can do is say but we, the smaller amount of people, want them all to come in anytime they want to. Well it's not working. At least someone is trying to do something. If that doesn't work, something else will be tried. It's a beginning. All you have to do is look at history and you'll see that things start slowly and eventually get fixed. BUT you have to start somewhere instead of complaining and being part of the problem, come up with suggestions toward a solution.
The land of opportunity, a land that was built by immigrants whether you agree or not.

I do agree. My ancestors were part of it. They just came in legally. Doesn't mean they weren't shit on or had a hard time of it. Doesn't mean they didn't have people stealing their land from them in their homeland. Doesn't mean they weren't discriminated against.
BTW, I have been asked for my papers in other countries based on what I look like. How you handle it is you keep your mouth shut and hand them over. Simple as that.
Quote by chefkathleen

As many times as it takes for people to pay attention. There are probably a billion muslims in the world. Do they all want to kill us because we don't believe the way they do? I hope not but, in the meantime there is a sect of them that do and I will not let some small faction of people cry about their civil rights being violated and take the chance that 3000 more people will be killed because of it.

Here's your answer to that one. Just take your time and read the post. It doesn't have anything to do with mexicans.

Well I guess that settles that: you're talking about discriminating and stripping rights based on religion- but then you already said that you were in favor of that.

How you justify that based on the actions of a few crazy people- which come in all religions- is your business I guess. I could never imagine knowing that I was being prejudiced against a religion or race and then being okay with it.

By the way, I don't have a problem with 9/11 being talked about, but the way it gets trotted out for political gain gets really old, is bullshit, and isn't fair to the memory of everyone that died, including your friends. It was a tragedy, we shouldn't forget it, but it's not something to threaten everyone with happening again if we don't go along with whatever racist idea people have next.

Quote by chefkathleen
BUT you have to start somewhere instead of complaining and being part of the problem, come up with suggestions toward a solution

That only seems smart to you because apparently the law itself sounds like a reasonable idea to you, and the others that agree with it. To those that see it as racial profiling and un-American, there couldn't be a dumber idea than to start for the sake of starting. Get it right- don't do something just because the majority, which proves to have a collective dumbass opinion as often as not, thinks its a good idea.

I think there are people more qualified than a 19 year old dancer to come up with solutions- though I do think about it. Obviously, the majority of lawmakers thought this was the best they could do, and then if the courts don't stop it, we get it crammed down our throats. That seems worthy of bitching loud and hard to me. Someone on the radio said "well, it's law now, so shut up about it"- Unh uh. Now's the time to scream from the rooftops. Being law doesn't justify anything.
Where I live there are Mexican, Russian and Chinese illegal immigrants. I find it hard to believe that the cops are going to be able to take a quick glance at a person driving by and go "Hey look! That guy is an illegal!"

If a cop is awesome enough to pick out the illegals based on looks alone then why can't they just pick out the wife beaters, thieves, drug dealers, tax evaders etc. as well? They can't because people come in all shapes and sizes, including illegal immigrants.
Quote by chefkathleen

Here's your answer to that one. Just take your time and read the post. It doesn't have anything to do with mexicans.

I took my time, read your posts, and figured out that you encourage profiling of Muslims and aren't sensitive to their rights versus other citizens and residents. Wow. I won't even bother to make the point again about how few potential terrorists there are, that happen to be Muslim, versus peaceful law-abiding Muslims. I'll just shake my head and hope that you're actually well aware of the fact that almost every Muslim, just like most people, regardless of religion, has no interest in harming or killing others, American or otherwise (since you merely said that you hoped this was the case). To reduce this to a way of faith is reductionist and dishonest, but at least you aren't alone.

Quote by chefkathleen
Seems everyone is just paying lip service to the majority of the public that wants something done and all everyone can do is say but we, the smaller amount of people, want them all to come in anytime they want to.

That's a gross mischaracterization of those who don't agree with the "Mexican roundup law". You won't find many voters here, or anywhere, who truly think that no immigration reform whatsoever is needed, either short term or long term. Even those with that education-bred tolerance that you mentioned know that something's got to be done. But doing just anything isn't good enough. Alas, we might be stuck with this new law, and from there we go.

Quote by Magical_felix
Where I live there are Mexican, Russian and Chinese illegal immigrants. I find it hard to believe that the cops are going to be able to take a quick glance at a person driving by and go "Hey look! That guy is an illegal!"

If a cop is awesome enough to pick out the illegals based on looks alone then why can't they just pick out the wife beaters, thieves, drug dealers, tax evaders etc. as well? They can't because people come in all shapes and sizes, including illegal immigrants.

Well said, man. This logic seems so clear. I look forward to meeting the man on our police force that can magically pluck them out of traffic every time.
I live in the American southwest, in New Mexico and lived many years in Southern California. I like Mexicans, they are good people even the illegals. It is not hard to sympathize with poor people whose only hope is in El Norte. Some have walked all the way from Mexico City and Central America to come here. I respect that effort, it should be worth a green card. If I were in their shoes I would be doing the same thing. We should look at them as economic refugees, not illegals.

What I don't like is uncontrolled illegal immigration, borders where crime and drugs accompanied by violence flows freely and corrupt racist lying Democrats and Republicans who use the suffering of others for political gain by playing race cards, pitting racial group against racial group, ignoring the chaos at the border, favoring and allowing the exploitation of people for cheap labor who have no protection from our labor laws. I will not hold illegals responsible for the failure of the political class or make them scapegoats for our problems.

You know who is even more responsible than the political class? If you are an American, go look in the mirror, that is who. You are the ones who elect morons over and over because they promise you a society where you don't have to take care of yourself. Many have given up freedom and individual responsibility in exchange for being wards (and property) of the state. My fellow Americans you have been deceived, by the President on down and a propagandist media, sadly you just don't know it … yet.
Quote by LushPrincess
I agree with you Lois, if this world were different we would all be in our native countries surrounded by family and friends. [sighs] If only…

I'd like to kick your idea up a notch. (And congratulations to your courageous father) Rice and beans are fabulous when you are working your way up, I should know.

If we didn't place race, religion, politics culture and ethnicity as our primary identity we would all be better off. When we do that we place ourselves in segregation, racial identity politics builds walls between people and it makes me a X and you a Y, when in reality we are human beings with difference of skin color or eye color or body shape and facial structure or taste in food or sexual orientation or or or or whatever. I don't want to be a X to your Y, I would rather be your friend. I would rather see you as someone I smile at than a Y. I would rather you saw me a someone who cares and not a X.

People go to war, , murder and pillage over anything and everything, drugs, oil, religion, ethnicity, race, land, greed, Helen of Troy, iPods, and expensive shoes on the mean streets of US cites. There are lots of reasons for violence but the top reasons are religious, racial, political, ethnicity and cultural. It is when the Xs see the Ys as different and there is only enough for one and sharing is not an option.

The roots of violence are deep and hatred is not easy to control if it can be at all. I believe that without a spiritual (not religious) transformation of our species violence and hate will rule day after day. We as individuals have to change and see each other in ways violence would not be an option.

Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are not the exclusive possession of any one race or religion.
Mohandas Gandhi
I have a few points to make which I couldn't do last night as I was a wee bit drunk.
I get racially profiled all the time here. Every time I have to go somewhere in Europe I need to go waste a day getting a visa and provide all kind of documentation to prove it. I have been prevented from boarding a plane until they called the embassy to make sure I wasn't some kind of- I don't know what. I've been harrased by the Spanish guarda because I was the only non European at an airport which left me trembling because he was grabbing his gun revelling in his power. And it isn't a great feeling believe me. I have friends who are Indian who have been stopped and searched at airports because American airport staff thought they were muslims. Not to mention that I get labelled as a racist because I'm a white South African. I have to continue fighting against being labeled all my life when it would just be easier to fall in and prove them right and be a racist.

Moving to another country is a big thing. You have to make new friends and effectively start your life over which isn't made easy when you are profiled,hated and feared because of your race,religion etc
Um, is this or was this a good thread gone bad?
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Pixie
Um, is this or was this a good thread gone bad?

I don't think it has gone bad, do you? It's good to talk about something like this for a change- penis sizes and stupid cat joke threads get boring after a while. If somebody flips out, that's on them, we are all adults here. Either way, nobody has yet.
Quote by Kyle
I live in the American southwest, in New Mexico and lived many years in Southern California. I like Mexicans, they are good people even the illegals. It is not hard to sympathize with poor people whose only hope is in El Norte. Some have walked all the way from Mexico City and Central America to come here. I respect that effort, it should be worth a green card. If I were in their shoes I would be doing the same thing. We should look at them as economic refugees, not illegals.

Bingo! We can judge and race-bait and demonize all we want, but they don't come here to screw the government and be criminals, they come here to save their lives and give their family a shot at a future. They can't reasonably get here legally, they are refugees. We would all do the same thing, unless poverty and oppression were things we enjoyed.

Criminals? Not quite.

And you are right on Kyle with the comment on conflict based on race and religion- profiling and selectively respecting freedom of certain groups only brings out the worst in people.
Quote by LadyX
Quote by Pixie
Um, is this or was this a good thread gone bad?

I don't think it has gone bad, do you? It's good to talk about something like this for a change- penis sizes and stupid cat joke threads get boring after a while. If somebody flips out, that's on them, we are all adults here. Either way, nobody has yet.

I completely agree with her on this Pixie. We thought the vid was about one thing and started talking about it. Turns out it was about another but, we still had a good discussion and not that first person mentioned a penis, a drink or doing a family member.
Ok, my bad. I just kind of peeked in here and thought....well the worse obviously. LOL Carry on with the good discussion!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I think we've about exhausted the thing. I think as adults we agree to disagree.
Yes Chef for once we agree.

Thank you everybody for giving us your point of view and for keeping this discussion clean and respectful. This is just one of those topics that has so many sides and views it’s almost impossible to agree. Again, thank you Lushies!
for a lighter note, also posted the video last Friday with the warning to the Ginger hairs

M.I.A - Born Free <<
Do you have ginger hair? There's a new hater in
town, she's called M.I.A and she really, really
loathes your red-haired brethren.
I have seen about a 1/4 of this video and that was enough for me. Like a lushy Author once said why do I keep seeing thing's that I don't need to see.
To me this video could have been targeted about anyone, blondes, black hair etc you get my point.
The larger issue is that people world wide have been targeted for the same reason- for being different!
Returning to the video for a moment, it's got a lot of symbolism in it that relates to profiling/racial violence of any type. There's the obvious ginger theme, bur did anyone else notice that the facecloths the street fighters wore looked a lot like the Palestinian keffiyeh (sp?), or that the rounding up of the young males is reminiscent of the massacre at Srebrenica. I won't bother to go on with the imagery, except to say that it's also reminiscent of rounding up Mexicans at the Home Depot and delivering them to the Sheriff.

Which in turn, I suppose, is rather a lot like picking on about 1/4 of the world's population (that'd be the 22% of the globe that's Muslim) simply because a couple dozen of them happened to be retards with boxcutters. Should we punish entire groups of people because a couple of them did bad things to the US?

Let's see where this will take us:
-LA's Hillside Stranglers were Italian... better toss out all the WOPs.
-Ted Bundy was a law student... better lock up the lawyers. OK, maybe that's not a half-bad idea, actually.
-Jeffrey Dahmer dropped out of college... so let's get rid of the dropouts. Fuck, I'm screwe; or maybe I`m OK cause I went back and finished up years later.
-John Wayne Gacy was molested as a little boy, so let's do something about all those victims of child sexual abuse. They're Killer Clowns in waiting, you know.
-Timothy McVeigh once said, "Science is my religion." Should we keep scientists away from federal buildings? Or is it OK, cause you know... he was a white guy.

"Let's start somewhere" is the most bullshit ridiculous defence of the Arizona laws that I can imagine. `Let`s start somehere"? really? You can't come up with any better defence of this affront to human dignity than "Well, at least it's something." Fucking nuclear weapons are something, too. Maybe you should just go straight to the source and blow up fucking Mexico.

You know someone needs to make the comparison, so here goes: I wonder if, 60 years from now, historians will look back at the Arizona Immigration Laws as the 32st century's Nürnberg Citizenship Laws.
Quote by Jebru The Phoenix Suns are making a statement against the new law during their next playoff game. I think this is a cool idea, especially for a team whose star player, Steve Nash, is an immigrant himself.

Wow, imagine the ID check line to get into their arena, lol.

Of course, people with enough money for NBA playoff tickets couldn't possibly be illegal, right? So, no reasonable suspicion to stop anyone I guess. Then again, why should we care if the police want to see our ID's right?

Just because Nazis and other countries with serious civil right violations do it doesn't mean we shouldn't in this country, I suppose.

"Give us your tired, your scrap that- give us your college-degreed professionals with other middle income relatives already here and naturalized. Otherwise, adios amigos!"
Quote by Pookie

"Let's start somewhere" is the most bullshit ridiculous defence of the Arizona laws that I can imagine. `Let`s start somehere"? really? You can't come up with any better defence of this affront to human dignity than "Well, at least it's something." Fucking nuclear weapons are something, too. Maybe you should just go straight to the source and blow up fucking Mexico.

Let's not give anyone any crazy ideas now...
I’m just glad the Governor Jan Brewer promised there would be no racial profiling, and that this is what it's best for Arizona.

Students pose as cops, demand immigration papers.

Man arrested for shooting, killing his neighbor in Phoenix.

There have always been and there always will be racist all over the world, but SB1070 makes them feel like the law is in their favor. They feel like heroes for helping out their community get rid of all the “Illegal Immigrants” who happen to be Latinos.
There have always been and there always will be racist all over the world, but SB1070 makes them feel like the law is in their favor. They feel like heroes for helping out their community get rid of all the “Illegal Immigrants” who happen to be Latinos.

Federal law already requires legal immigrants to carry proof of their status at all times.

Which reminds me. Why are latinos more important than the other immigrants that are waiting on citizenship to this country? Many people are coming from nations poorer than mexico, suffering from political and/or religious persecution then trying to get through all the immigration policies only to see politicians on both sides give the promise of amnesty to people that jumped the border and the line. What about them? People from Africa, South Asia, etc.?
Why are we more important? Look at the news; it’s not JUST Latinos out demanding their legal rights. There are Africans, Asians, and many other minorities. Federal law requires “legal” immigrants to carry their cards with them at all times – ok. What about the Latinos that were born here and now have to carry around their birth certificates or else they could end up in jail. An Arizona issued state ID is not enough anymore.

We are not only fighting for us, but for every other hard working immigrant in the US… Please don’t put words in my mouth Chef, that’s not nice.

The main reason I’m stating that the Latino community is being profiled is because that is precisely what is happening. They are hunting Mexicans Chef, rounding them up like animals and shoving them in a cage. I’ve had four cousins arrested last week, and two yesterday. All legal, US born and raised… They had ID and their social security cards but they took them in anyways, they speak broken English. My aunt had to take all of their paper work down to the Sheriff’s office to have them released.
Quote by chefkathleen
There have always been and there always will be racist all over the world, but SB1070 makes them feel like the law is in their favor. They feel like heroes for helping out their community get rid of all the “Illegal Immigrants” who happen to be Latinos.

Federal law already requires legal immigrants to carry proof of their status at all times.

Which reminds me. Why are latinos more important than the other immigrants that are waiting on citizenship to this country? Many people are coming from nations poorer than mexico, suffering from political and/or religious persecution then trying to get through all the immigration policies only to see politicians on both sides give the promise of amnesty to people that jumped the border and the line. What about them? People from Africa, South Asia, etc.?

What about caucasians who are born in the United States, being asked to present their identification upon demand, by an officer of the peace? That's the next fcking step, in my opinion, and one I have experienced at three separate instances in my adult life, in two major America cities.

In all three cases, I argued against producing my state driver's license, and informed the officers who were being intimidating motherfuckers, to kindly go fuck themselves before they escalated each non-issue into a civil rights case against their police department.

If it hasn't happened to you yet, believe me...It is just a matter of time, before it does.

When we fail to stand up for those who are being racially discriminated against, we are part of the problem, and simply inviting our own civil rights to be trampled in the future.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Yeah I've been asked for my drivers license too. So I produce it, hand it over, take the ticket and go about my business. End of story.
We are not only fighting for us, but for every other hard working immigrant in the US… Please don’t put words in my mouth Chef, that’s not nice

And where did you see that I did that? I didn't.
Quote by chefkathleen
Yeah I've been asked for my drivers license too. So I produce it, hand it over, take the ticket and go about my business. End of story.

Chef what you described is a traffic violation, nothing to do with what we are discussing.
I apologize Chef, I thought that by this

Why are latinos more important than the other immigrants that are waiting on citizenship to this country

you implied that I thought Latinos were more important. My mistake…